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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » lump in my hand

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Author Topic: lump in my hand
Member # 501

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Has this happened to anyone before? I have a pea sized lump at the base of my middle finger where it meets my palm. I've had problems before with carpel tunnel and the repetitive motions of the sign business but this is new. [Confused]


Posts: 535 | From: pa | Registered: Dec 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
old paint
Member # 549

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sounds like the dreaded PENNSYFINGERCARPELATHRITORICAL SYNDROME!!!!!!its know to attack sign people unmercifully!!!!hehehehehehehehehehe

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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CJ Allan
Member # 52

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It's a well known thing.......but i better not say........... [Smile]

[Smile] [Smile] [Smile]
fergot the damn smiles, and don't know how to use those at the bottom of the page..........


[ November 26, 2003, 06:39 PM: Message edited by: CJ Allan ]

CJ Allan
CJs Engraving
982 English Dr.
Hazel, KY 42049


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Terry Baird

Member # 3495

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I've had one at the base of my right index finger, on the pad of my palm for about a year. My doctor told me it was a Ganglian Cyst. Most of the time they go away on their own, but you can have it taken out if it's interfering with your day to day routine.

Terry Baird
Baird Signs
3484 West Lake Rd.
Canandaigua, NY 14424

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Janette Balogh

Member # 192

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I have one at the base of my left middle finger. (must be a birdie finger thing? [Smile] ) Though mine's slightly smaller than a pea and it lies at the side between my middle and ring finger. I have had it ever since I can remember. At least 30+ years. Doesn't hurt or bother me, ... it's just there. I'd be curious to find out what the heck it is, but I probably won't do anything about it.

Does yours hurt or get in the way?

It's interesting to me to hear of others with the same thing.

"When Love and Skill Work Together ... Expect a Masterpiece"

Janette Balogh
Creative Studio


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John Martin Robson
Member # 1686

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Is this post relegated only to lumpy middle fingers………..or can we ask about corns, bunions, hairy warts and goiters?

Camille, just kidding. I've had similar things like that..........they come, they go. If you are really concerned though, best to get it checked out..........just to put your mind at ease.

John Martin Robson
Pendragon Signs & Graphics

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Steve Purcell
Member # 1140

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Terry is correct. It is probably a ganglion.

They usually occur on a joint or a tendon sheath, and though benign, they can impede mobility.

About ten years ago, I had one surgically removed, as it was affecting my carving ability.

Removal is an out-patient procedure.
See your orthopedic & have it looked at.

Steve Purcell
Purcell Woodcarving & Signmaking
Cape Cod, MA

Intelligent Design Is No Accident

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Mike Pulskamp
Member # 3475

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...So the bar tender looks up at the pirate with the parrot on its head, and says "Ware 'd you get that?"

The parrot says" ROCK! It started as a boil on me arse."

I hope yours turns out better [Smile]

Mike Pulskamp
Pulskamp Arts
Sacramento, CA

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Member # 501

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Your posts cracked me up!!! Feel better about the cyst now - hopefully it'll go away - seems to get a little sore when I work all day (hey another excuse to leave early) but nothing excruciating! Thanks all - have a great turkey day - did I tell you we're having shrimp?? [Big Grin]


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Todd Gill

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Camille...I've got one (smaller than a pea) in the same location but only on my pinky finger...where the joint meets the palm.

It hurts a little at times...I'm guessing it's some kind of bone spur type thing. I may have the doctor "whittle" it off. I doubt it's serious, but ditto the get it checked advice. [Smile]

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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David Harding

Member # 108

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In the past a ganglion cyst was often treated by whacking it with a large book to break it up. Although there is no HMO involved with that method, my wife opted for more modern techniques to have one removed.

David Harding
A Sign of Excellence
Carrollton, TX

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Judy Pate

Member # 237

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While we are on the subject of pain in our hands..does anyone have problems with your thumb joint at the base of your palm?
I hold my paint cup and pallet with my left thumb and forefinger. It hurts all the time now. It wasn't this painful to start with. My chiropractor says it's from repetitive action and possibly arthritis too. Anybody know of anything that will stop the pain? My chiropractor told me to put ice on it 30 minutes then take it off an hour then repeat. The ice takes the inflamation out. Doing this really makes it feel better the next day. I haven't went to an orthopedia doctor yet but I am thinking about it.
Camille,hope your problem goes away soon!

[ November 30, 2003, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: Judy Pate ]

Judy Pate
Signs By Judy
Albany, Georgia USA

Live simply...Love generously...Care deeply...Speak kindly...Leave the rest to God.

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John Hugentober
Member # 3316

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As I get older, I seem to rely on Ibuprofen to cure my aches and pains. Like anything, use it in moderation as it has it's own hazards.


John Hugentober
Blasted! Signs and Tees
Lebanon, OH

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CJ Allan
Member # 52

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Kinda funny but, When I open my Medicine cabnit...............it looks just like my Grandfathers did when i was a kid.............



CJ Allan
CJs Engraving
982 English Dr.
Hazel, KY 42049


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old paint
Member # 549

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boy..some of these kids....wait till you hit 50, its the days you wake up.... and somethin DONT HURT, somewhere someplace on your body, that makes you worry what the H*** IS WRONG!!!! ill trade a cramp in the finger any day for this pain in my a**!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahha

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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R T Thomas

Member # 355

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Sounds like classic symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to me. I stopped most of the pain and almost completely ridded myself of it by buying and wearing a wrist splint at night when I was sleeping. The splint keeps you from bending your wrist and will help a lot if you will learn to wear it.

I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel years ago and I've never had the surgery or anything they wanted me to have. All I did was start paying attention to the movements I was making and modifying them or just consciously not doing them and wearing the splint. It has not completely gone away, but I don't have the pain anymore unless I strain my wrists in some way. I have been known to kick a little arse in Foosball and that does make it flare up a bit when I happen to play a few games.(rarely)

You can buy the splints at any Wal-Mart or drug store for less than $20. I don't even wear one anymore.

Hope this helps,

R.T.Thomas,AirDesigns/Sign And Airbrush Studio

Hattiesburg,MS 39401
Shop 601-584-1000
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Judy Pate

Member # 237

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Thanks for the info RT and John. RT, I will get a
wrist splint soon. JOhn,I have been taking Ibuprofen in moderation for the inflamation & pain. Joe, I am in the over 50 catagory so I know what you are talking about.

Judy Pate
Signs By Judy
Albany, Georgia USA

Live simply...Love generously...Care deeply...Speak kindly...Leave the rest to God.

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Bob Stephens
Member # 858

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I have three of those pea sized hard bumps between the pinky and ring finger at the base of my left hand. I was told it was a cyst of some kind and they can be cut out if they become too painful.

It hurt the most when I was playing golf 4-5 days a week but since I cut back to twice a week its not as bad.

Bob Stephens
Skywatch Signs
Zephyrhills, FL


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