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Steve & Barb Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, ON, Canada
N1M 1G9

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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » Need Vinyl Purchase Advice

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Author Topic: Need Vinyl Purchase Advice
Fran Maholland
Member # 3609

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Something more constructive...

I need to buy 5 to 8, 50 yard rolls of vinyl...two colors...intermediate (6 year / max. 7 year). I'm in NJ and have several suppliers, but I understand there are other sources where I might be able to get some better pricing state-wise, nearby. This is a large silk screen job turned vinyl...don't ask why, just is.

Any suggestions of vinyl supply house that would do justice to a larger order/ future order(s)? Also, should be a reputable vinyl if possible.


Kind regards,


Fran Maholland
Pro Sign NJ

Posts: 169 | From: Voorhees, New Jersey | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Member # 63

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Hiya Fran,
If you're saying the job has to last 6-7 years, I would use nothing but high performance vinyl. It adds a lot of expense to the job, but, the peace of mind will be worth the investment.
I have yet to have intermediate vinyl last for more than 3-4 years outdoors.
You have quite a few distributors that can deliver product to you in 1-2 days. My choices would be Gerber/3M, Calon/Arlon, Avery in that order from a vendor I already use.

Havin' fun,


a.k.a. Brian Born
Harrisburg, Pa
Work Smart, Play Hard

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Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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Have you looked at our Letterville Merchants Fran? Some of them actually offer Letterville users a discount. Just click on a Merchant's logo to visit their website.

Another option is the Merchant Database.

If someone knows of any quality suppliers not yet Letterville Merchants, tell them all about us. Have them mention your name when they move into town, and we'll send you $50 to have lunch on Barb and Steve.

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



Posts: 3710 | From: Fergus, Ontario, Canada | Registered: A Long Time Ago!  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Member # 1948

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i buy 5-8 at once, 50 yard rolls all the time...i would never buy intermediate for any job that is more than a year....that's just my philosphy. i like 3m myself.

Karyn Bush
Simply Not Ordinary, LLC
Bartlett, NH

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Fran Maholland
Member # 3609

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Hey, thanks Check and Fry... (ahem), I mean, Steve.
Not sure I wanna go to high performance vinyl, but I'll see what other responses bring too.

Thanks again.


Fran Maholland
Pro Sign NJ

Posts: 169 | From: Voorhees, New Jersey | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
old paint
Member # 549

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ameriban, will drop shipping on orders over $100, so does denver sign supply. most big suppliers will. if you pay sales tax and buy from another state, you wont have to pay it, unless the supplier has a dist. center in your state.example: i buy 2 rolls of 20" x 50 yrd rolls of avery A-6 from DENVER SIGN SUPPLY @$65.00 ea. they ship from la. to fl, next day no shipping, no sales tax.

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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Fran Maholland
Member # 3609

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Thanks, Paint, if you're reading this. I got I quote on Oracal 651 30" pinched for $86.00 a roll, based on 6-8, 50 yard rolls. Any comments?

I like that Oracal vinyl goes out to the edge unlike Sparcal...or what's their new name? Yes, Avery.

Fran Maholland
Pro Sign NJ

Posts: 169 | From: Voorhees, New Jersey | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Harris Kohen
Member # 2139

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Fran, were you born ignorant or did you work hard to get that way?

Avery makes vinyl that goes right to the edge of the roll. Unless your buying the kind that is prepunched. Then maybe it's only in between the punches, but I think you will find it is full width just like the un-punched too. Thats how I have received it anyway.

Now would you like everyone here to be your purchasing agent to? Pick up your phone and make a few calls. Check out the vendors listed here. Your probably not going to save enough money to make it worth going across the country if you need it in a rush. But what would I know?

Harris Kohen
K-Man Pinstriping
and Graphix
Trenton, NJ
"Showing the world that even
I can strategically place the
pigment where its got to

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Fran Maholland
Member # 3609

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Hey, HK, thanks (I think?). I thought you looked a little like Nicholas Cage in the movie "Con Air" from you're pix, but now by demeanor??? It's, OK, though. The Fry...(errr), Steve, suggests you are a good bloke and just a bit feisty when someone comes to cross your creek.

Be aware-- I'm very resourceful, however, I've never bought vinyl in such a large, single job quantity before. I usually use my immediate suppliers and understand that they're not always the best deal in town. To be sure, I'm a frugal one when it comes to keeping certain, less refined jobs affordable. Nickles and dimes are one thing...dollars another, though a dollar and tens of thousands thereof are small change to some.

(Upgrades $...that's another story for dreamland)

Understand that I thought some would say, go here or go there with that kind of length (a long one for sure!) because they've got the best prices around your parts. Clearly no one has come forth with that info, so, I'm gonna parachute for now instead of doing the crash landing on the Vegas strip.

"Now leave the bunny alone"... genuinely, thanks for the wake up call, HK.

Kind regards,


"It was my wont to use a level whenst plumbing things up until, one day, the foreman yelled to me: 'Put down dat whiskey stick, WE AIN'T buildin' no pianni!'"

Fran Maholland
Pro Sign NJ

Posts: 169 | From: Voorhees, New Jersey | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Brian Snyder
Member # 41

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Actually, Avery's 30" punched rolls ARE edge stripped...quite a bit off the edge too. None of Oracal's punched rolls are edge stripped...or at least any of the ones I have bought.

I'd think a supplier might give you 3-5% off the order if you ordered all the transfer tape you're going to need for the job at the same time. Otherwise, I don't think $688 is that big of an order ($86x8).
I agree with Brian. You aren't going to get 6 years out of calendared vinyl unless its used indoors.

Brian Snyder
Sign Effectz
Woodbridge, New Jersey

Posts: 723 | From: Woodbridge, NJ USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Harris Kohen
Member # 2139

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I only use 24" so I guess you get an apology from me for that one Fran.

Harris Kohen
K-Man Pinstriping
and Graphix
Trenton, NJ
"Showing the world that even
I can strategically place the
pigment where its got to

Posts: 1739 | From: Trenton, NJ, USA | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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Fran? Are you suggesting I gave you some sort of info on Harris or anyone else on this website? I can't remember anyone who has worked so hard to wearout their welcome here in Letterville.

First you attempt to use this BB to in an obvious attempt to somehow leverage Flexi into giving you a free upgrade. Nice try, but what about all the other poor saps that have to pay for theirs? Oh yeah! We just keep it between us. Fat chance.

Now you are in here looking for a deal on vinyl. You just talked with JSI the other day regarding your upgrade issue. Didn't you tell us you were a "third party reseller" for them in an earlier post. Didn't they help you out with your Flexi issue? Why are you even looking for another supplier? What's going on here anyway? Something just don't smell right.

I'm not trying to embaress you Fran. However, when you suggest that I even mentioned Harris in our one phone call, your screwball posts hit a nerve. Right now I can't think of one single reason to allow you to keep your posting priviledges here in Letterville. Can you?

Please email me your answer.

[ December 08, 2003, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



Posts: 3710 | From: Fergus, Ontario, Canada | Registered: A Long Time Ago!  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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