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Steve & Barb Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, ON, Canada
N1M 1G9

Phone: 519-787-2892
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Email: barb@letterville.com

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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » Poll Plans. Your Input?

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Author Topic: Poll Plans. Your Input?
Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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Over the years, we've played with various polling programs here in Letterville. These were always third party programs, sometimes a pain to use.

The last few upgrades of the UBB software, the program that we use here in Letterville, have a built in polling feature. We'd like to use it to find out more about Letterville users. If a trial poll works out, they're all sorts of things we can discover togerther.

This first poll will ask you 4 simple questions. We welcome your feedback to ensure these questions are fair, easy to understand, and include all possible choices.

First Question

I've always wondered how many of us are fulltime in the sign,airbrush and/or pinstriping business versus those that are partime. Seems like this is a pretty simple question with one of 2 options. Is there anything else here we may be missing?

Interest Only

Second Question

In the last year, what live shows have you attended. Many of you are just getting home from the big show in Atlantic City. We're curious to know what other industry shows you attend. Some associations hold several different live shows and/or meets during the year. We're not looking for a specific Letterhead Meet or trade show here. We'll offer a multiple selecton that includes

ISA Show
Letterhead/Pinhead Meet
Sign Business Show

Who am I missing?

Third Question

The third question will ask what sign magazines you subscribe to. The keyword here is subscribe. We're not interested in free publications sent to all shops, only those that you choose by way of your paid subscription. Here's the list I have so far as possible choices. Let us know if you see something important missing.

A Magazine About Letterheads
SignCraft Magazine
Sign Business Magazine
Signs Of The Times
AutoArt Magazine
AirBrush Magazine
Airbrush Action
Visual Impact Promotions
Sign Update
Sign Directions

I'm always amazed at the number of shops that subscribe to no magazine. The last option will be None.

Fourth Question

The final question will concern your surfing habits. Besides Letterville, what other sign related websites do you visit on a regular basis ? What is a good definition of regular and what websites do we need to include? My list at this point includes

4Edge Talk
Keepers Of The Craft
Sign Industry
Original Letterheads BB
UK Signboards

There are all sorts of Discussion Forums out there. Many of our suppliers have discussion BB's on their websites related to their products. We're not looking to include these types of websites in this poll. What about Sign Association websites?

A couple other things you should know. These polls will only be open for a specific ampunt of time. I'm thinking 3-4 days.

Only registered BB users will be able to vote. It's impossible to vote more than once so be certain of your answers.

We don't want to see all sorts of questions and comments while these polls are being conducted. This is the time and place to voice your questions, concerns and suggestions. Let's hear from you!

[ December 09, 2003, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



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W. R. Pickett
Member # 3842

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1. I do this full time, for a "living". Unless there is no work, then I do chores around the house, play w. my dog, or go bike riding.

2. I subscribe to one thru three. I read four whenever I can find a copy. (and you forgot Sign Builder).

3. I usually go to approximately one or two Lhead meets a year. Especially the BIG one. The "International" ( if the town it's in it has an airport!!!)

4. I always check out Mike Jackson's (original Letterheads) site for it's "quality" querstions and experienced sign folks answers.

WR Pickett
Richmond, Va.

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Kimberly Zanetti
Member # 2546

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Hey Steve,
How about us "Sign Groupies"? I'm not big on the term "wannabes" as suggested. Sounds more negative to me.

At my age, I'm a little old for "Sign Kids". LOL

Kimberly Zanetti Purcell
Folsom, CA
email: Kimberly@AmethystProductivity.com

“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” AA Milne

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Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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Thanks Billy but this isn't the poll. At this stage we're just gathering info in order to ask the right questions.

My understanding is Sign Builders is a free magazine paid by advertisers. No subscription required. Am I wrong?

Good point Kimberly. Someone else mentioned our retired users. A retired option is easy so all we have to do is come up with proper term for groupies. Those that have an interest in the trade but don't actually work at it?


[ December 08, 2003, 02:14 PM: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



Posts: 3710 | From: Fergus, Ontario, Canada | Registered: A Long Time Ago!  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rick Chavez
Member # 2146

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First Question

No comment

Second Question

Who am I missing?

SEGD conference and Expo every year

Third Question

SEGDdesign-It's for members and non members at 16.00 a year-Sign design and environmental graphics

Most graphic design magazines have something about signage. But not dedicated to signs.

