I really don'y know where I'm going to go with this post as I start to write this but I'm going to shoot from the hip on this one. if it touches you thats good and if it doesn't ... oh well it doesn't matter
it's 3am and i finding it hard to sleep tonight,. no one is on chat and its too late to call anyone and just talk so i'm sitting here in the glow of the monitor and putting down some thoughts... here goes
I have come to realize somewhat late in my life that I have been given a great gift, I have taken it for granted for most of my life because its come so easily for me . I absolutely love what I do. it is a great passion of mine that I love to share with anyone who will listen to me. because of the gift I have had some of the greatest moments of my life, and have met some of the most wonderful people. hell its given me the world... just look at all of you because of the gift I have met friends that will stay with me for a lifetime, friends that I love dearly. let me tell you about one incedent that happened to me years ago at a show I was working. this guy and his wife walk over to my booth and want a job done on her bike, the woman wanted a simple rose on the tank but she also asked me if i could fit the names of her 4 children on the tank without making it look too cluttered, I assured her that i had an idea and it would look fine, her husband came over and told me that the last name on the list was of a child that they had lost at birth and could i make that name in a different color or something just to seperate it from the rest, sure no problem I said. well i painted the rose and to solve the name problem I wraped the rose's stem in a ribbon that tapered towards the bottom coincedentally the names got smaller also. so i lettered each name in the ribbon and the last and smallest name was Josh, the child they lost, I changed the color as requested but i decided to add just one little touch.. a small heart just to the right of the name. I thought it would be a nice little touch. well, when she came over to inspect the job & she saw the heart and just broke down crying, she gave me a hug and said thank you, her husband shook my hand and said that was a beautiful thing you did. let me tell you that meant more to me than all the money i could have made at that show. do you know I still see that couple from time to time and they treat me like I'm family. that was the gift giving back to me.
I remember a young man in Bloomington that i tought how to paint a silly little feather, then i tought him to paint an eagle, his dad said he hadn't seen his son that excited about anything before and he thanked me for doing that for his son... there was the gift giving back to me again. I love this gift, I love sharing this gift. you people are a great gift to me, I am so very lucky to know you. please excuse me if i've rambled on here i know this has not a whole lot to do about signs, or plotters or pricing .... well it has nothing to do with it actually. thanks for listening to a sleepy friend realize before its to late what life is about. goodnight friends.
thank you for the gift
life moves pretty darn fast, if you dont take time to look at it you could miss it!
Posts: 449 | From: Everett, WA | Registered: Dec 1998
Mike, Your post brought tearrs to my eyes! You are a very sensitive person and really show your passion in your work. It is easy to see why you are so successful and have made SO many friends over the years. I myself hope to meet you someday and view your work in "person", I am sure that pics in mags just dont do it justice it "totally" deserves! You are so right about people giving us gifts -- and you are a GREAT person for acknowleging that!
Have a great day, my friend! C
------------------ Looking FORWARD ~~ NEVER BACK :) Cindy L. Shoff AKA SignBABE on mIRC CM Signs & Graphics Streetsboro,Ohio 330-274-2398 (office) 330-274-2498 (fax) members.aol.com/cmsigns/signs-g/graphics.html
Posts: 158 | From: Aurora....Ohio......USA | Registered: Nov 1998
How fortunate many of us are to realize that we have been given a gift, and that we are some of the luckiest people in the world to get to use that gift everyday - and to make a living at it at the same time.
I find myself waking up many days, still unbelieving that this is my life now, and that I'm doing something I wanted to do when I was only 14 years old.
I was recently lettering a few vans with my Dad who occassionally helps me, and we were talking about how when I was younger, I loved to write my name all over the place - on the door, on the walls of my room - and I had to try so many different styles.... I couldn't get enough of lettering... And there were were - probably 20 years later from the first time I wrote my name on my wall - doing it for a living.
In the movie "A Bronx Tale" Deniro's theme is that there's nothing worse than "wasted talent". I myself was all set to be a NYC cop - had one foot in the academy - but I stayed in college, got my degree and pursued that dream.
