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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » Earthquake report Seattle area

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Author Topic: Earthquake report Seattle area
Deb Fowler

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Are you all okay out there? Just heard on the news the quake reported about 6 on the richter. At a Bill Gates convention south of Seattle. Just checking....
(reports of no serious injuries)

Creative Signs

Posts: 5373 | From: Loves Park, Illinois | Registered: Aug 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Jim Doggett

Member # 1409

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A.O.K. here Deb,

Kiro 7 is saying 6.2 magnitude, which probably isn't too impressive for Californians. But, I'll admit, I was scared under my desk!

Glad you're OK.


Jim Doggett
Vice President
Summa, Inc.

Seattle, WA USA

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Deb Fowler

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We're not excluded from the issue, just because we are in Ohio and the midwest.
It has been reported that Ohio has more frequent earthquakes of a minor scale than most states. I'm not grumbling about the rumbling here, just interested in nature and it's forces.
(It was on the news just now and they had it on film. Since it was in a conference room it was already being taped for the speaker,
Bill Gates, and to see the room shake as I sat in my quiet room for lunch,.... well...)
glad you guys are okay!

Creative Signs

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Jim Upchurch
Member # 209

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I'm about 30 miles from the epicenter. It was a 6.2. The shop was rockin' and rollin', almost lost the computer monitor. I wanted to hangout in the doorway but it was going airborne. I have vinyl all over the place and no power. I'm at home now having lunch,
I've got power here and the homestead is still standing !

"hooked on fonix"
Olympia WA

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Brian Stoddard
Member # 39

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I was cutting some long graphics on my Summa when it hit so naturally I had to make it over to the cutter and pause it between graphics so I wouldnt waste vinyl... heh! my priorities are straight! Of course the Summa would have kept tracking straight, I was worried about the power going out New crack in my concrete floor but all else is good.

Brian Stoddard
Expressions Signs
A few puddles east of Seattle

Posts: 790 | From: Monroe, WA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Jim Doggett

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Hi Brian:

Not the floor in your new building (at least it looked new)!

Glad you're OK. I'm now hearing that they measured 7.0, not 6.2. The worst hit seems to be Pioneer Square, which has had to tough for the last week, what with all the Fat Tuesday riots.

Thanks for the nice words about our cutters in the midst of cracking concrete, scared kids ... and scared suppliers (I win the wimp award).

Hope all else is well,


Jim Doggett
Vice President
Summa, Inc.

Seattle, WA USA

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Member # 332

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Glad to hear you are all okay.

Hurricanes (Florida) you can run away from - not eathquakes. Don't get any earthquakes here - thankfully !!

Must be a spooky feeling!!

Pat Neve, Jr.
Sign Man, Inc.
4580 N. US 1
Melbourne, FL 32935
Capt. Sign
Letterville Constituent
constituent: "One of the individual entities contributing to a whole"

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Jackie B
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Anyone heard from Cheryl yet?

Jackie Vaughn #5115
Volcano, California
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FranCisco Vargas

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I tried calling both her (Cheryl) numbers but the lines are busy. Recording come on saying "all circuits are busy." Most likely due to the EarthQuake. Hoping her and her children are ok. But I will keep trying....

FranCisco Vargas
aka: Cisco
aka:Traveling Millennium Sign Artist
Fresno, CA 93703
559 252-0935

"to live life, is to love life, a sign of no life, is a sign of no love"...Cisco 12'98

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Jim Upchurch
Member # 209

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Power just came on in the shop but traffic lights are still out. 16 people are unaccounted for as of yet in the Olympia Hotel, an elevator shaft collapsed. Damage in minimal otherwise as far as I know. Mudslides closed some roads. Hope that was the big one they've been promissing.

Well they moved the epicenter closer, about 10 miles north of Oly and bigger. Now its a 7.0 now. It's moving closer and bigger. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp.

