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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » is there another panel swap in the near future??

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Author Topic: is there another panel swap in the near future??

Member # 1948

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i'm bummed i missed the first one, but is there a second one scheduled or in the works? i would definitely like to participate in the next one.

Karyn Bush
Simply Not Ordinary, LLC
Bartlett, NH

Posts: 3516 | From: Bartlett, NH USA | Registered: Jan 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Suelynn Sedor
Member # 442

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I sure hope so Karyn!


"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
-George Eliot

Suelynn Sedor
Sedor Signs
Carnduff, SK Canada

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Terry Whynott

Member # 1622

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I'm not sure if this one will ever come to a close. [Roll Eyes]


Terry Whynott
Walkerton, Ontario

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cheryl nordby
Member # 1100

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Terry....it has been great fun doing the panel swap. I bet there will be another one for sure, being it is such a great idea. [Big Grin]

The next one should maybe have a time limit of one month? And those too busy will have to wait til the next one.

Posts: 3729 | From: Seattle | Registered: Sep 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Bob Stephens
Member # 858

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Karyn lets you and I do one for each other since we both missed the first round. But only on the condition that we agree on a deadline. I do not tolerate procrastinators! You set the deadline.

Bob Stephens
Skywatch Signs
Zephyrhills, FL


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Dan Sawatzky

Member # 88

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I want in too when the next one happens.


Dan Sawatzky
Imagination Corporation
Yarrow, British Columbia

Being a grampa is one of the the most wonderful things in the world!!!

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Stephen Deveau
Member # 1305

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I missed the first one too!

But I tell you what!
Let's swap addresses and we will sent each other a panel!
I am serious!

I would be happy to send you one if I got one in exchange.

Are you interested?

Mine will be a Airbrushed carved piece.

Let me know.

E-Mail deveaudiscovery@sprint.ca

Stephen Deveau
Insinx Digital Displays

Letting Your Imagination Run Wild!

Posts: 4327 | From: Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Jan 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Mike Languein
Member # 319

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"NEAR" future? ha ha ha, Karyn - if you start now it might wind up 7 or 8 months from now. There are still some of us who have not heard from our donors.

I had an idea about a 'next one' -- the original panel swaps I knew about, though some projects were brought TO the meets, were mostly done AT the meets - over a weekend. The panels from this go-round are wonderful, but I wonder if some people went way overboard, and may not want to continue that level of involvement. If by making a shorter deadline I wonder if 'more fun' projects might come out of it, by having to do one 'off the cuff' so to speak. Say everybody gets on the list without knowing when the ordeal is going to go down, then on a Thursday we get the go ahead and the name and the finished panel has to be in the mail on Monday. Too quick? I can see the excuses already; "Aw, man, my dog ate my puter and I didn't know it was supposed to be THIS weekend - I need another 8 months." Maybe give it a whole week, then, but basically a weekender panel.

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Stephen Faulkner
Member # 2511

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hows about a panel swap that comemorates 2003 [Eek!] "the year of the blues" [Eek!] ... congress here in the states actually made it so on paper.

on a side note.... hey Karyn do you ever sell carved signs??? I'm going to sub to some of the local shops that need a whittler.

"No excuses!.... No regrets!..."

known associate... pinstripermafia.com

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captain ken
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there will be plenty of panel swapping going on at Mass Mayhem.... see ya there Karyn and Steve

Ken McTague,
Concept Signs
57 Bridge St. (route 107)
Salem MA 01970


"A wise man once said that, or was it a wise guy?"

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Stephen Faulkner
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I can't wait to flame, freak drop, and pinstripe a live lobster Capt' Ken.... good or bad this should be interesting!!.... heh heh heh

"No excuses!.... No regrets!..."

known associate... pinstripermafia.com

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Tony Potter
Member # 1199

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I would like in on the next go-around as well.

--If you don't care where you are, you ain't lost.

Tony Potter
Blind Mice and Company
3001 Bever Ave. SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
(319) 573-9001

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Member # 1298

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Count me in!
If indeed there is another organized (?) swap, would it be open to merchants?

Keep on keepin on
Brian Briskie

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Suelynn Sedor
Member # 442

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I liked the way the last panel jam worked. It gave us time to think about the name we got and what we wanted to do. We where able to fit it into our schedule when it was convenient. We had time to experiment with some new techniques. I think if we made it into a quick bang-out thing, less people would participate and it would die out.

Personally, I'd like to see two a year. I think we should give this one another month to be completed, and then think about round two.


[ February 24, 2003, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: Suelynn Sedor ]

"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
-George Eliot

Suelynn Sedor
Sedor Signs
Carnduff, SK Canada

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Michael Clanton

Member # 2419

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Count me in, too. I came real close to signing up for this last one, but ended up chickening out because I was not real sure what type of stuff was expected. But after seeing some of the exellent and diverse panels, it really caused the juices to flow (figuratively, of course) and want to think outside the box.

BTW, thanks Terry for stepping up and taking on that little diversion. After all, that is the essence of the true letterhead experience.

