Hi Heads,Can you help me find Jack Murray, who has an article in SignCraft Magazine this month (Jan.2001)
I have tried to do a search on hisbusiness name and the town he lives in and come up with no such person.
In fact, the article says he is from Kempton, PA and my Road Atlas shows no such town in the index, and to make matters worse,
the Letterhead Memeber Database is malfunctioning and I can't get a look in there either!
I hope the IRS has as much troubel finding this guy as I am having! hahahahahaah
If you can steer me on to a Ph. number or an address I would appreciate it.
Oh, by the way, he has a nice article in SignCraft this month. Nice work!
Draper The Signmaker
Bloomington Illinois USA
Stop in and visit a while!
Raptorman or Draper_Dave on mIRC chat
[This message has been edited by Dave Draper (edited January 06, 2001).]