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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » Drawing Tablets...any good?

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Bob Rochon

Member # 30

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I'm thinking of buying a drawing tablet, JUst figured I ask others who may have them of the pro's and con's. Also what specs are the best? Thanks in advance.

Bob Rochon
Creative Signworks
Millbury, MA

"Some people's kids"

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Member # 373

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I've had a wacom 6X9 for a couple years now and love it. once you get used to it its a great tool. just dont lay the pen on the tablet and try to use the mouse, the cursor will do some crazy things and you wouldnt realise its the pen doing it, kinda like feedback

Rick Kubicki aka R1campr
Columbus Ohio

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Dan Sawatzky

Member # 88

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I've had a Wacom 12 X 12 for a couple of years. I also use a program called Painter 5 (version 6 is now out). I still do a qick sketch on paper and then scan that in and work the rest of the way on the computer. It is better and faster than drawing on paper. Changes to my drawings are way easier too.

Drawing with a pad is a little tricky to learn as you get used to drawing in one place and looking in another. After a couple of hours it is no sweat. Combined with keyboard shortcuts it is way faster than any other way.

Drawing with a pad and pen is just like the real thing. Drawing with a mouse is like using a bar of soap in comparison to using a real pen on paper.

I also have a small pad (5X7) which i use with my lap top computer. spend the extra and buy a big one. No comparison.

Above all have fun!


Dan Sawatzky
Sawatzky's Imagination Corporation
Cultus Lake , British Columbia

"Isn't it great to do what you love and love what you do!"

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Adrienne Pereira
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I'm glad someone brought this up, I want to get one soon, but have no idea what it's like to use.
Any ideas on what this should cost?

Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
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Sarah Clark

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Ive been thinking of getting one too and same problem of not sure what to get. So what size is best without getting into the hugh expensive ones? What about USB? Can you use your serial mouse ok if you have a USB one?

S. Clark
Clark Signs (retired)
Compton, Arkansas

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Member # 778

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i bought one but admit that I don't use it enough to get used to it. It has good points but after so many years with the mouse - it is tough

David Allen
Wizard Signs - It's a kind of magic!
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Chris Elliott

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I'm using a Wacom intuos 6x8 w/UCB (paid about $330 at CompUSA) and really like it. Kinda wish I'd have bought the next size larger just because it has a small "quick-select" area on the tablet that would be handy when using the pen like a mouse (don't have to move as far to get the cursor to the other side of the screen} but the 6x8 was the largest tablet I could fit in my laptop case. I just saw a new Wacom tablet called the "Graphire" which is about the size of a mouse pad and comes with a pressure-sensitive pen and a cordless mouse for $100. It's pen only has 512 pressure levels instead of the 1,024 levels on the "intuos" series tablets but otherwise it looks like a fairly cheap way to try a tablet. The Graphire software package appears to be identical to the stuff included with the intuos series (Painter 6, PenTools. etc.) Check 'em out at www.wacom.com.

Chris Elliott
115 S. Bluff
Anthony ,KS 67003

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David Wright
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I have been using a Calcomp Drawing Slate for
about 5 years but only for drawing at home.
Have Painter 4 and use it only for that program. Never really felt any need for it on
a sign graphics program. If you buy, definately get a large size and for sure...USB. They can be a nightmare to use on
a serial port. Too many conflicts etc.
USB is perfect for drawing tablets.

Wright Signs
Wyandotte, Michigan
Since 1978

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Member # 152

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how can any artist live without one? i use mine all time, never the mouse.

it's a calcomp 9x12, i think. it was cheap for the value of it...

airhead by day. pizza queen by night :)
Gailforce Graphics
Squamish, BC, Canada

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Louis A Lazarus
Member # 763

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Wacom makes a very nice tablet that connects via USB. You can also have a mouse in addition to the tablet.

Louis A. Lazarus
Milt's Sign Service, Inc.
20 So. Linden Ave. #5B

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Neil D. Butler

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I have a Gerber Tablet... never used.... any body want it? Makes a great Mouse Pad.

"Keep Positive"

Neil Butler
Paradise, NF

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Member # 279

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I have a Wacom 12x12 and love it. Like Dan said it does take a little while to get use to it, but once you do your off.
I also hand draw and scan a lot of images in, Streamline the image, than take it into Corel to make any clean up work.
The pen is a lot more handy to use than an mouse. One trick to do if your working on a big image with a lot of clean up or node editing is to set the tablet on your lap or in front of you like you would a piece of paper. That way everything is in front of you not to the side.
I like the larger 12x12 tablet rather than the smaller ones also. If you feel that your reaching around the tablet too much you can partition off a smaller area.

Matt Koerner
in Indiana
K designs



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