Fourth Question

NBM forums

Rick Chavez
Hemet, CA

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Billie DeBekker
Member # 3848

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I would possibly add next to the web sites visted some checkmark Boxes as to frequency EX.
( ) 3 to 4 times Daily (You have no Life besides signs) [Big Grin]
( ) Daily
( ) Weekly
( ) Monthly

Billie DeBekker
3rd Dimension Signs
Canon City Colorado 81212

"Another Fine Graduate of the Ray Charles School of Sign Painting."

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Member # 1965

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Those that have an interest in the trade but don't actually work at it?
Interest Only




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Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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Thanks Rick. The SEGD Show should be included and we'll also add signforums.

Nobody has brought up the SEMA, Advertising and other specialized shows. I can see where a show geared towards silk screening should be included, but we have to draw the line somewhere. Keep the suggestions coming.

That's a great idea Bill! I'm not certain how or even if we can add a selection within a selection, but I'll look into it.

[ December 08, 2003, 03:21 PM: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



Posts: 3710 | From: Fergus, Ontario, Canada | Registered: A Long Time Ago!  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Member # 337

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Will it have a "Lie Detector" also?
Some Times?
All The Time?
Do we earn points?
Get FREE prizes?
[Confused] [Dunno] [Eek!]

PKing is
Pat King
The Professor of

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David Harding

Member # 108

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Perhaps the third question could be in two parts. What magazines do you have a paid subscription to and what magazines do you read via unpaid sub?

There are some on the list that I used to pay to have sent to me but when they offered them free, I took them up on the offer. As long as they are willing to send them free, I'm willing to accept them gratis. I still read them all the same.

David Harding
A Sign of Excellence
Carrollton, TX

Posts: 5089 | From: Carrollton, TX, USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Bob Gilliland
Member # 28

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Of the full and part time efforts, wonder how many have to rely on the “shop” income to pay the bills compared to how many have other sources of revenue and income? Probably not an easy thing to include in a static poll, but could prove to be very interesting and relevant with the “main” question being asked.

Additional event for consideration; SGIA/DPI

If Letterville isn’t limited to just the North America marketplace, then perhaps the following journals should be considered as well to make those on other continents feel welcomed: Sign Update, Sign Directions

If silk screening is within “scope” of the sign trade, how about the forums presented by Scott Fresener and the US Screen Print Institute (http://boards.screenprinters.net).

Bob Gilliland
InKnowVative Communications
Harrisburg PA, USA

"The U.S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it.
You have to catch up with it yourself."

Benjamin Franklin

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Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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That's what I'm asking Bob. I know there was a European Sign Magazine at one time, and I think Australia has one also. Let's hear from you Letterville users outside of N. America.

I'm trying to look at all the websites on my own list. There's a couple that require you register before you can even look inside. Am I the only one that avoids websites that require your email address or credit card just to check them out? How do users protect themselves from unsolicited emails? The best bet might be to e-mail all choices suggested and get permission to include them.

I'm not sure what magazine you are talking about David. Something is either free or you pay for it. Are you suggesting some are getting something for free that the rest of us pay for? What's the whole story?

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



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Ian Stewart-Koster

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Hi Steve, Australia's magazine is called "Visual Impact Promotions" (at the moment, it was formerly "Signs Australasia", and before that there was "Sign News"). None especially feature hands-on or hand-work like Signcraft does.
We also had "Australian Airbrush Art", but it died. Then there's "Image", a screenprinting & digital imaging mag which I find full of adverts, and not much gutsy hands-on info for those who may be a decade behing the cutting edge and happy where they are!

I'll put in a second vote for USScreen website and screenprinters.net forums- good stuff, with daily forum summaries emailed to you.

"Stewey" on chat

"...there are no limits when you aim for perfection..." Jonathan Livingston Seagull

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David Harding

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Signs of the Times and Sign Business have given me free subscriptions. Every year, they ask me if I wish to continue my free sub. I always say "Yes". I had paid for those magazines for years.

A couple of times now, I have gotten calls from people offering me nice discounts on subscriptions. I ask them since I'm already getting the magazine at no cost, would their discount beat that? Maybe they'll pay me to read the magazine next.

I have received SignCraft since its inception but I've never been able to convince the McIltrot Trio to send me their mag for free. I guess that proves sign painters are the smartest of the breed (Pat King would like that).

After ST and SB read this post, they'll probably revoke my freebies. If they do that, I may have to actually submit those articles they have asked for to get my magazines back.

David Harding
A Sign of Excellence
Carrollton, TX

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Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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Thanks for the info Ian. I'll include your suggestions in the poll.

Gee Dave. You really didn't need to be THAT honest you know. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Like I always tell people when I get photos of them in awkward situations "Who will ever see these anyways?"


Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



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Member # 1298

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I think AutoArtMagazine.com should be added to the URL list. They have a pretty good Bulletin Board.


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David Fisher
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From my experience with data collection always add an "other" field as a text field if it is an option.
There is always information outside the obvious multiple choice options.
On the submission form, over-explain and edit the questions being asked until there is no ambiguity.

David Fisher
D.A. & P.M. Fisher Services
Brisbane Australia
Trying out a new tag:
"Parents are the bones on which children cut their teeth
Peter Ustinov

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Ray Rheaume

Member # 3794

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I actually needed a "None of the above" for a couple of the questions.

I don't currently subscribe to any of the trade mags or frequent other boards online.

But that's just me...

Ray Rheaume
Rapidfire Design
543 Brushwood Road
North Haverhill, NH 03774

I like my paint shaken, not stirred.

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Bill Diaz

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Should Walldog meets be seperate from Letterhead/pinhead meets?

Bill Diaz
Diaz Sign Art
Pontiac IL

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Joe Rees
Member # 211

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Second for adding a NONE or OTHER choice to all questions.

If you can add sub-categories, it could be a good opportunity to qualify the answers even more. Some possible subs;

1). Full/Part time - The other part of this question seems to be how much of your total annual income is generated by the sign trade...100% 75% 50% less than 50%

2). Shows and meets - Do you go to that same show religously year after year? and in the case of Letterheads Meets, how many per year do you attend.

3). Of publications, are you a CURRENT subscriber, PAST subscriber, or NEVER HEARD OF IT, and how does it relate to your business; Very Relavent, Sometimes relavent, Irrelavent.

4). Surfing - same as above, Seen it, Never heard of it, Relevancy to my segment of the trade, Liked or disliked, and FREQUENCY! And include this site in the poll so you can grade yourself alongside the others.

Also - potentially a big one - It seems to me the information about subscriptions, shows and BBs becomes a lot more relevant when you compare what segment of the industry the respondents are coming from. How about adding a category for classifying your niche of the sign trade. General commercial signs, Electric or Neon, Primarily Silkscreen, Primarily hand painted, Primarily vinyl, Primarily carved or dimensional, Heavy use of automated equipment, Heavy use of HAND processes.

You're not going to get much guitar playing in Steve, if you keep this up.

Joe Rees
Cape Craft Signs
(Cape Cod, MA)
e-mail: joe@capecraft.com

SONGPAINTER Original Sign Music by Sign People NOW AVAILABLE on CD and the proceeds go to Letterville's favorite charity!
Click Here for Sound Clips!

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James Donahue

Member # 3624

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The sign trade is so diverse, and puts me in contact with so many other kinds of work. Right now I'm restoring an 83' long pullman RR car, part of which is lettering. I met these folks through my ad for sign work. What about forging sign hanging brackets from steel?

This is our only source of income, and we are a single income family.

James Donahue
Donahue Sign Arts
1851 E. Union Valley Rd.
Seymour TN. (865) 577-3365 brushman@nxs.net

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for lunch,
Benjamin Franklin

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Member # 63

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This could be a lot of fun & very informative.
Here's my thoughts...
I feel that there should be small meets, promoted locally, large meets, promoted here & trade mags and sponsored shows, like Atlantic City and Las Vegas and the regional shows.
When it comes to the first question, maybe the income from the shop should be classified as primary, secondary, hobby, etc.
How do you promote your shop? Some examples may be signs, word of mouth, phone book or other media.
What about shop location? Stand alone building, storefront, warehouse, home based, mobile.
Do you plan on adding new services/equipment in the near future?
Also, are there other web sites that you pay/subscribe/donate to?
What about software. Do you use sign specific software or general graphics arts programs or combination of both.

Havin' fun,


a.k.a. Brian Born
Harrisburg, Pa
Work Smart, Play Hard

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Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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We've been reading your suggestions and adding to the lists names in the post at the top of this thread. My biggest fear is missing a show, magazine or website that should be included.

We are a very diverse community. Many of you are into fine art, murals, woodworking, calligraphy, airbrushing, screening, cartooning just to mention a few. We're simply not going to be able to include every publication and/or website devoted to all these interests. It is vital, however, that all the main players are included.

Is there a British sign magazine?

This will be our first attempt at using this particular polling program. I'm hoping to keep it as simple as possible. Our goal is to encourage as many as possible to take part. It has to be fast and easy. If this first poll is a success, we can venture into more detailed questions based on what we learn this time.

Please go back and scrutinize the choices in the list at the top of this post. Keep your suggestions coming.

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



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