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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » Any WWF Fans Here?

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Author Topic: Any WWF Fans Here?
Louis A Lazarus
Member # 763

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My wife and I got hooked on the WWF about a year ago. What a hoot! We know it's SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT and not really wrestling as it's supposed to be. But, the soap opera part of it is the greatest. Anybody admit to being a fan? Any Rock or Triple H fans out there? C'mon, don't be shy.

Louis A. Lazarus
Milt's Sign Service, Inc.
20 So. Linden Ave. #5B

Posts: 560 | From: El Granada, CA | Registered: Apr 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Michael Boone

Member # 308

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Minnesota has a few!

Michael Boone
Sign Painter
5828 Buerman Rd.Sodus,NY 14551
Ontime @localnet.com

[This message has been edited by Michael Boone (edited January 20, 2001).]

Posts: 3223 | From: Sodus,NY,USA | Registered: Dec 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ed Williams
Member # 846

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I'm a fan of there funnycars.. Jim Epler won't be driving for them this year.

Ed CJ Williams
CJ Graffx
Just have'n fun....

Posts: 296 | From: Christiana,Pa. | Registered: May 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Daniel R. Perez
Member # 1585

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Yeah! I think it's fun and funny. Some of that has gotta hurt especially when they start hitting each other with garbage cans and tables. It is so hyped upped with all the special effects, what can I say...I enjoy it even if it is phony.

There is nothing new under the sun. What will be has already been and has been will be again.
Daniel R. Perez
Daniez Dzines
Fresno, CA

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Karen Tighe
Member # 1541

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yeah - Saturday mornings are all WWF in this house. For my kids its the Rock all the way!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"If you find that you can keep your head whilst all others around you are loosing theirs, then you obviously don't understand the situation." (Hal Roche)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Karen Tighe,
Sligo in the Wild Wet West of Ireland.

mIRC = cafe_cruiser

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Adrienne Pereira
Member # 1046

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it's fake?!

Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs

Benicia, CA
707-746-7847 (shop)
707-550-4553 (voicemail)

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Member # 411

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I'll be in the house at the CajunDome here is Lafayette for War is Raw Monday Night. My son bought the tickets. When we went the last time, he told me he didn't know I was so crazy.

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Youngsville LA.

Posts: 2501 | From: Spring, TX USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Don Coplen

Member # 127

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Many of the WWF wrestlers live in Tamba Bay. In fact, I saw Hulk Hogan last night at a children's benefit (he was emceeing Charlie Daniels' annual children's benefit jam in Clearwater) He can't sing worth a crap, but always shows up for the children. Good man!

Don Coplen aka "SaintPete"
Coplen Designs
St.Petersburg, FL dcoplen@mindspring.com

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Robert Davis
Member # 1641

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"DEAD MAN WALKING" TAKER IS THE GREATEST! Titans are great bikes to!!

Robert Davis
Sticky Sam's Signs
The Great Smoky Mountains
Bryson City, N.C.

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Louis A Lazarus
Member # 763

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RoyalRumble tonight! Who's going to be the last man in the ring? Expect the unexpected...it never fails.

Louis A. Lazarus
Milt's Sign Service, Inc.
20 So. Linden Ave. #5B

Posts: 560 | From: El Granada, CA | Registered: Apr 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Greg Gulliford
Member # 170

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I can maybe imagine you watching this Lou, but never , ever could I picture the lovely Mrs. L. watching this!!!

Greg Gulliford
aka MetroDude
Metro Signs and Banners
1403 N. Greene St. #1
Spokane, WA 99202


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Member # 1912

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Yup, fontking, I must confess that every Monday night from 1994 until at least 1999, my butt was parked on the loveseat in the livingroom. My eyes were pasted to the TV, watching WCW Monday Nitro.
I'd wake up Monday morning, already excited. I'd rush through the day, cranking out signs and slopping supper on the table, all in anticipation of seeing Juventud Whats-his-face or Deborah, Diamond Dallas, the Nitro Girls, etc.
It truly is a soap opera for men. I know it's fake, but it sho is fun. I even bagged outta meetings if they were held on Monday nights.
I admit, I was hooked. I was ashamed to tell others of my viewing preference.
But gradually, I think it was after the NWO was really getting mean, or maybe after Goldberg was defeated, I just lost interest.
Now it seems like everybody that used to be WCW is now WWF. It's also a lot more sexual than before. I admit to thinking that Chynna is one tough mama. I'd love to have her body for one day! I'd beat the crap out of difficult customers! (You want all-caps Old English on what!?!)
I find it amusing that wrestling appeals to many of us sign people. I thought it was just me. Lately, I'm into those forensic investigation type shows, Hollywood scandal stuff & fashions on E!, and Trauma: Life in the ER on TLC.
Come Spring, we'll all be too bsuy to worry about TV! Is it just me, or is everybody suffering from the Winter Blah's?
Love- Jill

Jill M. Welsh

Posts: 8834 | From: Butler, PA, USA | Registered: Jan 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Louis A Lazarus
Member # 763

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Jillbeans says,

<<It truly is a soap opera for men. I know it's fake, but it sho is fun.>>

You're right on the money Jillbeans. It's the way a soap opera should be. Sex and action. Larger than life cartoon type characters, each with their own agenda. Good vs. Evil. Oh yeah, it's got everything men like...and women too. It's "sports entertainment" at its finest. I wouldn't want to get in the ring with the smallest of these guys. How they do this stuff night after night is beyone me. My wife is more addicted than I am. Greg...you should see Corinne. She's a "Jericoholic". Once you get over the fact that it's fake, you can really enjoy the fun...the bickering...the pettiness...the insults...the betrayal...the ...shall I say it....VIOLENCE. Yep, it's entertainment folks and it's fun. You just have to watch it for one or two nights to get to know the characters and you too will be hooked. It's true...it's true!!

