Steve has suggested that I update all on the Rick Glawson Memorial Fund . . . The Fund was created as a memorial to all that Rick has done for our craft, and especially glass decorating techniques. All donations to the Fund will be utilized for the purchase of five Rawson & Evans pieces that once hung at Rick and Lola's shop. Rick had wanted the Museum to have these pieces as well as the rest of his collection, but as we all know, there was no will, and they became part of the estate. Not wanting to miss acquiring these pieces, I negotiated with Paul Glawson on a price and then settled on $11,500 for the five pieces. I actually sent him the check more than six weeks for the full amount, but that money was operations money for the Museum; that is, rent, phone, postage, etc. I am hoping to recoup this money, and maybe even the $1800 we paid Paul Glawson for the George Brooke's album of samples, through the Glawson Fund contributions. I just didn't want the pieces to disappear, or the collection to be broken up. Perhaps impulsive on my part, but I know you all understand why I did what I did. So now I'm gambling that we can recoup the money . . . The response to date has been incredible as we have collected about $5800 as of today. This does not include the $1000 the Denver Letterheads said they recently sent. Steve has been great to post more info about the Denver Chapter's challenge grant. And many of you know about David Butler's donation of the Esoteric Sign Supply shirt for auction on this site. I can tell you that the Letterheads are giving much stronger support to the Museum overall than the larger, and predominately electric shops. I know that, and I tell everyone that, and y'all should be proud that you care about the history of our craft and are willing to show that support. I certainly thank you. Back to the Rawson & Evans plates: Rick did restore four out of five of the pieces. Two are rather large; that is one is 10 ft. and the other 13 ft., and both are of 1/4 or 5/16-in glass. Pat Mackle, Decorative Glass, a longtime friend of Ricks's, has offered to take down the glass pieces and carefully crate them for shipment to Cincinnati. If any of you SoCal Letterhads could help, that'd be great: Contact Pat at 626-359-0300. It's going to be quite a job. Paul Glawson has saved some items for outright donation to the Museum. These include Rick's mahlstick; his signkit; his collection of vintage paint/thinner/metal powder/etc. tins; the Classic Motorcycle glass piece which attendees to the Conclaves have signed over the years; and a few other items. I trust this answers most questions. If you have additional questions, e-mail me at Thanks to all for your very generous support.
-------------------- Tod Swormstedt American Sign Museum 407 Gilbert Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45202 ph 800-925-1110, ext 336 fx 513-421-5144 Posts: 35 | From: Cincinnati, OH USA | Registered: Mar 2001
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Psssttt....Hey Doug, it's Tod. Tom's the SignCraft guy.
-------------------- Kimberly Zanetti Purcell Folsom, CA email:
“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” AA Milne Posts: 3722 | From: Folsom, CA | Registered: Dec 2001
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-------------------- Kimberly Zanetti Purcell Folsom, CA email:
“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” AA Milne Posts: 3722 | From: Folsom, CA | Registered: Dec 2001
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With the responses we got today I think the Dixie Letterheads will be able to contribute a good amount but I will not know untill March. If you somehow get your amount then we will donate it to the museum. We will let every one know how the sponsored meet is going as it progresses.
-------------------- Ryan Young Indocil Art & Design 803-980-6765
I highjacked Letterville!! Winter Muster 2004 Posts: 904 | From: Rock Hill, SC | Registered: Sep 2001
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By the time the crates reach Cincinnati, We will have incurred expesnes of at least $13,000 to acquire the Rwason & Evans pieces. Then we still have to design and fabricate a temporary display for the pieces as well as our other goldleaf-themed objects. Besides the pieces from Rick's shop, we have Raymond LeBlanc's original sample kit with 28 individual framed goldleaf samples; the actual pane of glass he gilded for his book, GOLDLEAF TECHNIQUES (the step-by-step one reading, "Signs of the Times); the Signs of the Times cover Noel Weber did back in 1987 (?); the Angel Gild Signs of the Times cover Rick did; various tins and packets of bronze powders, gilder's tips, goldleaf boxes, etc, etc; the George Brooke's album of samples; three Alf Becker gilded glass pieces, etc, ets . . . so we have a nice beginning of a goldleaf section to the Museum. We are currently looking for a permanent home in Cincinnati, but will have a temporary 3400 sq. ft. "home" open in First Quarter of 2004. Y'all come on down if you're passing through. Thanks again to all for the support!
-------------------- Tod Swormstedt American Sign Museum 407 Gilbert Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45202 ph 800-925-1110, ext 336 fx 513-421-5144 Posts: 35 | From: Cincinnati, OH USA | Registered: Mar 2001
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Tod.......You can count on me to raise money wherever I am which is usually at some kind of Letterhead function. Here in Mazeppa in Febrruary 5-6-7 We will be auctioning off signs as well as projects to be done or all ready are done. I will see to it that the money and publicity get out to the people who need them. This is a great cause since we need to keep original, priceless artifacts of this craft alive. A good deal of information left too soon with Rick, but we all know what he would want us to do.....Keep it going.....Spread the Letterhead Spirit to influence and touch someone, like it did to Rick and so many of us other Letterheads. If you want to be a part of this, please contact Tod, or myself, better yet, come to a Meet, you will be able to share the fun and make a difference! The day is coming that we will have a place we can call "HOME" and that will be the Sign Museum in Cinncinatti Ohio!
-------------------- Mike Meyer Sign Painter 189 1st Ave n P.O. Box 3 Mazeppa, Mn 55956
We are not selling, we are staying here in Mazeppa....we cannot re-create what we have here....not in another lifetime! SO Here we are!!!!!!!
quote:Here in Mazeppa in Febrruary 5-6-7 We will be auctioning off signs
Very appropriate Mike, that was the weekend that the Conclave was held each year.
-------------------- Kimberly Zanetti Purcell Folsom, CA email:
“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” AA Milne Posts: 3722 | From: Folsom, CA | Registered: Dec 2001
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