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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » vacations....they do help right?

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Author Topic: vacations....they do help right?

Member # 1948

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i'm actually gonna do it...12 days off...warm climate, no customers! just me and my man snorkeling and having fun! what's everyone else do for an attitide adjustment when they haven't taken time off in 7 years?
my biggest fear is i won't want to come back. [Wink]

Karyn Bush
Simply Not Ordinary, LLC
Bartlett, NH

Posts: 3516 | From: Bartlett, NH USA | Registered: Jan 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Suelynn Sedor
Member # 442

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Good for you Karyn!! I know you will have a blast!

You deserve a holiday you crazy woman!


"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
-George Eliot

Suelynn Sedor
Sedor Signs
Carnduff, SK Canada

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Kathy Joiner
Member # 1814

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7 years? Girl you better have fun! That's a long time without a vacation. Have a great time.

Kathy Joiner
River Road Graphics
41628 River Road
Ponchatoula, La.70454

Old enough to know better...Too young to resist.

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Donna in BC

Member # 130

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7 years vs. 12 vacation days... my guess is you'll just start to unwind during those 12 days, and you'll cry yer eyes out when you have to leave because you're just starting to really have fun!

Well, take what you can. Sounds awesome! Where are you going? I'm soooooo jealous. [Smile]

Donna Williams
Funky Junk Interiors
Yarrow, BC Canada

~ Check out the newest junk at ~ http://funkyjunkinteriors.net/

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Si Allen

Member # 420

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Karyn....forget the R & R...go for the I & I !!!

[Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]

Si Allen #562
La Mirada, CA. USA

(714) 521-4810

si.allen on Skype


"SignPainters do It with Longer Strokes!"

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Dave Grundy

Member # 103

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Karyn..To answer your question...YES vacations DO help!!!!!

And to re-ask Donna's question..where are you guys going???

Dave Grundy
retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada
1-519-262-3651 Canada
011-52-1-999-102-2923 Mexico cell
1-226-785-8957 Canada/Mexico home


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David Harding

Member # 108

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After seven years, you are in sore need of that vacation. It will be a great recharge for the creative side.

My foreman hadn’t taken a vacation in the 16 years he had lived in this country until I talked him and his family into camping with us in Big Bend National Park two years ago. He and his family got totally hooked on it and we are planning our sixth camping trip together later this winter, to Big Bend.

I created a monster, but it is a less stressed one!

Edited typo. I need a vacation!

[ December 01, 2003, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: David Harding ]

David Harding
A Sign of Excellence
Carrollton, TX

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Rick Beisiegel

Member # 3723

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Hope you bring your laptop or we'll miss your wit and charm

Rick Beisiegel
Vital Signs & Graphics
Since 1982
(231) 452-6225 / (231) 652-3300

""Good judgment comes from experience; and a lot of that comes from bad judgment" - Will Rogers

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Monte Jumper

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What kind of a dumb fear is that?

Go...enjoy...stay...come back...fip a coin! [Wink]

"Werks fer me...it'll werk fer you"

Monte Jumper

Posts: 3185 | From: Norman,Okla.U.S.A. | Registered: Sep 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
old paint
Member # 549

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karen i did 8 years(CARIBOU MA.) in snow up to my A S S every winter. along with the cold, wind, chill factor, car had to be pluged in, havin someone plow the drive way, snow tires, ice and the worst part the spring SLOP!!!
i live in northern fl. and the only thing white here is the sand on the beach..ax steve......i have been on vaction since 1980...when i moved to fl. from pa.

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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Jon Butterworth

Member # 227

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When yer gotta go ... yer gotta go!!!!

For years Sue and never had more than a long-weekend off. Then a few years back we finally took the plunge. Put a message on the answer phone, closed the door and went sailing,fishing and diving on the Great Barrier Reef. Even the cell-phone didn't work out there! [Smile]

Took a couple of days to unwind and stop worrying about work. Then the "relax and enjoy it" mode kicked in! Ok. We did come back to a pile of faxes and messages, but I don't think we lost any work from regulars.

The break was all too brief really. But now we have our daughter back full time and capable of looking after the business, we make a point of taking at least two weeks off a year. Fairs fair, Vicki gets 4 weeks PAID holiday a year!

