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Author Topic: What will you be doing tomorrow?
Kimberly Zanetti
Member # 2546

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Since my husband is a Chef, he will of course be working tomorrow. My daughter and I were planning on going in around 1pm and having dinner with him. He has to be in by 4:30am to get everything started so hopefully by the time we finish eating, he'll be able to go home with us.

They have a fabulous spread at the restaurant. All of the usual Turkey, etc, prime rib roasts, pastas, seafood (oysters, crab, shrimp) and on and on and on.

I was just speaking with some friends of ours who didn't really have plans and were just thinking of running out somewhere and grabbing a bite to eat so I talked them into coming with us to the hotel instead.

Then later tomorrow night, we are going over some other friend's for dessert.

Kimberly Zanetti Purcell
Folsom, CA
email: Kimberly@AmethystProductivity.com

“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” AA Milne

Posts: 3722 | From: Folsom, CA | Registered: Dec 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Jon Butterworth

Member # 227

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"Tomorrow" is Friday 29th here [Smile] We don't have Thanks Giving down here.

Looks like a "frantic Friday" at work too!

But I will be thinking of you all "up-overs" today. I have experienced a couple of American Thanks Givings during my stay in California years ago.

For us it is the culinary "blow out" at christmas. How you do two events like this in less than a month is beyond me.

But, "Thanks for the memories" [Smile]

[ November 26, 2003, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: Jon Butterworth ]

aka Jon Butterworth

Executive Director


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Harris Kohen
Member # 2139

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Going to my mothers house to eat a bird that was once alive. I dunno, its some sort of traditional thing???

Other than that I will be working on the neverending home renovation project and maybe paint a thing or two.

Oh and hanging out with all my friends in letterville when time allows.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!
(if you celebrate it)

Harris Kohen
K-Man Pinstriping
and Graphix
Trenton, NJ
"Showing the world that even
I can strategically place the
pigment where its got to

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Wayne Webb

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Thanksgiving dinner at Mom's and then it's off to the woods to go deer hunting with my sons and some friends.

Wayne Webb
Webb Signworks
Chipley, FL

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Member # 1912

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I will be smacking my kids with a turkey baster!
Hands offa da boid!
No, just the usual...am baking my pies tonite. We will eat them for breakfast & have the big meal @ 1pm.
Then it's off to the garage to paint!
Love & Happy Thanksgiving...

That is like a Mr. Potato Head with all the pieces in the wrong place.
-Russ McMullin

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Mike Pipes
Member # 1573

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My day is going to start off with a 5 mile walk at 6:30am. Yes, it's voluntary. [Smile]

Helping mom put together an early meal, it's just going to be us two and one of her friends that has no local family, and possibly one of my buddies who is in the middle of moving back to California so if he's back in town to pick up more of his stuff he'll stop by and join us.

Then we'll probably go out and enjoy some of the sunshine, maybe sit by the lake for a while.

"If I share all my wisdom I won't have any left for myself."

Mike Pipes
Lake Havasu, AZ

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old paint
Member # 549

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iam saving a turkey and deer....dont eat meat and dont kill bambi......hehehehehehhehe

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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Terry Baird

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Hey Joe,...maybe you can fashion a turkey shaped object out of Garden Burger?

Terry Baird
Baird Signs
3484 West Lake Rd.
Canandaigua, NY 14424

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Todd Gill

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We'll be eating at my inlaws who live right across the wheatfield from us.

Menu includes some form of party chicken as the main meat.....no turkey [Frown] .......but we'll be heading over to my folks later and I'll get some of theirs. [Applause]

If your husband is a chef and you are too...I'm guessing you two met in chef's school? Your house must be very popular for dinner get-togethers. [Big Grin]

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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Kimberly Zanetti
Member # 2546

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If your husband is a chef and you are too...I'm guessing you two met in chef's school? Your house must be very popular for dinner get-togethers.
Nope, I was in the park wacthing some friends of mine play softball (back in 1994) - he was on their archrival team but came over and talked to me anyway...the rest is history. Turns out one of his best friends, another guy on the team worked with my roommate at the time so they got us together. Considering our love of food they figured we'd be perfect for each other.

He's formally trained, I am not but I can more than hold my own. [Wink]

Yes, we have a lot of dinner parties, some very formal and others very casual. If it wasn't for the expense, we'd do it more often.