Michael Clanton
Clanton Graphics/ Blackberry 19 Studio
1933 Blackberry
Conway AR 72034

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Michael Clanton

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Oh, and for me personally, I like the idea of a short turn-around time. If you give me 6 months, I would probably think to start on it about 15 min. before the due date. I guess it has something to do with a short attention... HEY, let's go ride bikes!!! [Big Grin]

Michael Clanton
Clanton Graphics/ Blackberry 19 Studio
1933 Blackberry
Conway AR 72034

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Marc St.Denis
Member # 3329

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Count me in too for the next one...

But I would be interested in swaping one right now!!!! If someone interested gimme some news.

and please, not a six month away deadline....

Marc St.Denis
100 façons, lettrage & enseignes
Valleyfield, Qc, Canada

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David O'Hanlon
Member # 2754

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Count me in !!!!!!!!!! [Smile]

Army Dave

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Mark Matyjakowski
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Hell, if ya got 8-10 more people who want in ya could probably stick 'em in on the tail of this one ... secret swap amongst the latecomers
(no Terry I don't want to make more work for ya)

they would probably have theirs done before some who signed up last Sept-October [Razz]

Compulsive, Neurotic, Anti-social and Paranoid ... but basically Happy

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Dave Draper
Member # 102

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Why not just start a new one now or add on to this one...whats the big deal?

Draper The Signmaker / Monumental Designs

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Bob Stephens
Member # 858

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Leave it to Karyn to stir up the pot. [Wink]

Bob Stephens
Skywatch Signs
Zephyrhills, FL


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Shawn Setzer
Member # 426

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I've been kicking myself for missing out on the last one!!!

Well I'm ready to do one now...If there is anyone out there that wants to swap a panel, let me know, say a deadline of 60 days???

Any Takers??!!

Brian, maybe we need to have a Merchant swap!! LOL


Shawn Setzer
Signs by Shawn
826 Hwy 47 East, Troy, MO

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Lee McKee
Member # 3533

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Yo! Count me in as well [Smile]
We could have a mini jam and have a cut off at say 20 or so people. The deadline would be one month so people don't go overboard, and display them on the web site the following month. We could almost do it monthly or bi-monthly as long as the same people don't enter it every month.

Lee McKee
McKee Studios
Birmingham, Al
Planet Earth (sometimes)

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Member # 1948

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sheeet..just give me a name right now and i'll start working on it within the week(it may take months to finish but)...ya know, i'm doing alot of router practice pieces..haha...why just yesterday i was swearing(there's something new) and crying because i was trying to put a rose cluster relief into an inverted dome with a rope frame around it, 12" circle. sounds simple right?...not.
i finally got it ready(4 hrs later) to put on the table...start it up...come back in a few..looking good..wheew..then the lights go out and the router motor slowly winds down...anyhoo..i finished routing it this morning(power came back on at 2am)and i'm painting it...it has issues but that's ok...i know what i'll do different. i want to experiment in stuff like gold leafing(at some point), antique'n, marblizing etc. we will see...but i'd like to do a panel sometime this spring.

[ February 24, 2003, 08:10 PM: Message edited by: KARYN BUSH ]

Karyn Bush
Simply Not Ordinary, LLC
Bartlett, NH

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Stephen Deveau
Member # 1305

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OK Karyn

You asked for a name to trade off a panel with..

Here goes!

Stephen Deveau
Raven Graphics
134 Hilltop Drive.
Lower Sackville
Nova Scotia
B4C 2P5

Let myself know if you are interested in the exchange.
Nothing to big.
If not then that's fine.

Talk to ya later EH!
Proud Artist of Atlantic Canada!

I don't care on the time frame ordeal as long as we do the swap.

Later. [Cool]

Stephen Deveau
Insinx Digital Displays

Letting Your Imagination Run Wild!

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Bill Jarvis
Member # 1754

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If anybody is willing to swap with a rookie I'd be interested in being included.

Bill Jarvis

"A customer is someone who deals with you. A GOOD customer is someone who refuses to deal with anyone else."

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Stephen Deveau
Member # 1305

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Hey Folks!

Karyn says she has a exchange partner for a panel.

I am open to anyone for a gem of thier work and they will not be let down on the one they get in return.


Stephen Deveau
Insinx Digital Displays

Letting Your Imagination Run Wild!

Posts: 4327 | From: Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Jan 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lee McKee
Member # 3533

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I would like to exchange panels with you. What do you say? You will not be sorry as I've been thinking about this panel that I've wanted to do for some time now. I will need about a month to create it. Maybe a little more maybe a little less, But somewhere under 45 days. Should it be for the 1st annual panel jam or the 1.5 panel jam?
I'll Email my mailing address if you would like to swap. Thanks!

Lee McKee
McKee Studios
Birmingham, Al
Planet Earth (sometimes)

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Stephen Deveau
Member # 1305

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OK Lee
Your on!
take all the time you need.
I'll start think of something for you.

E-Mail myself your address and you can see mine in other postings here.

Thanks. [Cool] [Cool]

Stephen Deveau
Insinx Digital Displays

Letting Your Imagination Run Wild!

Posts: 4327 | From: Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Jan 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Bill Jarvis
Member # 1754

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That's two swaps. Anybody for a third?? [Smile]

Bill Jarvis

"A customer is someone who deals with you. A GOOD customer is someone who refuses to deal with anyone else."

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