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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » One of the pros of having a sign shop dog!

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Author Topic: One of the pros of having a sign shop dog!
David Nyman
Member # 3399

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Jackson likes tearing things apart so we decided to teach him to be useful about it *hehe*


David Nyman
Nyman Signs
100 South 8th Street
Escanaba, MI 49829

Posts: 80 | From: Escanaba, Michigan USA | Registered: Nov 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rick Chavez
Member # 2146

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Too bad you couldn't get the dog to sniff out the non-paying, cheapo clients [Wink]

Rick Chavez
Hemet, CA

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David Nyman
Member # 3399

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Yeah Rick that would be a useful trick now wouldnt it.. LOL


David Nyman
Nyman Signs
100 South 8th Street
Escanaba, MI 49829

Posts: 80 | From: Escanaba, Michigan USA | Registered: Nov 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Todd Gill

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Great picture! Now if only you could train him to pull your socks off after a hard day's work. [Wink]

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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Mike Pipes
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You wear socks?? (something to be said about workin barefoot all day - hehe)

I see your pooch is a young'un.. just wait til the dog hair starts gettin stuck in all your jobs. [Smile] I probably send a little bit of my dog out with every order, whether it's static on materials or packing tape pickin it up from inside my truck on the way to drop off for shipping. [Smile]

There was one day when I first got into biz for myself that the dog decided to unroll and destroy a full roll of vinyl. I punished her by wrapping the tip of her tail with a good wad of film.. she chased it for hours.. LOL.

"If I share all my wisdom I won't have any left for myself."

Mike Pipes
Lake Havasu, AZ

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Felix Marcano
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I have a cat. He's my version of Joe Cieslowski's "hold fast" (25lb. bag of steel shot). Only problem is you can't get him off as easy.

Felix Marcano
Luquillo, PR

Work hard, party like a tourist!

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David Nyman
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I bet that kept your dog busy for hours Mike *LOL* and yes our pup is only three month old black lab, he has gone after the vinyls already and wouldnt you know, it had to be the most expensive one. Perhaps we will try wrapping the tip of his tail should the need arise. *LOL*

David Nyman
Nyman Signs
100 South 8th Street
Escanaba, MI 49829

Posts: 80 | From: Escanaba, Michigan USA | Registered: Nov 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Jeff Ogden

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I can't wait to see what tricks he does when he gets paint on his tail. I had a dog walk across a wet 4x4 that was laying out to dry...we had perfect paw prints diagonally across the background. We left them there....... [Smile]

Jeff Ogden
8727 NE 68 Terr.
Gainesville FL, 32609

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David Nyman
Member # 3399

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Well if he ever gets lost Jeff you have his paw prints right there.. LOL sorryyy couldnt resist that one. [Smile]

David Nyman
Nyman Signs
100 South 8th Street
Escanaba, MI 49829

Posts: 80 | From: Escanaba, Michigan USA | Registered: Nov 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Jeff Ogden

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Jeff Ogden
8727 NE 68 Terr.
Gainesville FL, 32609

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Member # 2028

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There are advantages to having a shop dog (or 2) [Confused]

Mine just leave hair everywhere, stragetically place their toys & themselves as mini-speedbumps around the shop and throw their bodies in front of my feet anytime I get more than 2 steps from them.

Well, I guess the older one does serve a purpose..he barks repeatedly when the phone rings, just in case I didn't hear it. [Smile] Now, if I could just get him to shut up...

Chris Welker
Wildfire Signs
Indiana, Pa

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David Nyman
Member # 3399

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Jackson is not old eough to do the barking at people, yet, but he did make a mad dash at the UPS man when he came with a delivery the other day. So the poor man decided to leave the blanks outside the door. He probably thought he was about to be attacked. I didnt have time to explain he was just a pup.. LOL

David Nyman
Nyman Signs
100 South 8th Street
Escanaba, MI 49829

Posts: 80 | From: Escanaba, Michigan USA | Registered: Nov 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Monte Jumper

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Oh yeah...but can he weed?

Our dog Rowdy (now ostrasized) used to be at the shop all the time ...every time we went to lunch we would come back and the computer would be open to F1...well he had us wondering for a while ...but after spying on him a couple of times he gave himself away...instead of studying all the F1 info on the puter we found out he was jumping on the computer table and then over to the weeding bench where he could get a good veiw of us as we disapeared down the street and everytime he stepped on the F1 key. Oh well so much for slave labor! [Smile]

I still think he's trainable...