Kimberly Zanetti Purcell
Folsom, CA
email: Kimberly@AmethystProductivity.com

“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” AA Milne

Posts: 3722 | From: Folsom, CA | Registered: Dec 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Dave Grundy

Member # 103

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Nothing special tomorrow for us in Canada..just another work day. ( My thanks to God I have work to do!)

In honour of the American Thanksgiving, Shirl and I had turkey stew and garlic bread made from leftover turkey from our Thanksgiving back in October. [Applause] [Applause]

Have a great day tomorrow, all of you American Letterheads!!!

Dave Grundy
retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada
1-519-262-3651 Canada
011-52-1-999-102-2923 Mexico cell
1-226-785-8957 Canada/Mexico home


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Janette Balogh

Member # 192

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Dave, my mom and I will be heading over to Dave's family's house for a great Thanksgiving dinner. I will be opening my birthday gifts too ... had to wait this year, but I don't mind. [Smile]

Friday we will be going out on the boat for a two day trip. I'm excited!

Tonight I'm fixing Apple Crisp for Thanksgiving dinner's dessert, (Dave is getting the ice cream for it) and some chocolate chip cookies for our boating excursion.

I love this time of year!

"When Love and Skill Work Together ... Expect a Masterpiece"

Janette Balogh
Creative Studio


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Doug Allan

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Linda & I both have the Flu. She got hit real hard over a week ago & still won't leave the house. It got me Sunday night installing a sign in the rain (yeah I know... not enough sense to take sunday off either [Frown] ) but I'm feeling just about out of the woods already. I will be enjoying a 4 day weekend though & even with so much extended family here, looks like I'll bring home a few mini cornish hens (for the 'bird" tradition)from Costco, along with a Pumpkin Pie.

Doug Allan

"you get what you settle for"

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Doug Allan

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Hey, nice pic Nettie!
I guess mine is getting a little old (or I am [Smile] ) maybe I'll line up a more current one for my next birthday.

Doug Allan

"you get what you settle for"

Posts: 8981 | From: Kahului, HI, USA | Registered: Sep 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ian Stewart-Koster

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Speech night/awards night for the kids at school- big preparations there, & work as usual, plus some praying for rain!

"Stewey" on chat

"...there are no limits when you aim for perfection..." Jonathan Livingston Seagull

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Harris Kohen
Member # 2139

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ya mean they celebrate thanksgiving in Hawaii?

Columbus didnt find Hawaii!!!

Harris Kohen
K-Man Pinstriping
and Graphix
Trenton, NJ
"Showing the world that even
I can strategically place the
pigment where its got to

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Member # 1301

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We are shifting Thanksgiving to Friday so that our daughter and her fiance can be with us. My father in law is here too. Tommorrow I will probably work on our new ceiling on our porch and try oil painting a picture "Bob Ross Style".
Today I taught my son how to make crescent rolls.

Balch Signs
1045 Raymond Rd
Malta, NY 12020
518 885-9899

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Member # 1926

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Wow! I haven't been here in a while. Cool pictures! You girls are SO pretty! I like the new pictures.
Turkey and ham in Lost Prairie!! Mom started cooking this morning and I've been helping. The whole family is home tomorrow. Mom's cooking enough for an army!
Its snowing like crazy and maybe Dad will let me run the plow for once. Oof! I hope so.


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Ron Costa

Member # 3366

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This Thanksgiving will be a new experience for Meg and I. Every year we host a feast for the three kids and their families. It gets pretty crowded and noisey with the grandkids running underfoot. Our house is small but you can comfortably seat 12 at a sheet of 3/4 MDO clamped to the table top. (werks better than a pingpong table, Si, passing the gravy boat over the net is a pain). The grandkids get to foodfight at the card tables in the kitchen.
This year Meg asked the kids if they would be interested in taking over the tradition and much to our surprise my number 2 son jumped on it, and within minutes my daughter took Christmas away.
So ends a family tradition. Can't say we'll miss all the work preparing, and cleanup but going away for the holiday will be new to us.
Never had deep fried turkey before.....or celebrated a national holiday in Vermont either...
Best wishes to all my new friends in Letterville,

Ron Costa Sign and Design
28 Ingerson Road
Jefferson, NH 0358

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Doug Allan

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Columbus?? I thought this was about paying back the indians for teaching the pilgrams how to throw fishheads at the bottom of the rows of corn, & letting us take all their land.