"hooked on fonix"
Olympia WA

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Member # 443

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IF you MUST call please use your cell fone... CELL/2/CELL it is all the civilons, calling there honeys, or love one's that screw up the police and rescure units from getting through to people who MAY need help or to use there fone....California born and raise..Twain,TBuk.

Ted Bukovscak

[This message has been edited by TBUK (edited February 28, 2001).]

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Adrienne Pereira
Member # 1046

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I CAN'T FIND MY CEL PHONE!!!!! And my daughter works downtown Seattle!!!!I'm sure she's ok...altho she maybe really shook up...she HATES, absolutly HATES earthquakes!!!!
Cheryl, please check in when you read these!

I'll call her as soon as find that stupid phone!

Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs

Benicia, CA
707-746-7847 (shop)
707-550-4553 (voicemail)

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Greg Gulliford
Member # 170

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Even being 350 miles away I had pictures falling off the wall and a few things fell off of the shelf in the shop. It was over as quick as it started but still a bit scarey. I hope Chery is o.k., it's sounding like the most power and traffic problems are close to her area.

Greg Gulliford
aka MetroDude
Metro Signs and Banners
1403 N. Greene St. #1
Spokane, WA 99202


[This message has been edited by Greg Gulliford (edited February 28, 2001).]

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Brian Stoddard
Member # 39

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I tried calling Cheryl as well with no luck but I am sure that everything is fine, it was a pretty good rumble but relatively low damage and injuries (even though one is too many) I will try her again later, its probably just her cell service since most landlines are OK as well as my cell. If you need me to Adrienne, I will give your daughter a call, let me know.

Brian Stoddard
Expressions Signs
A few puddles east of Seattle

Posts: 790 | From: Monroe, WA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
FranCisco Vargas

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Cheryl, and her family are A-Ok, little shaken up, but she's fine...

FranCisco Vargas
aka: Cisco
aka:Traveling Millennium Sign Artist
Fresno, CA 93703
559 252-0935

"to live life, is to love life, a sign of no life, is a sign of no love"...Cisco 12'98

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cheryl nordby
Member # 1100

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Hi my friends. I got a call from Brian at Expression signs wondering how we are. Thank you Brian! (I love you Letterheads!) We are safe. And Cisco I am talking with right now. Thanks for all of your concerns. I do believe it was close to 7.0. I was on my computer when it hit. My kids were at school. I said a huge prayer and hung on for dear life. This little house was definately rockin and rollin. Then I ran outside like a crazy lady...(in my pajamas) and went up to my kids schools. They were safe....out in the football fields. Adrienne I am sure your daughter is ok. There is alot of damage to the older brick buildings....and pioneer square. If you give me her phone number I would be happy to try to get ahold of her. Our power was out...and the phone lines were overloaded. A mud slide has made the Cedar River overflow.....lots more news. I am glad to hear you are ok Jim Upchurch. I think your area was hit harder. Take care all. I will keep you posted. Love and kisses to you!

surf or MoJo on mirc
Cheryl J Nordby
Signs by Cheryl
(206) 300-0153
Seattle WA.....!
A day without sunshine is like, you know...night http://signsbycheryl.homestead.com/home.html

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Susan Banasky

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Soooo glad all you Olympians are OK! I'm way up here on lower Vancouver Island, British Columbia and we felt the quake. Nothing broke, or fell off the walls, but what an eerie feeling to hear/see things vibrate and watch your vinyl move and your house sway! Wow! Our phones all went dead for about 5-10 minutes too.
I had a mini letterhead meet here last night with John Lennig formerly of Brushworks in Vancouver. He taught me to paint 'bullet holes' (learned at Mike Lavallee and John Hannukaine's 2nd Bootcamp) and I demonstrated Butch Anton's water/Krylon tricks. Some might accuse the eerie feeling and house shaking on the few golden frothy drinks on the table last night.....but....they weren't mine! All the best to those in and around Seattle.

