Still think customers won't lie through their teeth? You'll love this one... Last week the owner of a very preppy upscale art gallery called about reproducing his sign. The sign in question is carved with some very detailed sculptural elements; he said it had been done by "Harry", a former sign carver who moved out of state some years ago. Keeping a long story short, I gave him a price - very high, as he was adamant about having the sign be "a precise replica", he was in a huge hurry, and generally came across as a pushy, pretentious yuppy a-hole. He asked that I return to see him with my portfolio to "demonstrate that you are capable of this sort of project"(whatever!) So I went back with my portfolio yesterday, in hopes of a deposit. He flipped through the pages, barely glancing at the photos (so much for demonstrating my qualifications) then archly informed me that my price was too high; in fact, he had spoken to "Harry" asking him to quote the job, and "Harry's" price was considerably less; but as he wanted to "stay local" he would consider me if my price was more in line with "Harry" - but then would not tell me how much "Harry" wanted. And if that wasn't transparent enough, get this.
You see, I've never met "Harry" and told him so (though I've seen tons of his work from years ago when he was active in the area). However, it happened that a friend, entirely by chance, mentioned "Harry" over the weekend - and that "Harry" has unfortunately been suffering from a progressive eye ailment that has left him almost completely blind.
I'm genuinely sorry for "Harry"; I cannot imagine losing my sight. But I'm amused at the irony that a customer would try to drive down my price by alledgedly comparing my quote to that of a blind sign carver. He doesn't know or care about "Harry"; I'm sure he beat him up for a lower price on the original sign. At this point I don't really care if I lose this job, but I'm trying to figure out a way to let this scumbag know that I know he lied - and have it be publicly embarrassing (image, and a posturing facade of "integrity" are absolutely everything to this creep).
I'm fairly sure I can "leak" this story to some other folks I know who travel in the same snotty yacht-club-and-cocktail-party circuit. It shouldn't be hard; if there's one thing these types live for, it's gossip and backstabbing. This could be very entertaining....
-------------------- "A wise man concerns himself with the truth, not with what people believe." - Aristotle
Cam Bortz Finest Kind Signs Pondside Iron works 256 S. Broad St. Pawcatuck, Ct. 06379 "Award winning Signs since 1988" Posts: 3051 | From: Pawcatuck,Connecticut USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Being as your information of " harry " is most likely hear say, and haven't actually proven for yourself that " harry " is indeed blind, I feel that proof of lying is hard to produce. Although if you are whole heartedly convinced that your source and info are dead on then just decline the job and highly recomend that the customer go with harry.
This way if it is absolutely true, then he will freak out when his plan backfires. Oh man let us know how it goes.
-------------------- Bob Rochon Creative Signworks Millbury, MA 508-865-7330
"Life is Like an Echo, what you put out, comes back to you." Posts: 5149 | From: Millbury, Mass. U.S. | Registered: Nov 1998
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Cam, if you don't want the work, you can do whatever feels good. If you would like to do the job at your price, then I'm with Bob - tell him you are pleased that he has found the original vendor and worked out a great deal. You might also ask for the fellow's name and address "for the case where you are overloaded and need to sub out work." Of course he can't give it to you but it might be fun watching him backpedal. Most likely he will just feign anger and leave in a huff. Vic G
-------------------- Victor Georgiou Danville, CA , USA Posts: 1746 | From: Danville, CA , USA | Registered: Dec 1998
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just come out and tell the guy that you know for a fact that Harry is legally blind and that you will match Harry's price if you can use a blindfold while carving the sign.
Cam - Victor has the perfect keep your price what you feel it's worth, while "innocently' causing this weiner to squirm amidst his own lies....if he "can't seem to remember" his phone number....I'd say, "Ah, that's alright, I'll just look him up in the book. I've had so many requests for carved signs, I could really use a hand." And just keep him writhing till he breaks a sweat and stains his Nautica attire. Hehehehe....I like that Victor!
-------------------- Todd Gill Outside The Lines Potterville, MI Posts: 7792 | From: Potterville, MI | Registered: Dec 2001
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Heheheheheeee...betcha Harry moved out of the area just to get away from all the pushy, pretentious yuppy a-holes!
This jerk sounds like the type that I would walk away matter the price! You can be sure that he will bitch and moan over the quality of the sign, no matter how perfect it is! Plus getting paid just might be a problem ( most of these guys have their credit cards maxed out!)
Rather than leaking the information to your mutual friends, I would all them with "You want to hear someting funny? Well yesterday I got a call from....."
-------------------- Si Allen #562 La Mirada, CA. USA
(714) 521-4810
si.allen on Skype
"SignPainters do It with Longer Strokes!"
Never mess with your profile while in a drunken stupor!!!
Brushasaurus on Chat Posts: 8831 | From: La Mirada, CA, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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I'm with Si- these guys usually end up how they start.
If you want to leave the drip twisting in the wind, tell him the price is now $150 higher, due to your visit and subsequent discussion, and every time he calls you with some amateurish negotiation tactic it goes up another $150, for CONSULTATION FEES, or something equally vague. That will really steam his shorts.
-------------------- Steve Burke Cascades Inc NS Canada
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving isn't for you Posts: 359 | From: NS Canada | Registered: Jan 2002
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Cam, can I buy the movie rights to this one??????
-------------------- John Smith Kings Bay Signs (Retired) Kissimmee, Florida Posts: 822 | From: Central Florida - The Sunshine State | Registered: Jan 2000
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