Louis A. Lazarus
Milt's Sign Service, Inc.
20 So. Linden Ave. #5B

Posts: 560 | From: El Granada, CA | Registered: Apr 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cam Bortz
Member # 55

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Sorry folks, I just don't get it. All that screaming, posturing, badmouthing, dirty tricks... reminds me of Ted Kennedy at the Ashcroft hearings. (I couldn't resist!)

"A wise man concerns himself with the truth, not with what people believe." - Aristotle

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. - Raoul Duke (Hunter S. Thompson)

Finest Kind Signs
256 S. Broad St.
Pawcatuck, Ct. 06379
"Award winning Signs since 1988"

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Ryan Ursta
Member # 1738

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I like Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC) better! It's real. Try going to a toughman contest locally sometime its a blast!

Ryan Ursta
Ursta Graphics
27 West Shenango St.
Sharpsville Pa. 16150
Call: 724•962•2206
"letters of Recommendation"

Known as "Ugraph" on mirc

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Member # 411

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I just got back from "War is Raw" But took a sidetrip to Houston on the way back home. All your comments are correct.
Adrienne - Fake yes
Cam - Reminds me of Kennedy at Ashcroft Hearing yep
It's only for the show yah
That entertainment un huh

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Youngsville LA.

Posts: 2501 | From: Spring, TX USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
John Deaton
Member # 925

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You gotta take it for what it's for, entertainment. Course it aint real. Who could fly off the top rope and bang a guys head with your elbow and live through it? I watch it when I catch it on, and Dwayne Johnson (THe Rock) is probably the hottest star out there right now. I had a couple of friends who were wrestlers and although the stuff is a show, they get lots of injuries, and do dangerous stunts. The guys are tough, and if you don't think so, tell one sometime. They'll slap you sideways. hee hee.

John Deaton III
Deaton Signs&Grafix
109 N. Cumberland Ave.,Harlan, Ky. 40831 606-573-9101


Posts: 4172 | From: Ages-Brookside, Ky. Up the Holler... | Registered: Jul 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cam Bortz
Member # 55

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Like I said, WWF doesn't do it for me, but I do watch the "Toughman" fights once in a while, and like it if for no reason other than these guys fight for real. Some of them are halfway decent, most of them are awful, and none of them would last a minute with a trained boxer, but they have a lot of heart and guts.

"A wise man concerns himself with the truth, not with what people believe." - Aristotle

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. - Raoul Duke (Hunter S. Thompson)

Finest Kind Signs
256 S. Broad St.
Pawcatuck, Ct. 06379
"Award winning Signs since 1988"

Posts: 3051 | From: Pawcatuck,Connecticut USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ken Henry
Member # 598

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Now here's a challenge Lou. How would you match up some of the regular posters here with a WWF personality, past or present.

For yourself, I kinda see you as a long past WWF favorite "George The Animal Steele".

Can Bortz might qualify as "Big Boss Man"

PS: Would anyone venture a guess as to who our esteemed mayor might resemble???
Ken Henry
Henry & Henry Signs
London, Ontario Canada
(519) 439-1881
e-mail kjmlhenry@home.

Some days you get to be the dog....other days, you get to be the fire hydrant.

[This message has been edited by Ken Henry (edited January 24, 2001).]

Posts: 2689 | From: London,Ontario, Canada | Registered: Feb 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Louis A Lazarus
Member # 763

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If you are talking the closest match to a WWF character resembling me, it would have to be Stone Cold Steve Austin. Hell...Yeah!! On the other hand, maybe it's The Rock or Triple H. Geez...that's a tough one. You can't rule out Bubba Ray Dudley either. How about you? Kane, Chris Benoit, Y2K?
All I know is the WWF is really entertaining and I haven't had so much fun watching TV in years. Once you get into the characters, and the general scheme of things...it's a hoot. However, the WCW is really taking a plunge. In fact...it's terrible. Too bad. Did you happen to see Sid Vicious the night he broke his leg? Man, that was really something. His lower leg actually snapped right in the middle of the tibia and folded almost 90 degrees. They really do get hurt and even though we all know it's fake...I wouldn't want to do THAT for a living. Did you see Smackdown Thursday night? Stone Cold and Triple H were like the Road Runner and Wiley Coyote. Pretty funny stuff. LIGHTS OUT!!

Louis A. Lazarus
Milt's Sign Service, Inc.
20 So. Linden Ave. #5B

Posts: 560 | From: El Granada, CA | Registered: Apr 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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