Without you and this site ... my trip would not have been possible
Great to meet you in "real Life!" and so many more friends I have met here!
Thank you!
Barb ... make those Cherry Ripes last to the border USA/Canada. Steve ... you realise Si's suggestion is going to mean having to drive another 2 hours in USA before yer get Home?
Just like to close with my own words:
Life is precious ... don't waste it.
Don't stand waiting for a gap in the traffic ... go for dreams while you can.
Knowledge comes with age and is like gold. ... share it with friends and it's diamonds.
Being home safe, is like returning to a mother's breast.
Actually got couple packs of Peeps left yer sent me hahahahhaahaa Grand-daughters loved them, but all sugared-out! Think I will pass them on to Kookaburra