The dust has settled, here at the castle, although I'm still in a bit of fog.
My friends, 'the family', are still talking about what a great bunch you are and how well you 'fit in' with our group. They've been hearing about you for the past couple of years and finally got to meet some of ya's! Since you've left, they've been talking of you, to others who missed the event, mentioning your names, as if they've known you for years! They're already asking when we're going to do this again! lol They tell me, all their efforts were well worth the experience... (they had a great time visitin' with ya's)
We did our best, to keep our two businesses running and prepare for your arrival... We didn't have things cleaned and straightened as much as we had hoped, but hey, we have a lot of 'stuff' and a dirty environment to contend with! On the other hand, some of you told me you felt right at home! lol
On Friday, Letterheads were arriving all day long. As the excitement esculated, so did the wind. It was a bit of a dust bowl, especially outside. By late afternoon, things really started taking shape, with pinstripers staking their territory along the eisels. Frank Manning, from OneShot held post at the paint table, helping and answering any questions about the product. I might add, that the paint table stayed relatively clean all weekend. Dee Mays, of Hartco, was a real trouper, on hand all weekend, to answer questions about product and lending a hand with whatever we needed.
Late in the evening, the overhead projector was heading outside to sketch the Sandcastle design (by Bill Pickett) onto the front wall, for mural painting. Early Saturday morning, thunderstorms rolled through and continued to mist until Saturday after noon. This put the kebosh on any hope of painting the mural and our sandblasting projects.
On Saturday morning, John & Lynn Smith (and help) set up camp, at our outdoor kitchen. They managed to feed the masses, omelettes (to order) and english muffins, fruit, etc. Yum, yum... It didn't take long, after the feeding frenzy, that projects started to materialize.
By noon, Wooly Bully and his crew surfaced and set up their instruments, entertaining us for the next couple of hours. Shep, Chris & Debi Lovelady didn't waist any time "cuttin' the rug" to Wooly's classic tunes!
We received a surprize package, from Cisco Vargas; it was his idea of a cover page for SignCraft magazine! Tom McIltrot, (SignCraft) got a kick out of it, I'm sure there's an inside story between them. Tom, popped in and out all weekend.
Saturday afternoon, was filled with demonstrations; Dee Mays-Hartco product, Chip Carter-How to make money in the sign business, Chris Lovelady-gold leaf on glass, Sonny Franks-screenprinting Dixie Letterhead shirts, Pierre Tardiff-window splash and Shep-pictorial... Before sunset, we took our group photo, minus Steve and Barb, they were off on a supply run. ahhhh
Early evening, Crazy Joe and his tribe, served up an awesome BBQ; ribs, corn on the cob, cole slaw and salad.
Saturday evening, was a bustle of activity, with everyone getting more and more creative and showing techniques. At one point, I saw George Perkins getting carried away, pinstriping atop Donald Thompson's shaved head! Steve Shortreed, played DJ through the evening. Maybe this is when Pierre Tardiff, painted Steve's toe nails, OneShot pearlescent green. Who knew, Steve surely didn't! Pierre, didn't stop at Steve's toes, he managed to find other mischieveous things to get into.
At one point, we set out an antique Coca-Cola cooler, for the 'brothers of the brush' to play with. Wow, it turned out awesome!
We also gave away door prizes.
We had three birthdays, during the course of the weekend; John Smith, Crazy Joe and Philip McCurdy. We drew names, to ice the cake! The lucky participants were Jimmy Chatham, Judy Pate and Don & Dora Hulsey! lol, they did a great job in making a special presentation for the birthday boys!
There was another feeding frenzy of ribs, etc., late in the evening. The diehards, kept at it 'til the wee hours of the morning!
Sunday, was quiet until nearly 10am, when everyone started showing up. 'Sonny's secret', Philip McCurdy, out of Atlanta, had been working non-stop all weekend, airbrushing the duty fridge, to be raffled. The fridge, was black, and the unmasking shown a moonlit scene on three sides. By noon, we raffled the fridge and the lucky winner was Chris Elliott!
John Meeks, of Everwood, finally rolled in, and talked shop with several of you about his product. I hear, he treated some folks to dinner.
Well, that's an overview... I'm still having flashbacks of things that happened throughout the weekend. Maybe you could add more... I'd be interested in hearing about some of the things I may have missed...
We want to thank those of you who gathered for our Dixie Letterhead Reunion! We enjoyed your company and appreciate you taking the time to come visit. You're welcome back, anytime!
