Some of you may remember, back in March I started a post re: Workshop #1 - How to save pictures for posting on the internet. I don't have a good excuse for not continuing the thread sooner. The last response was great, so here comes #2.
Workshop #2 - How to POST pictures on the internet
Posting pictures on the internet isn't that difficult, it's simply a matter of knowing how to do it. Here's one easy way.
B. You'll need a web page In order to post your picture on the internet, you need to have it downloaded onto a web page. There are loads of free sites on the net that you can take advantage of. One to try is Tripod at
Create a Tripod folder in your bookmark area for future reference.
At this point I attempted to go through the steps to guide you, however Tripod's pretty confusing. I learned long ago to bookmark each step so it's much quicker, so here are my fav bookmarks to help get the job done faster.
At this point, you'll first need to register to obtain a password via email. Select SIGN UP NOW and once you've recieved your info, you can continue.
2. Select Browse, look for your pic on your harddrive, select it, then hit Submit.
3. Scroll down until you see VIEW the file you've just uploaded. RIGHT click on it, select Open In New Window, and there it is. Note the url of your picture. Bookmark it or keep it open to copy/paste.
4. Go back to your Upload page, and select Homepage Housekeeper. This area will have a lising of all your pics you upload. Bookmark this page.
5. Now when you go to post your picture on the internet, you'll need that new url where your picture is at.
6. Use a UBB code so you can post pictures on the Letterhead Website. UBB is simply codes you put in front and behind the urls, kind of like a simple version of html coding. The following ubb code displays your picture within your post.
[ I M G ]yoururlhere[ / I M G ] (remove the spaces in [ I M G ], I had to add them so they would show up here)
Your picture should be proudly posted at this point. This is only one small example on how to get your pictures on the net. There are FTP programs, webpage builder programs, etc. however I found this easy for newbie useage.
If anyone has anything to add to this subject, please feel free to do so. I'd love someone to explain FTP abit more as I don't know much about it. Perhaps links to good FTP programs and a quick how to?
Please feel free to add your info, and hope you've learned something of value.
[ November 16, 2008, 09:42 AM: Message edited by: Barb. Shortreed ]
Posts: 5630 | From: Yarrow, BC Canada | Registered: Nov 1998
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Hi Donna. Many, many thanks for this tutorial. This is valuable information for a novice internet user like myself. I hope others will add to post, and this type of information should be added to the resource section. I've noticed that questions relating to this topic do re-occur, as well as how to access the chat area.
It's nice to have such sharing individuals to help us overcome our ignorance in this area. Again, thank you.
------------------ Ken Henry Henry & Henry Signs London, Ontario Canada (519) 439-1881 e-mail
Hi Donna, Great post. Heres what little I know about FTP, which stands for "File Transfer Protocol". These programs are used to upload files to the internet.
The one I use is wsFTP-Pro(32bit) It takes some getting use to, but once all the correct settings are plugged in, it should be a piece of cake. This program uses an interface that is very much like Windows' Explorer. It has "drag`n`drop" qualities, as well as editing features like; rename, delete, and "perel" commands.(used in forms)
The WinSoft FTP-Pro demo can be downloaded from This demo is a 30 day evalueation, which can be circumvented by using a crack. E-mail me at for more information.
FTP can be frustrating at times, with all it's server settings. The thing to remember is; "Who is your server?" Their FTP adress is like http:// with one slight twist; the prefix(for FTP) is which is for the "remote" host. You will need a user name & password to gain entry.
wsFTP has two windows, on the left, is your computer, and on the right, is the remote computer. To transfer files, go to where your web files are(on the left window) and tag them for transfer. In the middle of these two windows are arrows pointing the directions to which your files will be transfered. One important thing to remember is; Photos must be transfered in "Binary" and webs(html) must be uploaded in "ANSI".
Heres a couple of tips. The net is "case" sensitive, which means, it reconizes upper & lower cases. For instamce, most of the times when you save your photos, windows saves them with the extension *.JPG (in caps) However, your html editor writes its code using lower case; *.jpg This can cause problems, since the net is case sensitive, and will cause your photos not to show up. Be sure that code & file are refered to in the same manner.
Sometimes html editors uses files that are unseen. To see these folders & files; go to the tool bar, go to "view", then "Folder Options". There will be a long list of options. One of the settings will be "show all files". Check that radio button. Be sure to do this "while" sitting in the directory where all your html files are.
Sometimes, you must close your FTP "Session" before any changes will take effect.
Heres a direct link to wsFTP-Pro(32bit) [URL],332,0-75156-s,1000.html?st.dl.subcat42.list.tdtl[/ URL]
This is Richard Bustamante with this old sign saying, "Your only as good as your tools"
Donna, glad to see this on the Billboard. Some can I reference your post about this subject, rather than scrolling back to it the next chance I get to really study it...bookmark? Still learnin'! Thanks for your time, I know it takes a lot and I appreciate it. Mick Samsel.
Posts: 498 | From: Cherokee, Ia USA | Registered: Jan 1999
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Ok so here's a question. Every now and then I post a picture like the one above. It's there for a while and then it just goes away leaving that little icon that says "there should be an image here, but there's not". I didn't change anything on my web page so why won't the image stay put? If you can't see the picture above; right click on the icon, choose "view image kitty.jpg" You'll be taken to a page with a link, click on the link and you see the picture. Click your "Back" button and now the image appears in this post...for a while. Why does it do this? How can I make it stop? Should I use gifs instead of jpgs? Is Tripod unstable? Am I unstable? Any ideas would help. ------------------------------------------
I know exactly what you mean. I've noticed this only lately when using Tripod as well. The changed seemed to be the same time they changed something on the site... if you open someone else's Tripod picture directly with the url, a header page comes up first, allowing you to enter the picture. Not sure if that has something to do with the glitch.
