I'm in a slump. I'm overwhelmed with life, christmas, work, decisions, you name it. And know what I'm debating on doing today?!? RIPPING APART OUR LIVING ROOM AND PAINTING IT!
Crazy? Oh yeah. But that kind of energy gets me going. Adrenelin at it's highest. I'd have to move the undecorated xmas tree in the middle of the room to achieve this. I have two kiddie overnight guests for tomorrow nite but I could probably have mike watch cody for Sat day and Sunday. I think I could do it.
I think this is my way of avoiding what really needs to be done LOL! But I soooo want to do something fun for me!
Please convince me one way or the other. Oh what to do... I'm so ready to get that trial gallon of paint, a nice dark taupe to finally glorify our sofa, all in taupes. I want to replace or repaint our oak coffee tables to match the dark woods in the sofa. I want to repaint the tv armoire in taupes and antique it to have an old world look. I want it beautiful. I want I want I want. Oh I really really do.
We got possession of our new property on Monday, and already we've ripped out the whole kitchen, knocked out a wall, removed old bathroom fixtures, removed old panelling from the basement and office. My hubby had this week off and has been working like crazy, and I'm too swamped with sign work to take the day off to help. I've been going over in the evenings, but I just want to be over there all the time -ripping, tearing and planning the decorating!
I say go for it. The room will feel brand-new and you will be pumped when you see all you've accomplished!
-------------------- "It is never too late to be what you might have been." -George Eliot
Suelynn Sedor Sedor Signs Carnduff, SK Canada Posts: 2863 | From: Carnduff, SK Canada | Registered: Nov 1998
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I guess the most important thing would be to have a smile on your face (if you don't already). After that its all a breeze!
And a list helps. Categorize, prioritize. What you can do alone, what you will need help with, etc...Like a good game of pool, keep setting yourself up for the next move.
Good luck.
-------------------- Alan Ackerson LetterWorks Design and Graphics Posts: 776 | From: Oak Ridge, NJ | Registered: Aug 2002
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DO IT! You will be overworked this weekend, but just think of the outcome. It will make decorating for Christmas more exciting. It may even get you through the season with a fresh outlook.
Good luck.
-------------------- Kathy Joiner River Road Graphics 41628 River Road Ponchatoula, La.70454
Old enough to know better...Too young to resist. Posts: 1891 | From: Ponchatoula, LA | Registered: Nov 2000
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That is SO funny. I did the same thing just before Xmas last year. I even had taupe paint - a great color called Bavarian Torte.
I suddenly decided that I wanted to paint the living room but of course had to do it before we put up the Christmas tree. My husband and I polished it off in one evening. I loved it so much I went out a few months later and bought a fabulous taupe couch!
Go for it!!!
-------------------- Kimberly Zanetti Purcell Folsom, CA email:
“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” AA Milne Posts: 3722 | From: Folsom, CA | Registered: Dec 2001
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Too easy for a lady of your talents! Go for it!
Wanna trade it for my wantado list??
-------------------- Dan Sawatzky Imagination Corporation Yarrow, British Columbia
Being a grampa is one of the the most wonderful things in the world!!! Posts: 8738 | From: Yarrow, B.C. Canada | Registered: Nov 1998
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Oh yeah, I can relate. What's alittle more madness for the holidays? Go for it! Nettie
Edit: I've just found out that the painter who was going to do my kitchen can't make it before th holidays now. So ... guess who's thinking of doing it herself?
Ok, here's my gameplan. After all the energy I'm feeling from you guys, I'm going to see how far I can take this!
Going out in an hour with a cushion and throw blanket of choice colors and swatch of rest of the house. Cody is going over to his friend's house for the rest of the day until bedtime (I had Jeremy in the AM, cool mommy time swap huh?) so I'll get in some time to think with a clear head. (that's when I'll regret all this LOL)
Working hard now doing all my weekend housework so we have clean clothes and a clean house, then wait for Mike to leave the house and start... (truth be told, he's not ready for the change, but he said the same thing about our bedroom and ended up loving the change, he needs to SEE it)
Calling Trading Spaces, Debbie Travis, While You Were Out, (decorating shows) whoever is out there, I could use some help to get this done in 2 days!
quote:(truth be told, he's not ready for the change, but he said the same thing about our bedroom and ended up loving the change, he needs to SEE it)
Men tend to have trouble with the concept of change and then appreciate the outcome. I painted our bedroom PURPLE DRAGON...yes, it's as wild as it sounds. A year and a half later, my husband will still occasionally lay there in bed looking up at the walls and go...It sure is PURPLE in here!
