It's 3:30pm EST here in Fergus. I'm experimenting with a new chat server and I'd like you to help. If you are brand new to chat, just click on the green chat button. Experienced IRC users can use as a server.
If it don't work, please let us know what you experienced here under this post.
-------------------- Steve Shortreed 144 Hill St., E. Fergus, Ontario Canada N1M 1G9 519-787-2673
What a night we had test driving the new chat. New users loved it, but many experienced mirc chat users were less than impressed. Some raved about the speed while others experienced lags. We were delighted to see so many new faces, but not so happy with with the overall results.
Before we flush this new network down the drain, I need to talk to some people and get help with things I just cannot understand. My best advise at this time is to suggest experienced mirc users continue to use mirc. A complete list of newnet servers around the World is available at I've been advised that is the best server for those in the US and probally Canada.
It may also help to go back and reread some of the earlier posts on this chat. You'll find them here.