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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » What's the nicest thing someone has done for you...and you for someone? (Page 2)

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Author Topic: What's the nicest thing someone has done for you...and you for someone?
Kimberly Zanetti
Member # 2546

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That's great. You reminded me of a time back in 1988, my mother and I were living out here in California and she hadn't seen her best friend in about 2 years. I think her friend was living in KY at the time...anyway, my mother's birthday was coming up so I called her friend and told her to make arrangements to fly out for a weekend and that I would pay for it.

We decided to surprise my mother so her friend flew out and I remember driving over an hour in a torrential downpour to the airport to go pick her up. My mother was all upset and wanted to know where on earth I was planning on driving to in the dark in that storm.

I'll never forget her face when we walked in the door. She just hugged both of us for what seemed forever. Couldn't quite tell who was crying harder.

We had a true "girls" weekend, did all the touristy things in San Francisco and shopped and stayed up late every night talking.

Kimberly Zanetti Purcell
Folsom, CA
email: Kimberly@AmethystProductivity.com

“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” AA Milne

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Ian Stewart-Koster

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For me, 1. Marry me. ( & then put up with me!)
2. Have faith in me.
3. Be friends with us
4. A fellow- retired handyman -needed some work a good many years ago and approached me for a job. I needed a bit of cabinet making done for a job I was working on, so I took him on. It took him 100 hours. The sod we did it for never paid me,fully, and this fellow said NOT to pay him until I got paid first. He phoned up a few weeks later and said to me I had no debt with him, but would I do him a small favour & help somebody else out. He died of cancer three months later.

Me for others- I won't list them, and have forgotten most things- I don't keep score.

Good positive post, Todd!

"Stewey" on chat

"...there are no limits when you aim for perfection..." Jonathan Livingston Seagull

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Lotti Prokott

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We were going to visit our friends and family in Switzerland this summer. First time in ten years, and we missed the plane. No kidding. It was a special deal, we would have had to buy new tickets alltogether. For four people? We had already maxed out every credit card for the first set of tickets. When we let them know what was happening, our old friends all pitched in and surprised us with tickets. We got our vacation and a wonderful time with them. Unreal, but true.

Ok, the downside of it is that we will hear
"hey, don't miss the plane" and similar remarks for the rest of our lifes, but that's a small price to pay, no? [Smile]

Lotti Prokott
Woodland Signs
Pelly, Saskatchewan

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Judy Pate

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Todd,thanks for posting this topic.
Roy & Bernice, I agree Christ giving his life for us is the most unselfish thing anyone ever did for all of us.
In 1983 I fell off a hydraulic tailgate of a truck I was painting. I had a concusion,fractured my skull and lost hearing in one ear.I was laid up for 2 months. My girlfriend who had just started her own business,took care of my customers while I was out of work and then gave me 10% of the money she earned. The she hepled me on the first truck I lettered when I went back to work. Also during this time my husband slept on the floor next to my bed every night for 2 weeks. I was confined to bed rest until spinal fluid stopped draining down my throat. Also I thank God for stopping this drainage so that I didn't have to have major brian surgery.

Judy Pate
Signs By Judy
Albany, Georgia USA

Live simply...Love generously...Care deeply...Speak kindly...Leave the rest to God.

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Felix Marcano
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Hey Jill, didn't that nice preacher guy do something for you at the mars meet? LOL!

Nice, to me? well, my mom gave birth to me (I'm not sure if she's regretting it!) MY wife has given me her patience... & boy does she need it! Also, when I busted my ankle at my old job all the guys pitched in & gave me several hundred bucks for the couple weeks I was out. That was so cool. I didn't know what to say, especially since these guys are the "badass" type. Sure did surprise me.

That I've done...from the top of my head...I always try to rescue animals from us humans who mistreat them...

[ November 26, 2003, 08:45 AM: Message edited by: Felix Marcano ]

Felix Marcano
Luquillo, PR

Work hard, party like a tourist!

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Todd Gill

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This post has been a good thing for me...it's offered a small glimpse into the window of the good side of people I don't really know.

My first year at college, I used to hitch-hike home every weekend From Ferris State to the Lansing, MI area....(guess I was a little overwhelmed by the college experience having come from a small town) but I'd often get rides from traveling salesmen, commuters or the occassional bored trucker.

I really enjoyed talking to people I didn't know and hearing their life stories and getting to know them a little, even if for only till the next exit.

One Sunday night I was heading back to school and my car broke down about midway to Grand Rapids (different college). It was fairly late and I was in one of those "no-man" deserted areas.

Well, this car stopped and a guy got out to offer me assistance. He was with his entire family and was returning home from some late evening church event.

This was well before cell phones. He had me hop into the car with his family and I rode with him to his home, where he let off his family and then drove me to the nearest truck stop where I called my dad...

This guy sat with me in the truck stop...bought me coffee and waited with me until my dad arrived about an hour later. He wanted to make sure I was safe until family arrived. Then he shook my hand and left.

There's a lot of people you meet along the road of life...and even if you don't remember their names, it's enjoyable to have met them and reminisce over the fond circumstances that brought you together....even for just a small chance encounter.

Great stories everyone....and very timely for this upcoming holiday. [Smile]

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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Barry Branscum
Member # 445

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The greatest gift anyone has ever given me has to be God--now before ya chalk this up to one of the token "religious posts", just read on a little further.

