HeadTV is up and running here at the SandCasle Letterhead Meet in rainy Ft. Meyers, Florida. Many had a very late night, but things are slowly starting to happen.
John Smith is on duty at the grill cranking out his famouus egg omelets. I haven't seen mine yet, but Barb assures me it is in the works. Why is it I get stuck to write these reports at every meet anyway? I'm hungry!
Lots of panels on the go here. George Perkins has been at the easel all weekend teaching pinstriping to any who show an interest. Billy Pickett has a cool looking project in the works. Our old pal, Pierre Tariff from Quebec is even starting to do something.
I'm really looking forward to this afternoon's concert by Wooly Bully. Wooly is the the original writer of the song he is named after. He plays horn in that song. That's also Wooly playing the famous opening horn riff in the song Tequilia.
We first met Wooly last year when we spent time with Cheryl in Cape Coral. He spends his time playing at local bars and checking his mail for royalty checks. Letterville is thrilled to sponsor Wooly's appearance here at the SandCastle. It's gonna be a hoot!
You can watch it all on HeadTV. We're limited by cords, but we'll try to get the cam to wherever Wooly sets up. We'll also be video taping the whole deal for viewing in the future.
HeadTV can be frustrating at times. If it isn't working for you using IE, try Netscape. In my case, it's the other way around. It works with Netscape, but not IE. Gotta be a java setting or some other weird thing.
We also know it's annoying for those of you watching to have nobody here at the keyboard to chat with. I'm going to do my best to ensure someone is always here, but sometimes things start happening and we neglect you. Sorry....we'll try to do better.
In any event, we now have a camcorder to record the highlites of the meet. This video can be shown at various times in the future. Not as much fun as live, but it's an added bonus.
If you've never tried HeadTV, just click on the yellow HeadTV Icon in the panel to the right. If you can't see it, use this link.