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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » ai to corel 9 import help?

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Jeff Ogden

Member # 3184

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I have a question for all the 'puter gurus...I am using Corel 9, and I have a graphic designer ( quiet back there) who keeps wanting to send me ai. files. which I can't seem to get open. I tried importing both with ai selected, then with all files selected, and it keeps telling me it's not importable using the selected filter, or this file format is not supported.

I know I have opened up ai files before, so what's going on.? The graphics guy has the newest version of ai. Do we need to use on older version? Is there something I can add to upgrade corel 9 to do this? any work arounds?

If you can help I sure would appreciate any advice here. Thanks. Stuff like this makes me wish I was hanging on a wall somewhere instead of in front of this keyboard !

Jeff Ogden
8727 NE 68 Terr.
Gainesville FL, 32609

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Elaine Beauchemin

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Ask the designer to save in an older version

if not mistaking...corel9 will import Ai from version 8 and older

hope this help


Élaine Beauchemin
Lettrage Scripsit inc.
St-Hubert, Quebec, Canada

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Jeff Green
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If he doesn have Illustrator CS, then he probably has to downgrade the version he is saving to. I doubt Corel can handle that file type yet. Unless it is a big problem with what is in the file, the best version that should have absolutly no problem importing to Corel is Ver 6. I believe ver 8 will also work.
Try that out.

Jeff Green
Taylor Signs

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Jeff Green
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If he doesn have Illustrator CS, then he probably has to downgrade the version he is saving to. I doubt Corel can handle that file type yet. Unless it is a big problem with what is in the file, the best version that should have absolutly no problem importing to Corel is Ver 6. I believe ver 8 will also work.
Try that out.

Jeff Green
Taylor Signs

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Glenn S. Harris
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It doesn't matter what this so-called graphic designer WANTS to give you. He should be sending you an Illustrator EPS. Demand that he do so.

Glenn S. Harris

....back in the sign trade
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Tony McDonald

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Hi Jeff,

Have you tried "importing" using the "Postscript Intrepreted" filter.

I've had this kind of trouble before too. Had to take it accross town to a buddy with a mac and have him open and resave the file.

Ace Graphics & Printing
Camdenton, MO. USA


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Dave Grundy

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Jeff...A lot of graphic designers use Mac computers. Are you sure he is sending you the file in a PC formatted form? I know that when I export from Corel to AI the first check box asks what the destination computer will be, PC or Mac.

Just a thought.

And another thought. Ask for the file in AI 1.1 format. I have found that to be the most universally accepted format.

[ December 08, 2003, 02:53 PM: Message edited by: Dave Grundy ]

Dave Grundy
retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada
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Billie DeBekker
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First check that the designer is saving it in a PC version of ai like Dave said and also have them convert the fonts to graphics as embedded fonts dont always work right.

Billie DeBekker
3rd Dimension Signs
Canon City Colorado 81212

"Another Fine Graduate of the Ray Charles School of Sign Painting."

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Mike Pipes
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The graphic designer should be saving a copy as an Illustrator EPS using Version 6.0, then you can import into Corel using the Postscript Interpreted filter.. flawless every time, guaranteed.

The only time you might have problems is if he's using a gradient mesh in his Illustrator artwork, because Corel does not support them (from AI).

"If I share all my wisdom I won't have any left for myself."

Mike Pipes
Lake Havasu, AZ

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Bill Diaz

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If you use the "all file formats" instead of being specific will it come in. Like others have mentioned either he didn't format it for a PC or its a newer version that's not recognized by Corel 9. I have always had good luck importing .ai files into Corel 9 such as those contained in clipart cds.

Dang Mac guys, though! Microsoft and Apple do these things on purpose just to aggrivate us. They're making us pay for selecting one product over the other. I can see them now in the board room snickering. Let's gang up and lynch the rascals!

Bill Diaz
Diaz Sign Art
Pontiac IL

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Ryan E Young
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Jeff Try opening it instead of importing it.

Ryan Young
Indocil Art & Design

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Jeff Ogden

Member # 3184

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I had to leave and just now got back...thanks for all the positive replies. I will see about getting him to save in ver 6 or 8 if that's possible, also eps. I tried all the usual ways including opening as opposed to importing. It's gotta be either Corel 9 doesn't support his newer ai, or else the mac thing. 'Will call him in morning and let you know what I could work out. Thanks again........ [Smile]

Jeff Ogden
8727 NE 68 Terr.
Gainesville FL, 32609

Posts: 2138 | From: 8827 NE 68 Terr Gainesville Fl 32609 | Registered: Aug 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Michael Clanton

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Here is a trick that works for me: Select .ai files in the import type, find the file and select it(just click once), then with it selected, change the import type to "ps, prn,eps-postscript interpreted" the selected file looks like it has disappeared, but it is still selected- hit import and it should appear in your document.
This has worked with most versions of .ai, but it may not with the CS ver.- like everybody has mentioned, have them save it down to a lower version.

Michael Clanton
Clanton Graphics/ Blackberry 19 Studio
1933 Blackberry
Conway AR 72034

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Jeff Ogden

Member # 3184

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Okay. The designer is on a Mac, using the newest Illustrator, and I am now able to open his attachments by first saving to a file, then from Corel, import, select either ai or all files, click on the file, then change the import filter to ps,psn,eps. Then it opens right up. Thank you Michael. If I try to import without changing the filter to ps, it tries this long, useless conversion that ends up in gobbledegook. He also sent me an eps file, saved as version 8(ai), and that opened up OK too. So there are 2 ways of doing this, but eps seems simplest. The files on the designers end also have to be saved as outlines, or the font doesn't come through correctly. I guess that's the same as convert to curves for us PC users ?

So thanks for all the replies. In short, from a mac using ai, to corel 9, the best way seems to be to save as ver8 eps. But an ai file will open if you change the filter to ps just before actually importing it. So there you have it, folks. I appreciate the responses......

Jeff Ogden
8727 NE 68 Terr.
Gainesville FL, 32609

Posts: 2138 | From: 8827 NE 68 Terr Gainesville Fl 32609 | Registered: Aug 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Tony McDonald

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Ace Graphics & Printing
Camdenton, MO. USA


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