White man stole land & wiped out plenty of native people over here too... we have just as much to feel thankful about [Smile] (just kidding... I meant ...as much to feel guilty about [Frown] )

Doug Allan

"you get what you settle for"

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Donna in BC

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No special day here either... whaaa! But for the first time ever, I went out with my mom for a turkey dinner to a restaurant this year when it was our Thanksgiving. It was wonderful! Now that's the way to have a fancy dinner! [Smile]

I'm double booked tomorrow (not good) so I doubt I'll be making anything special for dinner. Another turkey feast in a restaurant may be due...

Happy American Thanksgiving! Rosemary, awesome to see you online!

Donna Williams
Funky Junk Interiors
Yarrow, BC Canada

~ Check out the newest junk at ~ http://funkyjunkinteriors.net/

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Deb Fowler

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Hello Rosemary,

what a nice surprise, awesome!!!
so.... who's out shooting the turkey, girl??? Was that pic of you before or after the unfortunate turkey crossed your sky?
My son Arthur and I will be joining my brother and his wife and their son (my nephew Andrew who is one day older than Arthur-don't ask me how that happened!) with my sister-in-law's Mom, Anne.
We are going to get Anne from the rest home and take her back to her home and have dinner there. IT is about 60 miles from here in Oregon, Illinois. My brother ordered dinner all ready made so no one will cook!
The rest of the family are making their rounds to Chicago and around town. Then I will have a nice dinner here next week when everyone settles down again. Be praying for my stress level since my nephew is driving! no, just kidding, he's not taking his Dodge Stealth, since we're taking the Dodge caravan, (thank God).

Deb Fowler

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible - Walt Disney (1901-1966)

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Member # 1926

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Brrrrr. Its still dark outside and I can't believe that Dad isn't up yet! I just put some wood on the fire.
Thank you, Nettie! I got your message when I turned the computer on! :^)
Donna, I LOVE your new picture! And happy Thanksgiving to your family! I do miss seeing the picture of your little one. He's such a cutie!
Hi, Deb! Actually we DO have wild turkeys here on the place. Mom will NOT allow anyone to shoot one of them. They roost in the trees back in the jack pines at night. She puts out feed all winter long for them. She won't allow deer or elk hunting here either.
I'd better go. Dad will be up soon and I really shouldn't be using the monitor. Lat and Liz come home today and I want to be able to visit with everyone.
Happy Thanksgiving you guys! [Applause]


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Ray Rheaume

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Kimberly, you might like this one...

I got recruited by the restaurant I part time at to take on some kitchen work for the day...dishes.

Normally most folks would frown on such a deal, but I'm looking forward to it. I did this once a few years ago and it's actually fun.
After the families finish up and the waitstaff brings the plates out to me, it's not uncommon for some nice stories to surface, with a few good jokes to share and some commaraderie all day.

After the meals are done, the owner traditionally closes the doors and we are all invited to spend the rest of the evening at the main bar (which is "open").
The atmosphere is light and we all get a chance to get to relax as a "family".

Have a great day all, and remember...


Ray Rheaume
Rapidfire Design
543 Brushwood Road
North Haverhill, NH 03774

I like my paint shaken, not stirred.

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Doug Allan

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Hey Ray... fellow drummer, we have something else in common now. I was a professional dishwasher for several years in high school. My friends wanted to be busboys & cooks, but I chose to forego the dorky uniforms & keep my ponytail, & never have to venture out of earshot of my radio (kinda describes every other hour of highschool, outside of class)

I felt the same "family" comraderie & enjoyed the frequent gatherings in the bar after close, well I didn't always get to enjoy them as much as the "adults" [Smile]

Doug Allan

"you get what you settle for"

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Kimberly Zanetti
Member # 2546

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For some reason, my husband's restaurant just doesn't have that "hang around" aspect. I'm guessing it's probably because everyone of his cooks, dishwashers, etc have two fulltime jobs. They barely have enough time to run home, grab a couple hours of sleep and wave to their families as they pass through.

Also, since the hotel never closes there's no good time to relax together.