Aside from my professional "gifts", I have been blessed also with two beautiful little girls whom I hope to teach to follow their hearts whereever it may lead them. (on a side note - the girls are doing very well - are now 3lbs 10oz and we hoep to have them home from the hospital in 4 weeks).
I'll close with one of my favorites quotes - from a Rush song -
"Some are born to move the world - To live their fantasies - But most of us just dream about The things we'd like to be"
How lucky are we to be able to move the world - and live out our dreams!
Dan Antonelli
------------------ Dan Antonelli Graphic D-Signs, Inc. Union, NJ www.graphicd-signs.com
Mike...I didn't see you teaching the "young fellow" how to paint a feather, but I did see you sharing your "gift' with dozens of folks in Bloomington. My only regret of that weekend was that I didn't shoulder my way in through the crowd and ask you to share a bit of that talent with me.... Well, at Mazeppa I will bring my three brushes and see if I can persuade you to do just that for a few minutes. Uh OH...now you know I'm goin, maybe you won't bother!!!! hahahaha
------------------ Dave Grundy #340 AKA applicator on mIRC "stickin' sticky stuff to valuable vessels and vehicles!" in Granton, Ontario, Canada dave.grundy@odyssey.on.ca
Thats certainly where its at Mike! Being able to help when you can and wherever you are.
------------------ Hassle Fiasco #1897. 44 years in the classic art of Pinstriping. A born traveller now in Grants Pass,Oregon. Coming to your town soon...... pinstriping.cjb.netkillerkart.cjb.net
Posts: 7 | From: Main Street, USA | Registered: Mar 2001
Just so you know... your gift has given me some very fine moments in my life too. Thank you.
Your gift has also joggled renewed feelings and enthusiasm for my own potential, and has inspired me to use and nurture my own gift.
I have often thought that at Letterhead Meets, what I envy more than the talent is the drive and passion that fills the air and literally glows in the faces there. I have caught some of that fever... and I love it.
You are partially responsible for that.
I have discovered the very real importance of having people to look up to in my life. You are among those people, ... and you are in very good company.
Beautifully put Mike!! I knew you where special when I met you in Banff, and I look forward to seeing you again in Minnesota.
As many of you know, I am just starting in this business, and I'm having to teach myself with the guidance of friends on this BB, and from reading as many books as I can get my hands on. I've been blessed with a gift as well, but I didn't know what to do with it until I went to Banff. It was like a revelation for me, seeing so many creative, and artistic people around me, all so openly sharing their talents. What a terrific bunch of people you all are. Special thanks again to Steve for giving me that little push I needed to get me to Banff, it truly changed my life. See you all in Mezzapa...I'll be the one asking all the "newbie" questions!!!!
I'm starting to count the days!!
Suelynn from Saskatchewan (Linnie on chat)
------------------ "It is never too late to be what you might have been." -George Eliot
Suelynn Sedor Sedor Signs Carnduff, Sk Canada
Posts: 2863 | From: Carnduff, SK Canada | Registered: Nov 1998
Thanks for putting your thoughts on the board , something in there strikes a chord with all of us I'm sure. While I can't relate to being gifted (can't draw a straight line with a ruler, ) our market is mostly industrial signage where artistry is less required, however whenever I get the chance to do commercial signage I certainly put my heart into it, and the results keep getting better & better. I, like you, love the business we're in and most of all I appreciate this forum, and the wealth of information, support and understanding we (collectivly) give to each other. Thanks for your thoughts Mike, thanks to Steve & Barb for the forum, and thanks to all other 'Bullboarders' for making this place what it is.
------------------ Mike O'Neill TransLabrador Signs
Posts: 3094 | From: Labrador City, NF, Canada | Registered: Nov 1998
Mike - your post exemplifies the true Letterhead spirit !!!!!! I saw you doing the same thing a Banff! Not only are you a great teacher, - you do some really killer work! Keep it up!
------------------ Si Allen #562 La Mirada, CA. USA (714) 521-4810 ICQ # 330407 "SignPainters do It with Longer Strokes!"
Brushasaurus on Chat
Posts: 8827 | From: La Mirada, CA, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
You made me think about when I was 25 or so, wondering if I was ever going to be really GOOD at anything...
