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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » How it works!

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Author Topic: How it works!
Cam Bortz
Member # 55

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Being a part the letterhead movement is its own reward, and then there are the rewards that are more tangible. Yesterday I got a phone call from a Midwestern 'head, asking me if I'm interested in doing a job in Boston. While I can't reveal much detail at the moment (I don't have a contract yet), this is possibly a fairly high-dollar/high profile specialty job with the potential of a great deal more in the future.

And people say going to meets is too expensive.... [Roll Eyes]

"A wise man concerns himself with the truth, not with what people believe." - Aristotle

Cam Bortz
Finest Kind Signs
Pondside Iron works
256 S. Broad St.
Pawcatuck, Ct. 06379
"Award winning Signs since 1988"

Posts: 3051 | From: Pawcatuck,Connecticut USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
old paint
Member # 549

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also having you name at the top of the yellow pages listing...will help.
i got a call from S.C. companies headquarters that has a restaurant chain.
they have an old location of theirs they needed a 4x8 FOR SALE sign attached to it. the lady call me and wants me to fax a price, layout, and timetable for getting the sign put up. i asked her why she called me...."your name was the 1st one under SIGNS in the yellow pages."
i did the job and check is in the mail......$400 from someone ive never seen!!!!

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

Posts: 11582 | From: pensacola, fl. usa | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Member # 337

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I am struck with the reality of How can you afford
As your post implies [Applause]

PKing is
Pat King
The Professor of

Posts: 3113 | From: Pompano Beach, FL. USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Janette Balogh

Member # 192

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The networking opportunities are terrific. I've had great luck having given and gotten work thru fellow Letterheads for years now. It's a very neat win-win situation.

Good luck with your ventures!

"When Love and Skill Work Together ... Expect a Masterpiece"

Janette Balogh
Creative Studio


Posts: 5092 | From: Florida | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
mike meyer
Member # 542

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I'll chime in on this one Cam....I do beleive the Scottish lads have beckoned for me to travel over and give them a hand on some jobs....The people I have met on my travels never ends, never.

I was kinda thinkin' about HAGGIS for a Christmas Meal! Aye Right! I must get the Kilt packed !!
Letterhead Meets, the most inexpensive schooling and fraternity that you never take a test for, but never miss any parties! Everyone's shop is "On Campus" and "Ore's is always Open!" "LOVE SHACK, BABY LOVE SHACK!!"

Mike Meyer Sign Painter
189 1st Ave n P.O. Box 3
Mazeppa, Mn 55956

We are not selling, we are staying here in Mazeppa....we cannot re-create what we have here....not in another lifetime! SO Here we are!!!!!!!


Posts: 3617 | From: Mazeppa, Mn usa | Registered: Feb 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Member # 332

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It's funny that you should have posted this today Cam...

I just got back from a lunch with Mike Facemire and his lovely wife Peggy. I first met Mike at a meet that he had had in New Port Richie in 1989. We have seen each other off-and-on about 7-8 times since then...all at other meets...and have spoken countless times on the phone.

Mike was here in town (after a 3 hour drive across the state) to survey a sign package for a national chain.


The things that we learned from each other in our casual 2 hour lunch overwhelmingly outweigh the costs for ALL of the meets that I have attended. All was offered in the spirit of sharing and there was no bragging but rather encouragement. It's the spirit that should be put forth. Everything isn't about signs...everything is about life.

Most of my best friends are poeple whom I have met through Letterheads (both the site and meets). I wouldn't give those friendships up for anything.

I have used Mike's Gold Leaf Letters on two jobs so far...he made money and I made A LOT of money. Not to mention that I use your brackets.

Letterheads has, and continues to be, been a very rewarding segment of my life; both professionally and personally.

See ya around...

Pat Neve, Jr.
Capt. Sign



Posts: 2284 | From: Melbourne, FL, USA | Registered: Jan 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Member # 1912

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Hi Cam...
Well said!
The letterhead movement has literally changed my life.
I even was contracted out by Brendan Brandon last fall to help do fill-in on a mural his company did in Pittsburgh. (I have no clue why he asked me)
But it was fun.
And I love my pop-in visits, the guests I have had in my home from various states and countries, the dear friends I love whom I have met thru the Heads. I even get thrills looking at my email inbox...Scotland, Canada, Australia, and just about everywhere in between. And the envelopes on my snail-mail are just incredible.
Love- JILL

That is like a Mr. Potato Head with all the pieces in the wrong place.
-Russ McMullin

Posts: 8834 | From: Butler, PA, USA | Registered: Jan 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rick Chavez
Member # 2146

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I have to say that I am still amazed when I design a bunch of hand crafted signs, that sign shops that bid on it are still oblivious to the Letterhead movement and the untapped resources here. And other designers don't have a clue on what is still done and the possibilities using old sign techniques and materials. I have brought in AMAL magazines and even taken them to this site, and they still don't really get it.

Rick Chavez
Hemet, CA

Posts: 1538 | From: Hemet,CA U.S.A. | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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