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Steve & Barb Shortreed
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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » Ideas to commemorate bank

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Author Topic: Ideas to commemorate bank
Kelly Thorson

Member # 2958

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Another great job - free reign to create something (for indoor)to commemorate 40 years for a bank that is being amalgamated into a larger system. I'm kind of leaning towards doing an old fashioned glass sign (chipping, gilding etc)with a painting of the building in behind - sort of a nineteenth century look. Price range is open depending on what I come up with - most likely in the $500 - $1000 range. I just thought I'd throw this out and see what the creative folks in Letterville can inspire me with. I need to get something concrete by next Monday because they want to pay me before the end of the year. [Big Grin]

“Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again?”
-Winnie the Pooh & A.A. Milne

Kelly Thorson
801 Main St.
Holdfast, SK
S0G 2H0

Posts: 5496 | From: Penzance, Saskatchewan | Registered: May 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Murray MacDonald
Member # 3558

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Murray says you're working to cheap.
After seeing your stuff - you're worth more than that.

Murray MacDonald
OldTime Signs
529 Third Ave S
Kenora, ON.
P9N 1Y3

Posts: 781 | From: Kenora, ON | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Chuck Churchill

Member # 68

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I'm not really a Canadian from the era that this bank got its start. Sounds like it was 1964. Here is what I think was going on in Western Canada at that time. Lester Pearson was Prime Minister, the Social Credit party was leading the charge for universal health care, the praries were up to their armpits in wheat and other grain crops (all those grain elevators were full). On the South side of the continent Lyndon Johnson had appointed himself king and the Americans were fighting their way into Vietnam.

To me a old fashioned glass glue chiping sign may be a little old fashioned for the era they got their start in. If their building was new in the 60's I would think in terms of the same material that the building interior was made out of. If its marble I would go marble. Lots of heavy dark wood means a wood piece. You might also want to incorporate an element that represents the last chapter of their independence. Maybe glass or green edged acrylic insert to show the year they became absorbed. This piece is likely to stay in that building for as long as customers keep walking through the door to make deposits. I like the idea of creating an image of the building. I would also show that they helped Holden (if that is the community involved) grow and prosper during the time period. Maybe words like "Building a better Holden for 40 years" or "Central to our Community" on the base of the piece.

Is this piece going to hang on a wall or is their the possibility it could sit on a counter, table or pedestal. To me a dimensional object would give off more of a rock solid image than a flat wall hanger.

I hope some of this helps crystalize your thinking on the design of this.

Chuck Churchill,
It's A Good Sign Inc.
3245 Harvester Rd, U-12
Burlington, Ont.
Phone: 905-681-8775
Fax: 905-681-8945

Posts: 633 | From: Burlington, Ontario, Canada | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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