Then I see the stuff you do and I wonder about that again.
And I smile to remember seeing you in Daytona, you were annoyed because when I got there you were lettering and painting flames instead of "doing something really cool."
To know someone with your gift is special. To see it recognized and expressed so eloquently is far more rare and wonderful. I'm proud to have you as a friend.
Boy, you HAVE to go to Mazeppa, now.
See you there.
------------------ still dancin' with squirrels....
Posts: 3051 | From: Pawcatuck,Connecticut USA | Registered: Nov 1998
A beautiful post, Mike...thanks. It's so good to see people acknowledging this gift and how it, in turn, leads one to get in touch with the hearts of real people. As long as we can give glory to the One who gave these gifts...herein lies the true essence of life.
Hey Spyke! What a great life, eh? I sure wish you'd get out west so those of us over here could meet you in person...you are at the top of my list of people I need to meet in life, you inspire us all to do better & share more of what we know. Thanks Spyke Pisel
------------------ Karen Stein 220 N. Greenfield Ave. Apt #173 Mesa, AZ 85205
Posts: 336 | From: Chiricahua National Monument, Az | Registered: Nov 1998
You Know I thought I was the only one in the world with this crazy romance for signs. Do your hearts beat a little faster with anticipation with every new issue of Signcraft? I remember as a child going to elementary school back in the sixties bringing lettering books to school while the rest of the kids read comics, in junior high in between classes the teachers always knew that I was going to be in their next class because the chalkboard was completely lettered up. You Know none of the teachers got upset they always encouraged me. It's going for 7:00 pm now and customer just picked up his newly lettered van and to see him with a smile from ear to ear and to say "Man.. It looks even better than the sketch you showed me, and it really shows that you "like what your doing". That's the secret and Mike is right, I think all of us really do Love what we're doing and it shows in our work. This past weekend I did a little banner for a customer, They wanted it for their niece who was having her last chemo treatment, All it said was "Today's my Last Day" It had a photo of her on it as well she was only 2. Well needless to say I donated the banner But I can just see that little child's face when she saw that banner. I just have to make it to the meet in minn. and meet and see all of the "great Talent" Neil Butler
------------------ "Keep Positive"
Posts: 6277 | From: St. John's NF Canada | Registered: Mar 1999
Hey Mike, It's never to late. That's one of the major things I learned at your meet. You sparked an enthusiasm in me that I have let dwindle over the last few years while letting that responsibility thing get to me. Now I go to work and get orders for the same ol' same old comercial stuff and try to figure out a more "wet" way to do it. Thanks Mike(and all you others too) for showing me a side of the biz that I almost forgot was there. YOU Mike are a true gift!
------------------ Compulsive, Neurotic Anti-Social & Paranoid but Basically Happy NEW slamgrafyx.cjb.net
Posts: 2677 | From: Rochester, NY, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
Nice post Mike,I had a lot of the same feelings recently at the OKC meet,sharing some of what I know with some really appreciable folks was truly gratifying,It always makes me wish I knew even more... right after the meet I went to Denver and looked up some of the "Old Gents" I worked under with the sole purpose of thanking them for all they shared with me(both were heart filling experiences).
And how did I miss you I couldn't sleep last nite either and was on around 2;30 lookin for someone to "shoot it" with...oh well maybe next time.
------------------ Monte Jumper/SIGNLanguage Norman Oklahoma
I dont know what to say besides, WOW. The previous post make you stop and think and for many to share. It is blessed to find something you enjoy and then to make a living at it is just the icing on the cake. Sharing and learning here on this Bullboard is a gift that is unique as the world turning. We are all strangers untill we help and support each other......WOW.........Kevin K
------------------ Kevin L. Kleinhans
Joel/JL Sign Graphics
....a extra drop shade here,a extra outline there,show a new guy/gal a trick or two,get up in the morning all pumped to try something new,what goes around/comes around and the good stuff comes back ten times........Mike you got right.Thanks!
Joel/JL Sign Graphics
....a extra drop shade here,a extra outline there,show a new guy/gal a trick or two,get up in the morning all pumped to try something new,what goes around/comes around and the good stuff comes back ten times........Mike you got it right.Thanks!