"Werks fer me...it'll werk fer you"

Monte Jumper

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Bill Diaz

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Our dog's advantage or disadvantage is her loud bark. For an 8 pounder she surprises almost everybody with the volume of that bark. After the customers in the door she becomes Miss adorable as long as the customer's good people. Somebody told me a dog can sense a good or bad person and we've been using her to help weed out the undesireables. She's a minature long-haired Dachshund and extremely cute, so we use her to break the ice with new customers if they pass the bark test. But being a weiner dog she's not likely to jump on the weed table or saw horses, and any shedding she does is going to be down low. She's capable of jumping up higher than you would think and can dig a hole just about anywhere, but if important stuff is kept high, we're safe.

All dogs slow down when they're older and eventually just move from spot to spot. Did you ever notice how every day's a Saturday to a dog though? Why don't they go and get a paying job like the rest of us.

Bill Diaz
Diaz Sign Art
Pontiac IL

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Janette Balogh

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At one time I had three shop dogs. I'm down to one now.

Every year I would ask my accountant the same question .... "are you sure there isn't anyway to deduct for dog food?"

"When Love and Skill Work Together ... Expect a Masterpiece"

Janette Balogh
Creative Studio


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Mike Pipes
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Life is great with a neurotic, overprotective, excessively barking pet.
My dog barks... and barks.. and barks... at nothing in fact, just to hear herself bark.. especially when I'm on the phone.

Ahh yes, the UPS man... my dog hates 'im too!
Anytime the UPS man rolls up, Rizzo starts in with the barking.. the closer the guy gets to the door, the meaner she gets with the teeth and the drooling thing dogs do when they get extremely mad.. by the time the guy gets to the door the window is covered in slobber and you can see the glass and frame flexing cause she's pushing on it. You can also hear the glass pane reverberating with her barks!

In the fall and spring when the windows are open to get fresh air in, the UPS man drops the packages at the end of the driveway and just shouts "UPS!!!".. HAHAHAHAHA!
Now the real kicker is, if we see a UPS truck while out running errands around town, she does the same thing!
The FedEx guy is allowed to come and go as he pleases though, she doesnt make any fuss over him or his truck.

One time I even got stopped by a cop while I had the pooch with me. She gave him the same royal treatment with the teeth and the snarling. He asked if she was gonna tear into him so I told him "Well, she probably thinks you're the UPS guy because of the uniform, and in that case.... yes, she will."

"If I share all my wisdom I won't have any left for myself."

Mike Pipes
Lake Havasu, AZ

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Kimberly Zanetti
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When I was growing up we had this gorgeous cocker spaniel. She was pretty mellow and quiet and she liked to hang out with my dad in his shop in the back of the house.

One particular day, he was up to his ears busy with large (probably 25')paper signs and they were all over the place drying. He ran out of room so he laid one on the floor in the 30' long living room right off his shop. Shouldn't have been a problem, Misty (the aforementioned dog) knew better and would gingerly walk around the signs. Something got her all riled up this time and she started barking and ran all over the sign - the whole thing was full of nail holes, ripped the thing to pieces. My father had quite the temper, I remember him standing there screaming and yelling, the veins popping out on his forehead but also realizing that it was no one's fault but his own.

Kimberly Zanetti Purcell
Folsom, CA
email: Kimberly@AmethystProductivity.com

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David Nyman
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he does not quite have that weeding down yet, but hes great with the squeegee! lol


David Nyman
Nyman Signs
100 South 8th Street
Escanaba, MI 49829

Posts: 80 | From: Escanaba, Michigan USA | Registered: Nov 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
David Harding

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Our old shop dog provides accelerated WeatherOmeter testing of our products by passing gas when she sleeps. If the paint hasn’t peeled off by the time it leaves our shop, it’ll last for years.

In her second puppyhood at age 15-1/2, she has taken to digging many holes outside. Unfortunately, unless all our signs are to be installed in my wife’s flowerbed and garden, those holes don’t do us a whole lotta good. I guess I need to call Roy Frisby to order a few.

David Harding
A Sign of Excellence
Carrollton, TX

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Jon Butterworth

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Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! Sue wants an Maltese Terrier for Xmas!!!!

You know, the kind of dog yer kick to see which end barks [Smile]

After all the stories of dog hair above! OMG!

I love dogs, BUT don't look forward to a maniacal floor mop under my feet hahahhaa

I want a Jack Russell ... a REAL DOG. Sue says they are too "bouncy".

Either way is the IRS going to accept the write-off to "Guard Dog" for the business? [Roll Eyes]

aka Jon Butterworth

Executive Director


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