My dad and I didn't see eye to eye a lot when I was a kid growing up. I was into art and comics and movies and special-effects, he was into guns and hunting and cars. Neither one of us wanted (or knew how) to reach out to the other. I got into SIGNS because it was the only way I could get his support with my art. He actually helped me make my first paying job at 16, done with STENCILS (groan).

Anyway it was after I had moved out and got on my own before we became close. We had a few good years there, but dad was never one to be very affectionate. He would reciprocate a hug or an "I Love you", but never initiate it. Well this year, I saw my dad and mom pull up in front of our storefront shop, and on a whim, I went out to meet him as he got out of the car.

When he saw me, he smiled and took my hand to shake it, then drew me to him in a bear hug. In my ear he said, "I just wanted to tell you, I love you son. Mom and I were talking on the way over, and i don't say that enough. I just want you to know that."

That was the last time I ever saw my dad. Three days later he died instantly in a terrible auto accident.

But that was the only time I can remember in my life, that he reached out to me. We had a wonderful visit that day, and it was beautiful. It was clearly the Lord's gift of "goodbye" for me with him, and it was and always will be precious. I can't tell you how much easier it has been with that, and how much peace it has given me. I only regret that he didn't live to see us in the new building, where he ironically had worked as a body man, and then later as a salesman for the Ford Dealer that used to be here. I think he would have loved what we have done with the place. [Smile]

As for what I have done...not much really. We love to give at odd and anonymous moments....Also each year we take our children to the local nursing home to hand out treats and little gifts to the elderly there. You can't imagine the impact that my three sweet little boys have on those old folks as they walk in to those darkened rooms with a little gift and a fearless hug. It is a great lesson for the kids, and, I hope, a blessing for at least some of the people there.

Sorry to rave on,

[ November 26, 2003, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: Tasmus ]

Barry Branscum

Master's Touch

no, my signshop website is not finished....still.

218 Hwy 65 B
Clinton, AR

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Mark Perkins
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A few years ago while going through a wicked divorce the girl I was dating knew my ex wouldn't bring my son shopping to get me anything for x-mas....she managed to slip my son a card and a little gift for him to give me.....that really touched me...and made my sons day too

Mark Perkins
Performance Signs &
Eunice, Louisiana
"The heart of Cajun

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Todd Gill

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Tasmus...truly a gift from above...and a fantastic story of love. I'm guessing you give your little tikes lots of bear hugs and words of affirmation. God bless ya this holiday. [Smile]

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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Deb Fowler

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart. as I am in tears now..I have a friend I want to share this with, as he has a similar situation with his dad and just visited him as I have been urging him. He had a work assignment there 3 weeks after we spoke about it and did go to visit. I think this will be a great letter to share, as, my family went through that too. I can relate.
Bless you for sharing, it's people like you that bring the highlight of life to others.

Deb Fowler

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible - Walt Disney (1901-1966)

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Todd Gill

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Ditto. [Big Grin]

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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Doug Allan

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Tasmus I also wanted to acknowledge your great story. Part of why it touched me was a similar experience I would like to relate.

My family was always very close & I never doubted the love that was there for me from my parents at all times. My wife is blessed with having both her children (previous marriage)live here on Maui. I have noticed for several years now how she says "I Love You" to them all the time when they leave, or at the end of a phone call. Linda noticed I didn't do that talking to my parents or my daughter. I don't doubt that it is felt & understood by all, but I began verbalizing this more as a result. Less then 2 years ago I spent thelast few days I would ever spend with my dad. I also knew it would be my last few days with him. He was very weak & didn't try to talk to much. In the conversations I had with him, he was alert enough & mentally capable of understanding me, but too weak to talk much. I told him how much I loved him several times. As I think I mentioned that was never common in our family, but on my last night which was the day after Christmas I sat with him for a long time. I put on a CD of "The messiah" which he had always enjoyed playing on the holidays. At one point I asked if he wanted it louder, or quieter, or changed to something else. He quietly asked me to turn it off, & when I did he used that silent moment he had aquired to tell me he loved me. Although I had never in my life doubted this, since I had taken on the habit of voicing my love for him into my communication style, I was very very appreciative of his adapting to that style also, in our last hours together.

Doug Allan

"you get what you settle for"

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Todd Gill

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God bless ya Doug. [Big Grin]

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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Todd Gill

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I like that: "Don't worry, post happy".....

I'm with you there Pat.

..and looking forward to seeing that new work truck Camille. [Smile]

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

Posts: 7792 | From: Potterville, MI | Registered: Dec 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Pierre St.Marie
Member # 1462

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For me?? Lyn gave me Latigo and Pooh.
Us for someone else? This year. Right now. Lyn and Rosemary are putting together a load of Christmas presents for a family with 6 kids, ages 4 to 17 who live just outside of Nashville.
The father is a laid-up trucker with no insurance. The mother is trying to keep the mortgage and everything else paid. A number of us on a firearms board donated enough cash to keep the wolves from the door (barely) but the kids would have had a miserable Christmas if it weren't for my two girls. Lyn and Pooh would save the world, if they could.

Pierre St.Marie
Plan on knowing everything before I die and time's running out!

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