I am involved with a high school council that is discussing having a vintage ground sign made. I am hoping someone here has had some experience with this type of work they could share with me. Pictures would really be appreciated. The main part (read old part) of the school is a three story reddish brown brick building with lot of big windows. Symmetrical style with a large cement arched entrance in the centre. Front lawn has about 50 feet between the building and the sidewalk. We are likely talking about a double post ground sign of about 4 by 6 in dimension. Ornate ironwork has been suggested.
I would like some pictures of signs like this to show the school council. You can post them here or email them to me at
And if Doug Downey is looking at this...yes the school in question list you as a graduate.
Thanks to all for your help.
------------------ Chuck Churchill, It's A Good Sign Inc. 3245 Harvester Rd, U-12 Burlington, Ont. Phone: 905-681-8775 Fax: 905-681-8945
If you have any pics of the architecture, I feel confident that I can throw something together...Do you have an idea of the budget these folks are shootin to stay with in?...and do you have experience in steel welding?...
Just let me know...but I have had lot's of fun incorporating readily available wrought iron and steel ornament and incorporating these elements into my designs. We are currently getting ready to drop a couple of them into the ground...should go in next wednesday...and pics will be taken of them but they are going to look real nice....
------------------ Robert Beverly Dreamweaver Studios Arlington, Texas
OK goes. To see what Burlington Central High School looks like go to This site has several photos of the front of the school. It is about a brick walkway that the school council took on as a fund rasing project last year. In the next day or so I will send you an email describing a lot of facets of this sign project. After that we will talk and see if you want to get involved.
My involvement with this school goes way beyond being a sign maker for them (We have made several for them). I will tell you more in the email.
Thanks for replying to my request. I hope this will turn out to be benificial to both of us.
------------------ Chuck Churchill, It's A Good Sign Inc. 3245 Harvester Rd, U-12 Burlington, Ont. Phone: 905-681-8775 Fax: 905-681-8945