I sit here giggling once more. Funny how outrageous projects seem to find me, especially when I'm not looking.
Last week I recieved an email from a fellow in Australia. Something not too unusual. He had found me via the web... and was impressed with my site.
I recieved his email at 8:00 pm our time. I just happened to be on the computer.
GOT MAIL! You all know how I love mail! And this wasn't spam.
The content of our website had grabbed him, especially the fact that our work was obviously a labor of love.
He was looking for someone to do some concept & design artwork for a new amusement park ride he was developing. Right up my alley!
The concept excited me instantly. And with a little instant research (via the web) I had enough photographic reference material to work up a quick sketch of ideas that popped into my head. I just had to. It took less than half an hour and I included the quick drawing with my positive reply to his email.
The drawing blew him away, as did my instant and upbeat answer to his enquiry.
I recieved a reply the next day with a promise to hire me for that job. They liked my terms and prices. But he also asked whether I was interested in a second job...
He and his associates were also starting up a new airline and were having trouble coming up with a brand & logo for the operation... was I interested??
A quick email confirmed that Rod Tickle from Australia is interested in working with me to get some cool ideas onto some very large aircraft! (He knows nothing more than that at this point.) I did sign a confidentiality agreement
A couple of phone calls later... I may be on my way to England next week for a meeting with the board to present some ideas. There is never a shortage of ideas!
This morning (after a sleepless night of refining many ideas in my sleep) I retrieved my passport from the safety deposit box to find it two weeks out of date.... but a mad scramble and long drive into the city solved that problem with the new passport to be in my hands by next Tuesday!!! Whew!
Who knows where this all will go.... it's just talk at this point. And I may not even get to England next week... the details are still being worked out.
So many exciting projects I encounter never get past the idea stage or talking stage. Even so, I am absolutely on cloud nine that it is even remotely possible, that I was even considered.
I'm in over my head once more. But don't worry... the water's fine!!!!!!!
-------------------- Dan Sawatzky Imagination Corporation Yarrow, British Columbia dan@imaginationcorporation.com http://www.imaginationcorporation.com
Being a grampa is one of the the most wonderful things in the world!!! Posts: 8740 | From: Yarrow, B.C. Canada | Registered: Nov 1998
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posted April 10, 2003 09:59 PM
I hope you get the job !!!!!!! Keep us posted. Shep'
-------------------- Arvil Shep' Shepherd Art by Shep' -------- " Those who dance are thought to be mad by those who cannot hear the music " Posts: 1281 | From: Mt Airy NC | Registered: Mar 2001
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posted April 11, 2003 12:49 AM
I can see it now: Sawatzky Land, Sawatzky World, a show on Sunday night, The Wonderful World of Sawatzky, The Sawatzky Channel! HA! Can we all just call you Walt? hehe. Congrads my friend, and good luck on your next big adventure!
-------------------- Dave Utter D-utterguy on chat Sign Designs Beardstown, Il. signdesigns@casscomm.com Posts: 777 | From: beardstown, illinois, usa | Registered: Mar 1999
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posted April 11, 2003 03:41 AM
That is really good news Dan, it just shows that the world is getting smaller and the opportunities are greater thanks to the internet and a good web site !!!! - enjoy the ride.
-------------------- Brian the Brush brian the brush uk Yorkshire, UK www.brianthebrushuk.com Posts: 123 | From: United Kingdom | Registered: Sep 2001
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posted April 11, 2003 09:06 AM
I would write more with lots of congratulations but I have to go coat out an old 18" x 24" panel for a realtor that's in a hurry.
-------------------- Chapman Sign Studio Temple, Texas chapmanstudio@sbcglobal.net Posts: 6306 | From: Temple, Texas, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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posted April 11, 2003 10:40 AM
Oh man I’m so jealous. Not so much for the job, but to get the opportunity to work on such an exciting project. Good luck and got everything crossed.
-------------------- Pat Phipps Custom Trophy & Design Glenn Dale. MD ______________________ _ "A Man Don't Learn A Lesson Less It Costs Him Blood or Money " Posts: 78 | From: Glenn Dale, Maryland | Registered: Feb 2003
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Lots of them. I'd be willing to send you/ pay for the film/developing. I'm looking for some good referance material for the "Pub" signs I've been hired to produce. I have to come up with two more designs, for now, but have plan for several more. I'm also looking for Scottish and Irish ref. material.
-------------------- Shirley Carron Black Sheep Designs 184 John St. N. Arnprior,On.,Canada shirleyc@magma.ca 613-623-7053 Posts: 503 | From: Arnprior, Ontario, Canada | Registered: Nov 2001
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