If I could work as fast and hard all the time,as I do the two days before every Letterhead meet I ever went to.I'd be making a hundred thousand a month. Whats with that?
Looking forward to a great meet, registry this morning exceeded a hundred and we have no idea how many may show tomorrow nite...Even I can't believe I have my project done in time for the "Main Event"...CAN'T WAIT...
We couldn't line up a cam for the event but maybe thats for the best...if you can see it here what the point in comin to the event (we should discuss that here one nite).Well I gotta go make the Green Chili for the "Wine n' cheese tomorrow ...hope yer comin!
------------------ Monte Jumper SIGNLanguage/Norman.Okla.
Since yer so caught up, do a project for me!!
Seriously, I can't wait 'til I get there. No project in hand, no idea what I'm going to do, (other than I know, this will be one of the best weekends of my life.)
------------------ I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more screwed up than you think.