As you know if you read Steve's post, his van was broken into and some stuff went missing. Stuff that would make a live video feed at Fred's Meet in Oaklahoma next week possible for all of us to enjoy on line.
Well, If you are going to Freds's meet in Oaklahoma, here is news how you can help the Shortreeds and benefit too.
Im sending down a bunch of copies of SONGPAINTER, Sign Music By Sign People with Barb. They are visiting with us here in Bloomington , Illinois today. I feel horrible they were victimized in my home town...gheesh!
By buying a copy of Songpainter, you could have some great music by fellow Letterheads, and help Steve and Barb re-coop a small part of their losses.
If any of you want to order a copy of Sognpainter that are not going to Fred's meet, we'll make sure the Shortreeds get the benefit of the sales, and after all, Songpainter was intended to be a fund raiser for a worthy cause, and THIS IS A WORTHY CAUSE!
Go to the main page of and click on the Songpainter Icon and go from there.
Dave Draper
Yes, I know Steve is going to be furious with me when he sees this post! Oh well!
[ February 27, 2003, 05:26 PM: Message edited by: Dave Draper ]
Not mad Dave. We've really enjoyed spending the last couple days with you and Cindy. Our lives on the road are very different from our home lives. I hate to admit it, but we really don't have any best friends or social life back home in Fergus. We love every minute spent with our Letterhead pals.
Thank-You for the SongPainter CD's. My personal favorite track is Letterville Rocks Me. I'll make them available at Fred's meet and take the rest to Don's meet in Ft. Meyers.
-------------------- Steve Shortreed 144 Hill St., E. Fergus, Ontario Canada N1M 1G9 519-787-2673