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Steve & Barb Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, ON, Canada
N1M 1G9

Phone: 519-787-2892
Fax: 519-787-2673
Email: barb@letterville.com

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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » The Rick Glawson Memorial Fund

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Author Topic: The Rick Glawson Memorial Fund
Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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You've been reading several posts regarding The American Sign Museum and the Rick Glawson Memorial Fund. Those of you who don't subscribe to a sign magazine and/or are just becoming aware of the Letterhead Movement by way of Letterville may be asking yourselves what all the excitement is about.

I'm going to try and post the letter that appeared in the last edition of A Magazine About Letterheads. This saves me a pile of typing and I think it's just more personal. You can right click on the letter and print it out for fast access. If you have problems reading it, please let us know and we'll try something else.

You'll also find a donation form. If you want to play a small part in this important cause, print the donation form out and forward it to Todd Swormstedt.

Don't be intimidated by the large donations made by others. Letterville is a huge community with a big heart. If everyone that reads this post today sends in a couple bucks each, the Rick Glawson Memorial Fund will more than reach it's goal. Excess funds could be used to aquire more treasures for the Museum.

Rick Glawson was a wonderful man. Those of you who never got to meet him personally will never know how much Rick and his partner Lola Grey, inspired and shared with all who needed answers and/or encouragement. Nothing thrilled Rick more than to see the lights come on in a new Letterhead's head. He gave and gave right up until his untimly passing. Here is an opportunity to say thanks to Rick and Lola, and insure they are able to continue giving through us, his Letterhead Family.



Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



Posts: 3710 | From: Fergus, Ontario, Canada | Registered: A Long Time Ago!  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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Got those donation forms filed out yet? I forgot to tell you where to send them. Here you go.

American Sign Museum
407 Gilbert Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Phone: (513) 421-2050, ext. 336; or (800) 925-1110

FAX: (513) 421-5144

For all the latest news on the Museum, please take some time to visit their website.

The American Sign Museum

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



Posts: 3710 | From: Fergus, Ontario, Canada | Registered: A Long Time Ago!  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Doug Allan

Member # 2247

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& address the check to the address shown on the bottom of the above letter (same one Golden posted on Kent's thread)

I know my $50 is nothing "noteworthy" but I will include mention in my envelope that it was raised with thanks to "The denver Letterheads" via "Letterville"

Doug Allan

"you get what you settle for"

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Jane Diaz

Member # 595

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Come on people...we can save this collection if we all do this together!
I donated two watercolors at the Tomahawk meet and they were auctioned off the rest of the "bounty" but I have another larger one that I would be willing to send to the highest bidder if they will make a donation to this worthy cause. I have sent a photo of it to Steve. It is 15 X12" (not including the mat) and is one of the series I did of the Mail Pouch Tobacco barns. This is the largest one of this series that I have. As soon as he gets the photo, he can post it for me.

Jane Diaz
Diaz Sign Art
628 W. Lincoln Ave. Pontiac, Il. 61764

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Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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And here it is Jane! Thank You for your generosity. We'll get together with you tomorrow to get this work of art on the Letterville Auction.


Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



Posts: 3710 | From: Fergus, Ontario, Canada | Registered: A Long Time Ago!  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
CJ Allan
Member # 52

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What are Ricks brothers donating, or are they just selling....??


CJ Allan
CJs Engraving
982 English Dr.
Hazel, KY 42049


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Kent Smith

Member # 251

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CJ...They have given a number of pieces along with the ones that they were required to sell (to the museum) in order to settle debts. There are also other items they will collect and send along once it is appropriate.

Kent Smith
Smith Sign Studio
P.O.Box 2385,
Estes Park, CO 80517-2385

Posts: 1025 | From: Estes Park, CO | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
CJ Allan
Member # 52

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Thanks Kent.....
Really glad to hear that..........
Maybe the little buzzing in their ears did some good after all......... [Smile]


CJ Allan
CJs Engraving
982 English Dr.
Hazel, KY 42049


Posts: 1284 | From: Hazel, KY. USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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Jane's painting is now available for bidding. All proceeds go to the Rick Glawson Fund. Here's a direct link?


[ November 21, 2003, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: Barb. Shortreed ]

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



Posts: 3710 | From: Fergus, Ontario, Canada | Registered: A Long Time Ago!  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



Posts: 3710 | From: Fergus, Ontario, Canada | Registered: A Long Time Ago!  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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