I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you! but I have seen some of your work! What a great post....and a surprisingly emmotional start to the day for me....I wasn't expecting the first post I read to have that sort of content....
Good on you..
------------------ Henry Barker #1924 akaKaftan SignCraft AB Stockholm, Sweden. A little bit of England in a corner of Stockholm www.signcraft.se info@signcraft.se
Posts: 1552 | From: Stockholm, Sweden | Registered: Nov 1998
Mike, I knew when I saw you in Banff, took your pictorial seminar and saw that awesome 3D sign that you did that you were a person who had a hell of a gift and loved what you do. I came home today after work with a bunch of old issues of Autographics I borrowed from work. I opened the first one (May 96) and saw that report on the 4th annual Pinhead Summit and Panel Jam at Wizard Graphics with a picture of that bike mural that you did-Wow!! Thanks for being you and giving the rest of us inspiration and something to strive for.
We luv ya man !!!
------------------ Mike Duncan 2315 H Street Bellingham, WA 98225 eves 360-738-9846 days 360-671-7165 mduncan@telcomplus.net
Great post Mike! I just ran into a sleeping situation myself, and it reminded me of you. Never met you but I remember talking with you at Nettie's house. That was a very inspiring story and well written. I'll post it in another spot so not to take away from your great deed here.
------------------ "to live life, is to love life, a sign of no life, is a sign of no love"...Cisco 12'98
Posts: 3576 | From: Fresno, Ca, the great USA | Registered: Dec 1998
hey Mike, great heart filled post,at times we take for granted ,what the man upstairs has given to us all,but is only a gift, if its not used it will be given to someone else. In a manner of speaking, you get more out of a gift, if you put more into it. It shows in you, and in your work. I'm settled in the south, and will only be able to meet you through the BB,but even so, consider you a friend. It's easy to call you all, out there friends, I've never seen so much love, in one spot. The commond interest we all hold,is the love of our trade. It is inspiring to read the post of all out there, and is bringing us all closer, to our choosen trade. I was out there until 3am. I'm a late niter', and have trouble sleeping. I get so wound up over my work, it seems to take the BB, to unwind, my mind. Sometimes it can make it worst, once I get on, the work I see only inspires me even more. To me, who has time to sleep, I might miss something.
Robert Fair
Stay Fresh, Be Creative
Thanks to all, out there, for your TIME, it is a valued comodity.
Posts: 346 | From: Gordo, Alabama USA | Registered: Feb 1999
3am is mid-day for me, the nick describes my natural "awake" hours.
I am grateful to be able to share my gift too, and I thank my high power (God or whoever pulls the strings) that I can create each day and make a living at it. (although next month looks like TopRamen and Breadsticks... it's ok, I need to drop a few pounds anyway!) Thanks for the post and the reminder to be thankful for what we have.
The Moon aka: Stef
Posts: 550 | From: Pollock Pines, CA, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
Does anyone realize that there is a purpose for this GIFT we have been so freely given?? It is written down in a book that I encourage and hope everyone will take the time to read. King James Version Book is/EXODUS Chapter/31 Verses/1-6 This is an awesome story of taking people with no known talent,and giving to certain ones the ability to create works of art through the knowledge and wisdom given to them for the purpose of building a meeting place! If interested the rest of the book ain't to bad either! BUT that certain section mentioned above directly concerns all of us given this GIFT and wonder why we have it.
------------------ PKing is Pat King of King Sign Design The Professor of SIGNOLOGY
Posts: 3113 | From: Pompano Beach, FL. USA | Registered: Nov 1998
Well, what a bunch of sucks we are. I too, am stemming the tears. It's 4:30 am a couple days later. I don't know why I'm up. I'm not inclined to insomnia. Your post must have been calling me.
Earlier this week, I may have verged on thinking this gift was a bit of a curse and the BB folks gave me toughlove, pats on the head and lots of other support.
What a cool life. And to think how much trouble I always got in for filling the covers of my binders and all the margins of each page of my schoolwork with horses. Today, most anyone will pay me to paint a pretty horsey, but, no one would pay me to do any math. . .hehehe
------------------ Gailforce--"To air is divine :)"