Thanks to; John Smith, (and crew) for putting together an awesome breakfast! Bill Picket, for designing the wall mural, Gary Mottmann, for supplying colored aluminum panels, it would not have been the same without them. Our suppliers and sponsors, for their generous offering of door prizes and product to work and play with, and of course Steve and Barb, for Letterville. A special thanks, to Timi Barrow, for scooping up Jimmy Chatham, so he could be with us for this reunion. I have personally thanked 'the family' for their part in SANDCASTLE Panel Jam and their patience in putting up with me for the past couple of months! If I have left someone out, it is not intentional, my head is still in the clouds...
errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr788888888888888888pp; Oh, that's a message from the kitty, who showed up for our reunion! She's still here, stirrin' up trouble!
Thanks again, folks!
-------------------- Co-Host: SANDCASTLE Panel Jam 'a Dixie Letterhead Reunion' Fort Myers, Florida
Cheryl Lucas a/k/a "Shag" on mIRC Vital Signs & Graphics, Etc. Cape Coral, Florida 239-574-4713 Posts: 987 | From: Cape Coral, FL USA | Registered: Aug 2000
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Just a few additions, Cheryl........ First of all, it was a blast and the 2 "families" just seamlessly merged into one. Please thank them all again for their hospitality. Also wanted to mention the incredible panels by Jeff Ogden, Ryan Young, Vince Balistrieri (hope I spelled that right) and Gary Mottman, as well as Roland and Steve's striping work. Nettie was there for a day and managed to find time to sign my kit between George's striping lessons. In the portfolio room, I ran into Jim Neal and Chip Carter, whose work I've admired for years. Dennis Goddard explained ice painting and hockey in Florida, and my favorite Cajun Queen Kathy Joiner was in attendance. I know we're forgetting some others...... help me, somebody.
-------------------- Sonny Franks Lilburn, GA 770-923-9933 Posts: 4117 | From: Lilburn, GA USA | Registered: Feb 1999
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On Saturday morning, I got a phone call, that went something like this;
ring, ring...
Vital signs.
Ma'am, this is the Sheriffs office, I understand there is a large gathering at your place.
Are you the owner?
Yes. Well, NO! I'm just here. I'm not the owner.
Okay, ma'am. Do you have a permit for this gathering?
No. I had no idea I needed a permit.
Well ma'am, you are required to have a permit for a large gathering. We've received some complaints and therefore, we are required to send out the SIGN POLICE.
Well Sir. I am expecting the SIGN POLICE!
Cheryl, this is Troy Haas...
-------------------- Co-Host: SANDCASTLE Panel Jam 'a Dixie Letterhead Reunion' Fort Myers, Florida
Cheryl Lucas a/k/a "Shag" on mIRC Vital Signs & Graphics, Etc. Cape Coral, Florida 239-574-4713 Posts: 987 | From: Cape Coral, FL USA | Registered: Aug 2000
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Dont forget about Rolands buddy Chris. He was my age and had some neat pinstripe designs. I can honestly say with his and George Perkins help that my panels improved greatly. Thanks everybody it was a blast.
-------------------- Ryan Young Indocil Art & Design 803-980-6765
I highjacked Letterville!! Winter Muster 2004 Posts: 904 | From: Rock Hill, SC | Registered: Sep 2001
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As far as Ryan's tag line he's not a sign painter, he's a SIGN ARTIST EXTRAORDINAIRE. His work blew me and everybody else away. Also he stayed at the Super 8, not the Holiday Inn.
-------------------- Dennis Goddard
Gibsonton Fl Posts: 1050 | From: Tampa Fl USA | Registered: Apr 2000
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Cheryl did a great job of describing all the fun we had. Yall missed a good one! We enjoyed meeting 'the family'..Roger learned a thing or two about the plumbing busines from one of your friends. Sonny, what did Phillip think about the Meet? Thanks for bringing Phillip..we were impressed by his talent and willingness to share. He's a true Letterhead! Pierre Tardif was a hoot! I got pictures to prove it!!Think I might try to make his meet if it will be anything like Pierre! Chef Joe cooked some great chicken along with those ribs. We learned his secret for tender juicy chicken too! Looking forward to the next Dixie Letterhead meet! Judy & Roger
-------------------- Judy Pate Signs By Judy Albany, Georgia USA 229-435-6824
Live simply...Love generously...Care deeply...Speak kindly...Leave the rest to God. Posts: 2627 | From: Albany,GA,USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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every dixie letterhead meet just gets better. the food was awesome. cheryl if you find any thing with my name on it please send it to me. if any one wants to buy estimate give me a call. i won it at the meet. i am still tired.
-------------------- Jimmy Chatham Chatham Signs 468 stark st Commerce, Ga 30529 Posts: 1766 | From: Commerce, GA, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Philip told my wife when we got home that he'd never been in a room with that much talent and enthusiasm floating around. For those who missed seeing his stuff, you can get a taste at Stop in and take a look, especially Harley fans.
-------------------- Sonny Franks Lilburn, GA 770-923-9933 Posts: 4117 | From: Lilburn, GA USA | Registered: Feb 1999
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