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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » Cairns... tropical paradise is getting closer

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Author Topic: Cairns... tropical paradise is getting closer
Gail & Dave Beattie
Member # 572

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Suzy sent this notice to me today, just wanted to make sure everyone who's doing it.... does it!


now lets see;
got my e-ticket for the plane... check
got my bags backed... check
got the kids sorted... check
got my toolbox... check
got devo... well of course, who else will buy me drinks with umbrella's in them?
got my rego fill in... ummm, it's ok they know I'm coming [Smile]
best get to that eh

see ya in cairns


[ September 02, 2003, 10:04 PM: Message edited by: Gail & Dave Beattie ]

Gail & Dave
Hervey Bay
Qld Australia


sumtimes ya just gota!

Posts: 794 | From: 552 O'Regans Creek Rd Toogoom Qld 4655 Australia | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ian Stewart-Koster

Member # 3500

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Thanks for the reminder!
Wonder how many have registered?

"Stewey" on chat

"...there are no limits when you aim for perfection..." Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Posts: 7014 | From: Highgrove via Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia | Registered: Dec 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
David O'Hanlon
Member # 2754

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Not registered yet but the accomodation is booked and the tickets paid for.
I'll be chipping glass this Sunday.

Army Dave

Posts: 229 | From: Brisbane, Oz | Registered: Feb 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Jon Butterworth

Member # 227

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Seeya there!!!!

Haven't "officialy" registered. Suppose I should. [Smile] Talking to Peter and Sue on the phone the other night, so they know I'm going.

Pays to have relatives in the airline business hahahhaa. Niece does all the corporate bookings for Virgin Airlines!

Sue and I are going to make a week of it. We have a time-share unit at the Trinity Links resort. Sorta $200 a night self contained suite. Not costing us a dime [Smile]

Can't wait! Need the break from work and a shot of "Oz Letterheads" in my veins.

Gail ... just remind Devo that explosives are not allowed on airlines:)

aka Jon Butterworth

Executive Director


Posts: 4014 | From: Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Joey Madden

Member # 1192

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Cairns, now theres a place I'd love to move to and live for the rest of my life [Smile]

HotLines Joey Madden - pinstriping since 1952
'Perfection, its what I look for and what I live for'


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Mike Lavallee
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Hi to all from Everett, WA,

Gail...You know that I'll buy you a drink with as many umbrellas as you want anytime !!!

Army Dave ....Please forward the address of the accommodation to home asap...I arrive home on the 24th Sept.

To the remainder...I'll see you in Cairns,

Aussie John

Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, And Dance like no one's watching. :)
Mike Lavallee
Mike Lavallee's Pinstriping & Airbrush Art
Everett, WA

Posts: 449 | From: Everett, WA | Registered: Dec 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Gail & Dave Beattie
Member # 572

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yup I know Jordo...
but I have to take him, if I leave him home
he will wreck the house
eat everything in sight
disturb the neighbors
dig the yard up
gee now that I think about it
maybe I should just leave devo and take dozer insted... they do the same stuff!


Gail & Dave
Hervey Bay
Qld Australia


sumtimes ya just gota!

Posts: 794 | From: 552 O'Regans Creek Rd Toogoom Qld 4655 Australia | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
David O'Hanlon
Member # 2754

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At least Dozer doesn't crap on the foot path and hump the neighbours leg. [Eek!]

Army Dave

Posts: 229 | From: Brisbane, Oz | Registered: Feb 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Gail & Dave Beattie
Member # 572

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another news flash from suzy....

ron andrews will be demonstrating his chainsaw carving over the weekend on 2 big lumps of timber

ron is riding all the way from canberra to cairns with his chainsaw on the bike!

i can't wait to hear how the cops react to that


Gail & Dave
Hervey Bay
Qld Australia


sumtimes ya just gota!

Posts: 794 | From: 552 O'Regans Creek Rd Toogoom Qld 4655 Australia | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Gail & Dave Beattie
Member # 572

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i'm good, i'm good!

i just sent my rego in to suzy [Applause]

and she tells me the numbers are climbing
need just a few more to hit the mark...

so I think it only fair that some up-overs should come on down for a bit more sunshine

suzy n pete are waiting



Gail & Dave
Hervey Bay
Qld Australia


sumtimes ya just gota!

Posts: 794 | From: 552 O'Regans Creek Rd Toogoom Qld 4655 Australia | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Gail & Dave Beattie
Member # 572

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Update on stuff that's happening at the National Oz Letterheads Meet... It's a long way to the Top!

From Suzy's desk...

1/ There will be 60, painted panels of MDF, to decorate with whatever tickles peoples fancy.

2/ We can pick you up from the airport if you need it. Just e-mail or ring through your details. I'll ring & confirm with you the day before you leave wherever.

3/ The RFDS has offered free admission to its Visitors Centre over the Letterheads weekend for any families etc. assosciated with the heads meet.You just have to mention Letterheads when you go to the entrance.
Mike Lacey,the base manager,will be dropping in to the meeting to see how the whole thing's going.(He's actually coming back from Holidays early,to come & look!)

4/ Did I mention that Ian Stewart Koster will be doing traditional pinstriping on a 1929 Chrysler?
And we may also have a bob cat to pinstripe as well! BRING IT ON I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5/ Sunday Night:For anyone who is staying around or continuing on from Cairns, there's a great restaurant called Charlies.
It's an ALL YOU CAN EAT Hot Food & SEAFOOD smorgasboard.It's very popular with tourists & locals alike.
If anyone wants to go, we'd need to book ahead only $18.95 a head if we have a group of 20 or more,if not then we cut the vouchers out of the newspaper & still get the same price!

6/ We've got a local bloke helping with letterheads who's also supplying us with some airbrushes for the raffles...

7/ Sent WIN TV (our local channel 9) details of the meeting so that they can come on the Saturday & do a general interest story to show on the Monday nights local news, last but not least, the local ABC radio have an on- air chat program with one of their favourite women announcers that we are hoping to get on to.

8/ Reminder to get Rego.forms in.
* No form = No T-shirt = No belt buckle = No dinners etc!!
(We'll be bringing out the cattle prod for anyone that turns up who hasn't sent a rego form!)


All together this is shaping up to be a great event!

see ya in Cairns


Gail & Dave
Hervey Bay
Qld Australia


sumtimes ya just gota!

Posts: 794 | From: 552 O'Regans Creek Rd Toogoom Qld 4655 Australia | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Gail & Dave Beattie
Member # 572

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shameless I know.... but hey we're only a week away


Gail & Dave
Hervey Bay
Qld Australia


sumtimes ya just gota!

Posts: 794 | From: 552 O'Regans Creek Rd Toogoom Qld 4655 Australia | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Jon Butterworth

Member # 227

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I still wannna know how devo is going to get his "bungers" up there on the airlines [Smile]

That offer of sharing our "luxury" digs at the Trinity Links Resort still stands.It's fully self contained and I think it has a spa bath for weary bodies. It does sleep six, but there may be a small surcharge for the extra linen, and I think they need some prior notice of numbers.

Damn! Forgot to phone and book a rental car for the week! Gotta put it on the "must-do-urgent" list (write those on the windscreen of the van in stabillo ... can't miss them [Smile] ) Time flys when yer busy.

Man I need a break and a shot of "Letterhead Meet" in my veins. Better than ANY drug [Wink]

Seeya there

aka Jon Butterworth

Executive Director


Posts: 4014 | From: Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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