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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » Anyone have a Dodge Durango?

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Author Topic: Anyone have a Dodge Durango?
Alan Dearborn
Member # 1461

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Looking at a 2000 Dodge Durango- Anyone have good or bad experiences with these?

It's big enough to carry my decal install stuff and ladders and plenty of seating for family friends.

Alan Dearborn
Dearborn Graphics
Hampton, NH USA

Posts: 271 | From: NH USA | Registered: Mar 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Christian Slager
Member # 1074

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well, I LOVE my durango...
and it is perfect for a vinyl kit and ladders...
but I really think If I could go back in time, I would have gotten an f150 tho... but I got the durango for the exact reason you say... its usable for work, but also great for family and friends...

so in conclusion...
durango is good...

Christian Slager
Slager's Budget Signs
~Personalized, Not Franchised~
Bradenton, Florida

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Member # 411

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I drove a Brand new Durango for 4 months in 99. It had 4 miles on it when I picked it up. I brought to the rental agency for an oil change at 3000 miles. It was terrible on gas milege and seemed to lose the tight feel of a new vehicle faster than any vehicle I've ever driven. I'd stay away from them.

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Spring, TX

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Terry Whynott

Member # 1622

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My wife was thinking about buying a Jeep Liberty. I did some research on it and found a whole bunch of websites with literally hundreds of people complaining about the identical problems they were all having with them. I also came across some for other Chrysler vehicles.

Do a google search for "Dodge Durango and problems" and see what you come up with.

You can probably find similar sites for any make or model, but it will at least let you know what other people have experienced.

Good luck!

Terry Whynott
Walkerton, Ontario

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Member # 2028

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I have an '03 Durango. I can haul all my stuff in it except 4x8s (man, I miss my Dakota on those days). The dogs love it. I fold the back seats down & it's like romper room for them.

The only thing I have a problem with is the annoying squeeking (like when you hit the brakes & need new ones). It happens when you aren't touching the brakes, touching the brakes stops it. It's been to the dealer twice & without pulling a wheel, they say it's normal & happens to all new trucks with 4 wheel disc brakes. BS. My next step is to call Dodge. Think I'm gonna try that search posted earlier.

Chris Welker
Wildfire Signs
Indiana, Pa

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old paint
Member # 549

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i got a couple of "car clubers" that have em. for the most part they are happy with em. the 4 cly is to underpowered. the 5 spd tranny is junk, tear up a lot.

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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Member # 1948

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pssst....toyota tundra

Karyn Bush
Simply Not Ordinary, LLC
Bartlett, NH

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Member # 411

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03 needs brakejob? 4 cyl 5 speed on that size truck? NO F*****G WAY! MUST BE JUNK!

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Spring, TX

Posts: 2501 | From: Spring, TX USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Dan Antonelli

Member # 86

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They dont make a 4 cyl or 5sp version of the Durango. 4.3, 4.8 or 5.3 on the RT version. I have owned two so far - a 99 on a two year lease, and and now a 01 on a 4 year lease. No probs with the first, or second durango. I have the 4.8, with the trailer towing package (heavy duty coolant, tranny, batt).

Great truck - hauling my twins -- wife loves it.

Only downside - its a pig on gas - does about 14 mpg. Hey, can't have everything.

Dan Antonelli
Graphic D-Signs, Inc.
279 Route 31 South • Suite 4
Washington, NJ

"Some are born to move the world, to live their fantasies. But most of us just dream about the things we'd like to be." - Rush

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Alan Dearborn
Member # 1461

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Thanks for the info everyone...we bought it this morning. I found lots of negative reviews online, but after talking to MANY current owners(often on their 2nd Durango like Dan) I found nobody with the problems posted.

I am happy to say we've gone a full 12 hours with no major repairs!

Alan Dearborn
Dearborn Graphics
Hampton, NH USA

Posts: 271 | From: NH USA | Registered: Mar 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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