It's almost 12 noon here at French Kiss A Brush, and the shop is already jammed with Letterheads. We think we have a HeadTV connection going and we're looking forward to hearing from you.
Si Allan and Kissy are suffering from Internet withdrawl, so thet will be the first to take a turn at the keyboard.
-------------------- Steve Shortreed 144 Hill St., E. Fergus, Ontario Canada N1M 1G9 519-787-2673
checked back a few times & got the "not broadcasting" page or something to that effect... now I'm getting the same thing I got the last time I wanted to check out a meet:
quote:Sorry... An internal error has occurred in the video server you are accessing. Try clicking on back and submiting the form again. If you get this message again contact the webmaster.
Doug, I am getting the same error that you are getting when I try to open Head TV. Have you found a remedy for it yet? I have formatted my hard drive and wondered if there was something I need to download so that it would open. HELP! Judy
-------------------- Judy Pate Signs By Judy Albany, Georgia USA 229-435-6824
Live simply...Love generously...Care deeply...Speak kindly...Leave the rest to God. Posts: 2630 | From: Albany,GA,USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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