-------------------- Kimberly Zanetti Purcell Folsom, CA email:
“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” AA Milne Posts: 3722 | From: Folsom, CA | Registered: Dec 2001
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Male brain fart moment .... what the - is taupe? ... I'm thinking a brownish ... to be dark ... surrounding dark woods and furniture? Not my cup of tea (if I'm even looking in the right direction) but good luck and have fun.
My wife went through a painting stage a while back ... every couple weeks I'd wake up and walk into a different color bathroom.
-------------------- Compulsive, Neurotic, Anti-social and Paranoid ... but basically Happy Posts: 2677 | From: Rochester, NY, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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quote:what the - is taupe? ... I'm thinking a brownish
Yes, a brownish color, tending towards grey, sometimes even with a touch of lavender. A mushroom kinda color.
We did our living room and dining room that color because our furniture is a dark mahogany and with the white walls the contrast was jarring. The taupe color eases the transition for your eyes. I just love it.
-------------------- Kimberly Zanetti Purcell Folsom, CA email:
“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” AA Milne Posts: 3722 | From: Folsom, CA | Registered: Dec 2001
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At the end of September I announced that I thought the ceilings in the living room and dining room could use a coat of paint.
By the end Of October we had repainted every room in the house, re-carpeted every room except the kitchen and bathroom, bought new living room furniture including tables and lamps, and had replaced every curtain and drape.
(Not really, we had a lot of fun and the old place looks so much nicer.)
[ December 05, 2003, 07:15 PM: Message edited by: Dave Grundy ]
-------------------- Dave Grundy retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada 1-519-262-3651 Canada 011-52-1-999-102-2923 Mexico cell 1-226-785-8957 Canada/Mexico home
MUST be a "chick" thing(damn HGTV) Any extra time I have are used to experiment with different combinations of letter styles and color combinations. Maybe that is because I don't Hunt,Fish,or Follow Sports
-------------------- PKing is Pat King The Professor of SIGNOLOGY Posts: 3113 | From: Pompano Beach, FL. USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Darn it anyway. Spent 1.5 hours at the paint store and none of their paint chips would work. The color will have to be custom made. First I'll try another paint store that makes the effort to crack open a huge pallet book behind their counter and show you nearly every hue available. The place I went to didn't bother, never do, but I like their paint better.
Donna, Why don't you allow yourself to paint after you've accomplished something like organizing the office or somthing like that (delaying gratification). Use it as a reward for yourself. I love your mini-goals posts (although I've yet to do one) and need to get my life organized too - business - personal - home.
-------------------- signs Posts: 535 | From: pa | Registered: Dec 1998
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Donna, when the energy is there, you have to use it. If not it will fade away and later you will say "I could have done it" but you didn't. Go for it sister. two is only the 6th you can do it, paint that room! but be careful of those little color chips, they can fool you...
-------------------- aka:Cisco the "Traveling Millennium Sign Artist" Fresno, CA 93703 559 252-0935 "to live life, is to love life, a sign of no life, is a sign of no love"...Cisco 12'98 Posts: 3576 | From: Fresno, Ca, the great USA | Registered: Dec 1998
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Yeehaw! Guess what I saw on my dry erase board in the kitchen today? I use it to list what I have to get done at home, and added to the list was "paint the livingroom." I didn't put it there. This is a major thing. It means I officially have someone's blessing to DO IT.
No stopping me now. Back to the paint shop for another try!
I wet my appetite for room painting by starting with the linen closet. Yup, that closet hasn't been painted since I've lived here. (almost 14 years! ... yikes) Yeah, I know no one will see it, but I did it for me. No more peeling paint in there, and it's a nice clean bright white. I like it! Now I'm thinking the bathroom, and then, maybe the kitchen? I must be crazy!