Sue started a "holiday fund" savings account. She saves all the 50c coins we get. She also puts in her cash wages from a day a week at her friends shop typing and doing the books. Any loose change and cash jobs go into the kitty too. Amazing how it mounts up. We paid for our airfares to Oklahoma outa it this year [Smile]

Everybody needs a break! Life's too short not to enjoy it while you can.

aka Jon Butterworth

Executive Director


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Member # 1948

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maui and the big island...unless i hear there's a better island...we don't care about night life...just wanna chill and see the nature stuff. [Smile]

Karyn Bush
Simply Not Ordinary, LLC
Bartlett, NH

Posts: 3516 | From: Bartlett, NH USA | Registered: Jan 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Member # 1912

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Yes Karen!
It will do yins a world of good to get away. Just remember to pack yer itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny-yellow-polka-dot bikini! And don't DARE forget the sunscreen!
Love ya

That is like a Mr. Potato Head with all the pieces in the wrong place.
-Russ McMullin

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Stephen Faulkner
Member # 2511

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Most Vacation end too fast...don't forget the mandatory 4 days to ease back into work..... it's like a free vacation.... no one needs to know you guys are back.... look over them vacation pics [Cool] at your favorite watering hole... then go find that bong and and massage oils you been neglecting! [Big Grin]
Werks for me!.... It'll werk for you! [Applause]

"No excuses!.... No regrets!..."

known associate... pinstripermafia.com

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John Deaton
Member # 925

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I like Jill's idea. And dont forget to take pictures! [Wink] [Roll Eyes]

Maker of fine signs and
other creative stuff.
Located at 109 N. Cumberland ave.
Harlan, Ky. 40831

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Brian Snyder
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I got back from my honeymoon on Maui on Friday November 21st. You are going to love it!
Stephen is right on....you need 4+ days to get back into work. I've had bronchitis since 3 days after we got back. Must be my body's way of telling me that work really does make me sick!

Brian Snyder
Sign Effectz
Woodbridge, New Jersey

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bill riedel

Member # 607

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You will love it Karen, been there and done that with the first Letterhead meet on the Island.
Look up the local VFW building, they have a sign that Butch Anton and I lettered for them. They keep it inside.
The rain forest and the volcano are the two main attractions.

Bill Riedel
Riedel Sign Co., Inc.
15 Warren Street
Little Ferry, N.J. 07643

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Terry Whynott

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And don't forget to send postcards to ALL of us! [Big Grin]

Have fun!

Terry Whynott
Walkerton, Ontario

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Tony McDonald

Member # 1158

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Just remember to pack yer itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny-yellow-polka-dot bikini!
Hey........this would be a good "step by step!"

When you go....just forget about your work and enjoy it. You will be planning the next one before you ever get home.

Ace Graphics & Printing
Camdenton, MO. USA


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Lotti Prokott

Member # 2684

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We took our first "real" vaccation this summer after ten years, and I can't believe how good it was for our little family. In some rare, glorious moments, I would look at our two teenage daughters and they actually seemed to like each other... [Razz]
Go for it, and have tons of fun!!

Lotti Prokott
Woodland Signs
Pelly, Saskatchewan

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Rick Sacks

Member # 379

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Those tropical getaways last for years in my memory! I can reflect on those Hawiian green turtles and almost be there again. The vacation does not end when you get home. The family bonding doesn't seem to happen in other ways....except severe adversity possibly. Have fun.

The SignShop
Mendocino, California


Making the simple complicated is commonplace;
making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity. — Charles Mingus

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David Harding

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When my sister’s children were in Junior High, the family had an opportunity to take a vacation in Hawaii, however it meant missing some school.
When my sister talked to the principal about the situation, he asked her: “Do you remember that week of Junior High?” She answered: “No.” He replied: “Neither will your children but that trip to Hawaii will be with them their whole life. Enjoy the trip!” They had a wonderful guilt-free vacation.

David Harding
A Sign of Excellence
Carrollton, TX

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Mike Pipes
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Hey Karyn,

The costs of living in Hawaii might be enough to make ya come back from your vacation. [Smile] Then again, if you like the place enough that won't even matter! [Smile]

I'm with you though... forget planning anything, 'cept lots of time on the beach! And be sure to take lots of pictures, maybe even pick up a disposable underwater camera for gettin pics while snorkeling and diving.

I went diving, snorkeling, and swimming with stingrays in Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, and Cozumel Mexico last December. Actually, in the Cayman islands we took a ferry out to Rum Point, did some swimming then jumped into the hammocks on the beach and slept the afternoon away. [Smile]

Here's a pic of Rum Point:

All in all I had a pretty good time but I live in a pretty nice place as it is (it was just as warm at home as it was in the Caribbean!) and was actually happy to get back home. I *do* want to go back though, maybe with fewer family members so we don't have to worry about pleasing everyone.

"If I share all my wisdom I won't have any left for myself."

Mike Pipes
Lake Havasu, AZ

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Member # 1948

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thanks for all the info and points of view...i really need this...it's the only thing holding me together right now(besides my prescription drug adivan)...otherwise i'd be in a mental institution where my customers can't find me. [Wink]
it's really sick but before i decided on this trip i was daydreaming about getting the flu...just so i could get away from work...the next 2 months will be hell....but there is light in my dark tunnell!!!hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Karyn Bush
Simply Not Ordinary, LLC
Bartlett, NH

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