Hey, KH, no apology necessary. Forgive my whimsical way of writing... that's what often seems unforgivable in the wake of recent things.
But, for courtesy, let me try to explain (and thanks to all who offered their advice):
"Nicholas Cage"- honestly, thought you reminded me a little of him with the goatee.
"Movie and demeanor" reference-- Good movie, NC tolerated no nonsense as my initial question/ post seemed to conjure your stern response.
Steve suggests... (big mistake)--- Many have "suggested" that most Letterheads are good folk (and very sensitive too, I'm finding, especially to verbose lads like myself). Just confirming that...the "good folk" part.
"Bloke" English for friend or person
"Feisty to those who come to cross your creek"---- My continuing with the Robin Hood theme (poor choice)... Robin meets Little John at the tree trunk bridge. They misunderstand one another, haggle, draw sticks, fall in the water and become good friends thereafter.
Las Vegas plane crash----- Back to the movie, NC emerges from the plane the victor and meets up with his little daughter and wife again.
Kind regards- always try to be polite.
(OK, Steve, you can close this topic now too, but at least wait till KH reads it, OK?) I don't mean to sound smart, but I do seem to have the record this week for closed topics.
Scratching my head...
Kind regards,
-------------------- Fran Maholland Pro Sign NJ Posts: 169 | From: Voorhees, New Jersey | Registered: Feb 2003
| IP: Logged |
Sorry, Si. Sometimes being forthright, honest and trying to explain things does more harm than good. Oh well. If ban it is, then ban it is. I'm no "troll", though, but think what you's your right. It takes many types of people to make up our world. The internet, I'm finding, that "virtual" world, seems to take away the humanity in the writing, especially how I write. Listen, Steve doesn't have to ban me. I'll make it easy. If he wants me to go, I'll just go. No hoot or hollar about it. He's the boss and this is his BB, his livelihood. I'm a visitor and long-winded and a little bit too wordy for my own good and the good of others. It's a shame it has to be or be percieved that way, but what more can I say?
Kind regards,
-------------------- Fran Maholland Pro Sign NJ Posts: 169 | From: Voorhees, New Jersey | Registered: Feb 2003
| IP: Logged |
I think if HK sees this he might be PO'd that he's called NC and complain to SS about FM so maybe we should all keep this on the QT so noone gets PO'd and yells OMGWTFBBQ and gets labeled as an SD by the VIP's.
-------------------- Gavin Chachere Plotter in the garage,New Orleans La.
"Sgts Shugart and Gordon again request permission to rope down to crash site two" Posts: 1223 | From: new | Registered: Mar 2000
| IP: Logged |
Enuff already. This is a prime example of what not to do on this BB. Fran and I lock horns over some comments in a previous post I chose to take offence to. I asked Fran to respond via e-mail because this BB is not the Collisium.
Fran does the proper thing and responds by email, but then proceeds to repost the whole affair. This in turn results in 2 others offering opinions on something that had nothing to do with either. I'm sure Si was just sticking up for his buddy. In this case that's yours truly. He meant well, but his comments are less than constructive.
I'm not banning anyone tonight. Truth is I am in a cranky mood right now over a number of things. I'm sure Fran had lots of good points and will eventually have some valuable information to share here in Letterville. I'm going to close this post and hope this is the end of this particular discussion.
I suggest we start over Fran. First thing you need to do is learn more about Letterheads The History Of Letterheads. You'll notice that Letterheads is an idea, not a particular website or organization. Letterville is just my idea of an online meet. People really need to attend a live meet to get a true perspective of what this is all about.
Why not introduce yourself to us in your next post? Tell us about yourself, your Family, how you got into this wacky biz and where you hope to go with it. We just might make this work yet.
-------------------- Steve Shortreed 144 Hill St., E. Fergus, Ontario Canada N1M 1G9 519-787-2673