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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » Mexican / Southwest art needed

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Author Topic: Mexican / Southwest art needed
Mike Kelly
Member # 2037

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I'm making interior signage (menu board/displays) for a local Mexican restaurant and am in need of some clipart(I hate that word) in the Mexican/Southwest vein. I have some that I have used in the past for this customer, but I need some new stuff. Does anyone know where I can get something like this?...for purchase or free - whatever I can find. Objects, animals, people or scenery is what's needed. Thank you for any and all help.

zipperhead design
Westminster, MA

Posts: 367 | From: Westminster, MA | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Member # 1912

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Hi Mike
VectorArt CDs volumes 4 & 6 have some neato Southwestern stuff.
Back in the day when I purchased my 1st VectorArt CD for about $200 I thought it was worth every penny (still do!)
Now if you purchase a SignGold starter kit you can snag one of these babies e-cheapo! Maybe ask your local distributor or Brian the Brush.
I use mine almost every day.
Love- JILL

That is like a Mr. Potato Head with all the pieces in the wrong place.
-Russ McMullin

Posts: 8834 | From: Butler, PA, USA | Registered: Jan 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Bob Burns
Member # 268

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Bob Burns


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Mike Kelly
Member # 2037

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Thanks, Jill! I have volume 2 that I use almost every day. I guess it's time to add to my "VectorArt Arsenal". I will definitely check out those volumes. Mucho gracias, Amigo.

zipperhead design
Westminster, MA

Posts: 367 | From: Westminster, MA | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
old paint
Member # 549

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us old guys, b.c.(before clipart)would sketch up something that the owner would like to have.....then with DOVER clipart books,coloring books, refine the sketch into a viable graphic.
drawing is part of this line of work......now you can buy PRINT ARTIST for $19.00, 350,000 pieces of clipart, ART EXPLOSION from $29-$79, depending on the amount of clipart included, ART TODAY on line, and my old time favorite THE YELLOW PAGES...
all these will give you some thing to work with, but in the end do you want to give the customer just some graphic that anyone can find in business card book or do you want to make his sign stand out from all the rest? your choice....

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

Posts: 11582 | From: pensacola, fl. usa | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Mike Kelly
Member # 2037

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Thanks for all the responses...........OP, I know that drawing is part of this line of work and I have done my share of it during the past 15 years that I've been involved in the sign business. As you must know, sometimes, like now, time constraints and selling price justify using clipart instead of spending time at the drawing table.

zipperhead design
Westminster, MA

Posts: 367 | From: Westminster, MA | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Danny Bussell

Member # 3746

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I agree with you Joe Old Paint for me it was a part of an apprentaship, what neat though is to have, a lot of these new shop come a buy art or hand drawn art from me. that have finally reached the point of sacuration, where these New restaurant or Business wants some thing that has some life in it. Bounce... [Cool]

Danny Bussell
Tujunga, California

Bootleg on Chat

"Keep The Rubber Side Down"

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old paint
Member # 549

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mike you got a time constraint....and you want to look for "acceptable clipart"? in my few years with clipart, i must have over a million..na maybe 2 million....pieces....and i spent more time LOOKIN then if i draw it!!!!! i just got 4x5 wacom tablet for $50 and its neat....now i can draw right to the computer and build from there rather then spend hours(and ive done hours searching clipart files)this is just me i guess....and have you had the one...you know youve seen it.....but damn if you can remember what cd/program/book/matchbook cover/....but your mind tells you you have it????????????? hehehehehehehehehe

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

Posts: 11582 | From: pensacola, fl. usa | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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