Susan Banasky
Source Signs
Nanaimo, British Columbia

When in need....go directly to the "Source"!

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Adrienne Pereira
Member # 1046

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Whew.......Thanks Cheryl, yeah she's fine, got an email from her a little while ago....it's sure scary when your only baby is so far from home and you can't run and grab her up and hug her!

Oh, yeah, cel phone was on the floor of my van, dead battery......

Remember to hug your kids tonight!
Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs

Benicia, CA
707-746-7847 (shop)
707-550-4553 (voicemail)

[This message has been edited by AdrienneMorgan (edited February 28, 2001).]

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Jackson Smart
Member # 187

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Whoa....everything fine on the Olympic Peninsula....grocery stores hit hard...but that's to be expected. I was upstairs in the shop when it hit. I had just stood up, thought I had stood up to quick and gotten dizzy...then saw all my stuff moving around...the building was moving A LOT!!! I tried to run downstairs...bounced off the walls a couple of times....my stomach was rolling as fast as the building... Got to the house where Dianne and One-Shot were both freakin out...Man!!!
Don't like earthquakes at all....but it relieves the pressure on the plates. They keep predicting a BIG one here...so who knows. Glad everyone else is safe.
Now for the aftershocks!!!!

Everyone stay verticle...

Jackson Smart
Jackson's Signs
Port Angeles, WA
...."The Straits of Juan De Fuca in my front yard and Olympic National Park in my backyard...

"Living on Earth is expensive...but it does include a free trip around the Sun"

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cheryl nordby
Member # 1100

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Glad to hear you are ok too Jackson! Not a fun ride huh?
Also I want to say....in times of crisis....cell phones don't work! I couldn't call out...or receive calls.....and everyone else I know with a cell phone(which is everyone) had the same problem. I couldn't call anywhere except OUT OF STATE after the quake, on our regular phone line. So of course I called my dear Mom in California. It just makes you realize the power of dear ole Mother Nature Thankfully there were minimal injuries.

surf or MoJo on mirc
Cheryl J Nordby
Signs by Cheryl
(206) 300-0153
Seattle WA.....!
A day without sunshine is like, you know...night http://signsbycheryl.homestead.com/home.html

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Mike Lavallee
Member # 320

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Rhonda and I are ok, the only damage was that the power went out when she was drying her hair and she had to wear a hat for the rest of the day with earthquake head! It was my 1st experience with an earthquake and the ground rippled like rings on a pond! To wild!
and the shop was moving like it was made of rubber blocks. all in all we escped unscathed. thank you Jesus! Mike

Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, And Dance like no one's watching. :)
Mike Lavallee
Mike Lavallee's Pinstriping & Airbrush Art
Everett, WA

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Donna in BC

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Abbotsford was also hit. I ran out of my building for fear it would fall on me. My babysitter called right after the event and informed me stuff fell off cabinets etc at home. Cody clung to her for the rest of the day. The cats had apparently freaked out right before the quake and rambled through the house like they were possessed.

Makes me think twice about big beautiful windows at this point!

Graphic Impact
Abbotsford, BC, Canada

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Member # 152

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I even felt it all the way up in squamish! the biggest one i've felt so far!!! glad all you washingtonians are aok!!!

wacky wetcoast of bc

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old paint
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sorat makes a ..huricane.....almost nothin huh? ill stay in florida.......

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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Adrienne Pereira
Member # 1046

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Hay Mike! Get yourself a surf board for the next one!!!
WOW, you guys felt it in BC too!!?? amazing!
Glad everyone's ok

Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs

Benicia, CA
707-746-7847 (shop)
707-550-4553 (voicemail)

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Deb Fowler

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Have my uncles and aunts and cousins in Southern and central California. They love it on the west coast. The beauty is spectacular! Glad you guys are okay, I know you are strong in spirit. (You must be drained today.)
A lot of prayers going out to you.

Creative Signs

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