-------------------- "When Love and Skill Work Together ... Expect a Masterpiece"
Hi Donna.... Did my IMing about painting my kitchen cause this? Boy am I ever glad I did it...I am actually glad now that Felix Marcano sprayed Clorox Clean-Up on my formerly Pepto-Bismol Pink kitchen. It took me a year or better to find time, but I am SO glad I painted my kitchen Safety Red and my cupboards cream. It looks like somebody else's kitchen now, and it only took 3 coats of paint on everything...haha...but worth the effort. I have even caught myself "redding up" (Pittsburgh term for cleaning) more often, which is not like me at all. Love and happy Taupe hunting... JILL
-------------------- That is like a Mr. Potato Head with all the pieces in the wrong place. -Russ McMullin Posts: 8834 | From: Butler, PA, USA | Registered: Jan 2001
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Somewhere I read to never attempt any kind of renovations during the month of December. Such sound advice, but how unexciting is that! When you have the time, that's when you won't feel like it.
Nettie, maybe we need to challenge each other on this one to get it done. Pick a room, ready set... let me know when you're ready...
I know just what you are all saying, only too well
when we bought this house a year ago Devo made me promise that I wouldn't paint anything for 12mths
he had lived with me for so long never knowing what colour his bedroom would be when he came home from a ride or if he dared to leave me alone for more than an afternoon (sometimes even that little time would do)
he always loved the effects but he got so tired of the confusion I think
you see I too would much rather paint than clean, and so if the room was messy I would paint it and then vacumme up afterwards so it was all new again! made sense to me
I also beleived that if a wall changed direction then could also change colour
the kids bathroom had clouds on the walls and my ensuite was black blue with tiny little stars that you could only see when the candles where lit, things like that drove him mad
my daughter moves furniture when she gets crazy... I paint!
I must also add at this point that our old house was fairly big, so when I painted 1 wall yellow suede and 2 others dk blue in the living room, it kinda looked ok
but this new house is very, very small and so I think he had nighmares of all that colour in a tiny space causing his head to explode!
so, true to my word, this house had not been painted inside since we moved in
we have instead concentrated on the building renovations and the boys stuff like concrete, fences, grass and shed stuff
but just shy of the 12ths I couldn't stand sitting in my chair at night and looking at the endless beige that is my home for one moment longer... so
I found a small tin of dk blue and just painted one tiny wall that is the return to the kitchen that the fridge lives behind
my excuse of course was that a painting my eldest son did for me while he was at school has a distressed while frame and it needs a dark wall to hang on... that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
12mths to the day of us moving in I attacked the beige bathroom and now it's such a cheery lemon yellow with little blue dolfins making their way around the room as a freize effect above the tiles
I love it!
and guess what is in my shed?
lots of 20lt tins of all sorts of great paint and small containers of tinters, curtesy of my brother-in-law the hardware manager and my visa card so I and tint my own paint as I want... yipee!
since this is a little beach house I'm thinking lots of white with accent colours on feature walls what do you recon?
the new kitchen which I have been waiting on for months is finaly getting installed just before xmas and I designed it with white cabinets and dk blue marble benchtops with brushed alluminium kick strip and handles
so I think 1 wall from the lounge down the hallway should be a dk blue suede effect while the others off it just white then 1 wall in each of the bedrooms can be a bright colour in suede effect too
I think it will work... but if it doesn't I will just paint over it, and over it, and over it again
I'm back!!!!
cheers gail
-------------------- Gail & Dave Hervey Bay Qld Australia
sumtimes ya just gota! Posts: 794 | From: 552 O'Regans Creek Rd Toogoom Qld 4655 Australia | Registered: Nov 1998
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Just about done my bathroom. It's gone from a sterile (far from it) white with grey and peach accents (bo-o-o-o-oring) to copper walls with gold and silver drybrushing, the white tile board is papered with dark grey faux tiles with a silver sparkle to them and a elegant border with gold & copper fish in a dark grey background with silver borders across the top and bottom. I don't know how it sounds, but I think it is georgeous. It made the room alot darker, but I've always hated the way it plucked my eyes when I turned the light on in there at night. Besides we are getting to that age where less light is more attractive.
-------------------- “Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again?” -Winnie the Pooh & A.A. Milne
Kelly Thorson Kel-T-Grafix 801 Main St. Holdfast, SK S0G 2H0 Posts: 5496 | From: Penzance, Saskatchewan | Registered: May 2002
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Wow, we do have some serious decorators on board here! BTW, I found my paint chip today! I think I'll go downstairs and start taping all the woodwork. Ok, AFTER I write out my Christmas cards.. priority here.