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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » AOL Problems

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Author Topic: AOL Problems
Robert Thomas
Member # 1356

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Does aol kick you off line? I'll be typing a post, Click the "do you want to continue to stay online" button that pops up, then five minutes later I get kicked off, it says due to inactivaty! I left comments in aol's messase center, then called tech, thay don't know anything. I'm so sick of it I downloaded MSN, don't like it as much but it's a free trial.

Robert Thomas Creative Signs In Beautiful Naples, Fl.

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Don Hulsey

Member # 128

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At least it gives you a warning. I have aol and quite often it just blips out and I go back to wallpaper. Annoying as hell. My problem is I have family that lives away from here and the instant messages are really handy. That is the only reason I have stayed with aol. Usually though, when it kicks me out, I really should be doing something else anyway. heh heh

Don Hulsey
Strokes by DON signs
Utica, KY

I've always been crazy... but it's kept me from going insane.

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Mark Matyjakowski
Member # 294

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When the "do you want to stay online" button comes up ...... click yes

Pierrepont by day.
SlamGrafyx for play.
Rochester, N.Y.

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Adrienne Pereira
Member # 1046

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HA! the problem is........

A O L!!!!!!! or as I refer to it:

After 2 yrs of thier *#@% I kicked THEM offline and went with a local server.
Connection problems, kickoffs without warnings, warnings hidden behind what I was doing, ENDLESS PORNO spam, junk mail and the final blow was when I followed THEIR invitation to find another dial up number to connect (I was having a terrible time connecting to the local toll free one I had) they first ask you to put in your area code, then they give you choices of numbers to call, I picked Napa which was the next town over, I connected beautifully,with no waiting and rarely a kickoff......a month later I get my phone bill........over 500 dollars!!!!!!!!! Seems that # they gave me was a toll call and I had logged on over 8,000 minutes that month.
They took absolutly NO responsibility for thier mistake, and I do blame them partially as there wasn't (at that time) a warning to check to see if that number was indeed a toll call, there is that warning NOW.
The phone co discounted me a small amount, but I had to pay the rest.
That's ALL I want to do with them again!

Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Rainkatt' on mirc chat

A PROUD sponsor of this amazing site...U can B 2!! www.letterheads.com/supporters
"If it wasn't for signs, you wouldn't know where you were!!"

836 B Southampton rd
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Wayne Webb

Member # 1124

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Another former AOL user here. We also got kicked offline frequently. We now use Digital Express. Local access#, no more porno spam, no more mailbox full of junk. I can leave it running all day if I want and rarely ever get disconnected. I pay by the year and it's about 12 or 13 bucks a month!

Wayne Webb
Webb Sign Studio,Inc.
Blastin' "woodesigns" in The Sunshine State
"autograph your work with excellence"

[This message has been edited by Wayne Webb (edited May 01, 2000).]

Posts: 7404 | From: Chipley,Florida,United States | Registered: Oct 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Daniel Craig
Member # 971

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Some AOL tips:

First, I agree with everyone else. Get an ISP with a local number; cable modem of DSL if you can get your hands on it. Then, if you wish to keep AOL, go to keyword:byoa, that's Bring Your Own Access. If you only link to AOL using your other ISP, then AOL only costs $9.95/month.

Next, if you keep getting the timeout messages, you could try going into a private room. Inactivity messages don't seem to pop up as often, when you're in a chat room.

Also, in your AOL modem setup, make sure you have used the option to disable call waiting. I hate call waiting with a passion.

Daniel Craig
Greensboro, NC

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Mike Languein
Member # 319

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I am definitely an AOL basher. The only reason I'm using it is -- this isn't my computer. I hate the dirty bastards!

"If it isn't fun, why do it?"
Mike Languein
Doctor of Letters

You know what BS is, MS is More of the Same, and it's Piled Higher and Deeper here

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Louis A Lazarus
Member # 763

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There are several programs which "ping" the line to fake out AOL. The one I use is called Rasputin but there are others available. That's all you need and you'll never be kicked off again. We can leave ours on AOL all day and all night...if we want and it never gets kicked off.

Louis A. Lazarus
Milt's Sign Service, Inc.
20 So. Linden Ave. #5B

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