There is a certain culture to the restaurant world that is unique.

Kimberly Zanetti Purcell
Folsom, CA
email: Kimberly@AmethystProductivity.com

“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” AA Milne

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Todd Gill

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Seems like Thanksgiving all right....last night awoke to the dog barking outside, turned on the back deck floodlights, and there he was again...a red fox. I think he's been thinking he might make a meal of the dog...but Sandy is a chocolate lab and quite a bit bigger than the fox.

Then this morning, looked out back and saw a couple turkeys walking around in the [winter] wheat field....haven't seen any deer since hunting season opened...they're playin it low key.

Nice to have a long weekend. You all have a nice weekend too. [Big Grin]

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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Doug Allan

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why do I see this picture of Todd on the back porch with his SEMI-automatic weapons [Smile]

Doug Allan

"you get what you settle for"

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Member # 501

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Just me and the boyfriend this year - we decided to do shrimp instead of gorging ourselves - right now I'm at the shop cutting vinyl for 80 signs - looking for a screen printer that will do aluminum - in the meantime it's all me and whoever I can recruit to weed!!! Hope you all have a great thanksgiving or Nov 29th - whichever way you look at it!


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FranCisco Vargas

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Hi Kimberly, I got a late start to make my own stuffing with bread, walnuts, raisins, celery, parsley, butter, onions, giblets, and the juice from the giblets. but by 10:30 am she was in a bag and in the oven. A few people wil be coming over bringing more food, and drinks [Applause]
So it should be a good day! Happy Thanksgiving to the rest of you!!!!

aka:Cisco the "Traveling Millennium Sign Artist"
Fresno, CA 93703
559 252-0935
"to live life, is to love life, a sign of no life, is a sign of no love"...Cisco 12'98

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Mike Pipes
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All the friends I consider my "real friends" to this day are all friends I made while working in McD's as a teen. Something about working a stressful, crappy job in close quarters with other people seems to bring ya together (or create enemies in some cases).

I remember the managers always shoo'ing us away cause we used to hang out after our shifts or on our days off, either waiting for someone else to show up or put together plans for us all to go out and have some fun. We always had something going on, even the store was always arranging get-togethers like picnics or float trips.

Aside from the crappy work dealing with idiot customers all day long (yeah, you guys think the employees at McD's are bad, well you customers are even worse! hehehe) we had a good time.

I worked at a store that was constantly busy, from opening til closing the lobby was packed FULL of people all day long. There were times that some of us were asked to work double shifts, and that's when it got interesting cause as delerium set in after 14 hours on your feet, we'd all start to break out in song.. No Joke! One person would start singing then one by one, everyone else joined in. Yeah, we used to sing loud enough that the customers could hear - they seemed to get a kick out of it. LOL

Oh, back to my original point.. [Smile]

Thanksgiving day was *THE* day to work at McD's.. the store closed early, there were hardly any customers coming in all day, and they intentionally staffed TWICE the normal number of people so there were plenty of bodies to get the cleaning tasks done quickly after closing.. and they usually brought in a TV so we could all see the Macy's parade while working.. plus party food was brought in and it was a pretty light and happy atmosphere.

"If I share all my wisdom I won't have any left for myself."

Mike Pipes
Lake Havasu, AZ

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Todd Gill

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Doug...hehe..man, I'm gonna forever regret my "back porch" post. [Smile] I'm really not the rambo type at all...just a little bit of Federalist in me. [Wink] Have a great weekend.

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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Kimberly Zanetti
Member # 2546

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Something about working a stressful, crappy job in close quarters with other people seems to bring ya together (or create enemies in some cases).

Aside from the crappy work dealing with idiot customers all day long (yeah, you guys think the employees at McD's are bad, well you customers are even worse! hehehe) we had a good time.

Wow Mike, sounds like MY job. Here I was all excited that I didn't have to go in until Tuesday and lo and behold, I'm working tonight. There are 3 people on who have NO idea how to run the front desk of the hotel let alone on a 100% full holiday weekend. Guess I should be flattered that they consider me the one person who can handle it and still train the 2 brand new people...yea right.

Anyway, off to the bad place again tonight.

Kimberly Zanetti Purcell
Folsom, CA
email: Kimberly@AmethystProductivity.com

“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” AA Milne

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