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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » What is the best Web Authoring Software?

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Author Topic: What is the best Web Authoring Software?
Jack Davis
Member # 1408

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I have use 2 in the past. Some very easy, but limited. Some very comprehensive but hard to use.I have recentlyt been directed towards Macromedia Dreamweaver, but haven't found the right buy yet. Thanks for info on this, Jack

Jack Davis
1410 Main St
Joplin, MO 64801

Posts: 1549 | From: Joplin, MO | Registered: Mar 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Daniel Craig
Member # 971

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You might also check out Adobe GoLive, which integrates well with LiveMotion, Illustrator and Photoshop.

Daniel Craig
Greensboro, NC

Posts: 91 | From: Greensboro, NC | Registered: Jul 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Henry Barker

Member # 174

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Hi Jack,

I am not sure if it was you or someone else, but there was a post about this a couple of weeks back. I have just put my money where my mouth is and ordered Dreamweaver 4 & Fireworks 4 Studio, together with Flash 5, quite pricey but hope it will pay for itself in time.

I had Frontpage 98 and 2000 previously, and that was a great program too, I guess you have to ask yourself what you want to do. I think Steve used or use to use Frontpage here, my current site is built using that so it does the job too, much cheaper, I just would like to upgrade to something abit more spectacular, I could pay someone here more than the programs have cost, and so figured why not have a go myself!

I'll let you know or show you how I get on!

Henry Barker #1924
SignCraft AB
Stockholm, Sweden.
A little bit of England in a corner of Stockholm

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Mike Pipes [in a cubicle]
Member # 1841

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I'm on the DreamWeaver bandwagon, I love this program!

The main thing I didnt like about FrontPage is that after you modify some HTML by hand, it takes it upon itsself to go back and modify your code.. I HATE that! FrontPage also employs some proprietary Microsoft crap that isnt compliant with the World Wide Web Consortium 3 (WWWC3) standards, which means alot of browsers arent completely compatible with your pages.

DreamWeaver doesnt modify your code (if you happen to do any of it manually like I do on occassion) and the way it manages/updates the files on your server is ingenious.. it checks the server and your computer for the latest version of a particular file, and updates the files both on the server and your machine. It also asks for confirmation before doing it so you can stop any unwanted files from being updated.

I havent used Adobe GoLive but I have used Adobe PageMill (why they have two different web authoring packages I'll never know). I like DreamWeaver better, although PageMill is fine.

Mike Pipes
-----trapped in a box with a computer and a slice of cheese-----

Posts: 145 | From: Lake Havasu City, AZ | Registered: Dec 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Mike Pipes [in a cubicle]
Member # 1841

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Hey I'm an idiot.. I just checked Adobe's site and they dont even make PageMill anymore.. hehe.. well... I still like DreamWeaver.. =)

Mike Pipes
-----trapped in a box with a computer and a slice of cheese-----

Posts: 145 | From: Lake Havasu City, AZ | Registered: Dec 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Preston McCall
Member # 351

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I bought Dreamweaver, the DW Bible, two idiota books and still after weeks of messing with it, had problems. It is very unintuitive. Hey, I aced calculus and physics, so I can do some things! Dreamweaver is apparently the way to go if you are doing these for a living, though.
I bought Frontpage 2000 and was online in a day. Much more intuitive and easy to use. Still, you have to out think it sometimes. Go check it out and see the results. Easy stuff to do. www.prestonmccall.com

Preston McCall
2516 W 63rd St.
Mission Hills, Kansas
913-262-3443 office
816-289-7112 cell

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