On another post, Checkers says:
quote:Hiya Heads, The reason why a lot of the pics aren't loading is apparently because doesn't like you linking pictures from their website to other pages on the net. I guess it reduces the amount of improper use of their web pages and bandwidth. If you use Netscape & want to see the pic. Just right mouse click on that funky cube and select view image. From there, it will give you another link to the pic. Hope this helps & always havin' fun, Checkers
I've also noticed that Tripod does this on occasion if the picture is posted too large in size. However that isn't the case with your picture at all.
The glitch doesn't happen often, but is still there on many occasion.
I'll email Tripod direct and attempt to get an answer and post here what my findings are if I get lucky.
------------------ Graphic Impact Beautiful BC Canada proud $upporter of this site
[This message has been edited by Donna in BC (edited September 04, 1999).]
Posts: 5630 | From: Yarrow, BC Canada | Registered: Nov 1998
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The only way I can see you being able to save my first post without all the following posts is to cut and paste the info into WordPad. Only glitch with that is you won't get the live url links.
Other than that, if you want to save the whole thread, yup, bookmarking works great. I bookmark many posts so I can flash the url if someone asks the same question again. Bookmarking works great as long as the original post remains online or is placed in an Archive file when it leaves the board, which Steve is starting to do on some threads.
If you EVER lose the bookmark or post, I've rigged the post to come up in the SEARCH if you simply type WORKSHOP.
------------------ Graphic Impact Beautiful BC Canada proud $upporter of this site
Posts: 5630 | From: Yarrow, BC Canada | Registered: Nov 1998
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Can't begin to tell you how much we appreciate your sharing information like this Donna. You are setting a great example of how this BullBoard can be used to best serve all our needs.
Every week or so, I go over all the hundreds of posts from the previous week and try to sort out what are keepers and what can be tossed. Any posts that have been really popular or educational are left on or moved to the Archive directory. Hopefully we are preserving the Best Of The BullBoard for all those who will join us in the future.
Thanks to all of you who go the extra mile like Donna. You are the people who make this website the community it has become.
To save the webs you view, go to the "Tool" bar, and click on "File", when the dropdown appears, choose "Save as". Name the file, and save it to your computer. I usually save items like this in "My documents" folder.
"May the wind be at your back, and the seas always calm."
Have no clue about those free services (tripod, geocities) But for those aol people (there are 12 million of us shmuks out there- hey it's not like "I" pay for it) go to keyword "myplace" then go to "my ftp" click the upload button follow instructions. Once it's uploaded follow Donna's [ img ] ubb instructions.
As far as ftp I use the free version without problem ... don't remember where I got it ... twocows or c-net or something.
to show whats being said first you set up the session- If I'm on aol and uploading to my free space I can go anonymous because I'm already connected to that server (profile name * aol, host * For conecting to my actual host for my site it's as you see here + my password (like Richard said my domain with www replaced by ftp) After the session is set you go to the two windows in the back. The one on the left is your files on your hard drive, the right is the files on the server space that you got into from the set-up session. pick the file on your hard drive (left side) you want to send to the server then press the button (where I put the blue arrow) Send graphics using the binary format... so simple my 8 year old can do it.
The hardest part is finding the host name from the people who have the server ... once you find that out the rest is gravy.
------------------ 90% of life is perception and interpretation... If your life sucks, You suck... DON'T SUCK Smile more, everyone benefits
Posts: 2677 | From: Rochester, NY, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Hi Donna, Not to be a smart ass, or anything, but why didn't you choose Internet Explorer, or Netscape to open up your saved files? These are the "Apps" (applications) that everyone uses to view the web. Remember, you are saving a htlm file.
Oh! I forgot, Donna, Now that you've associated "Wordpad" with web pages(html) your gonna have to re`associate to view html documents with IEx, or netscape. Good Luck! I forget how to do that right now, but give me awhile, and I'll remember. I've got Part`timers. "Do you suffer from short term memory loss? I'm sorry, I don't remember..."
The update to Gilead's request has arrived. Tripod has spoken...
On August 18th, Tripod instituted an interstitial page to help us stem the burgeoning problem of remote loading from the Tripod members servers to other services. Remote loading is a drain on Tripod's resources and interferes with our ability to provide free web space for our members.
Tripod accounts are for use in the creation of web pages, not as storage space for images, zip files, sounds, etc. to be loaded on other services. This is clearly stated in our terms of service.
Tripod Member Web Page and Member Conduct Guidelines
The following is a non-exclusive list of actions and content that are prohibited on the Site. Tripod may cancel any Membership associated with such actions or content or may remove any associated Member Web Page with or without prior notice, in its sole discretion.
i) Use of a Member Web Page as storage for remote loading, or as a door or signpost to another home page.
It costs a lot of money to host free web pages, and when our servers are taxed with no pageviews (i.e. remote-loading on e-bay and webtv emails) we are simply throwing money away. From anyone's perspective, this makes no business sense.
What this means is that Tripod no longer allows the embedding of MIDI's, WAV's, MPEG's, and similar files from remote sources (e-mail and non-tripod sites such as auctions.) You may still freely embed files on your own pages with us. We have allowed the remote use of GIF's, as this type of file is reasonably small and is most often used in banner exchanges and webrings. Please be aware that this is subject to change.
Have a good day!
Amy Johns
Membership Services Tripod, Inc. / A Division of Lycos
I choose to leave my original post up and running as it still has the basic guidelines on how to post pics.
------------------ Graphic Impact Beautiful BC Canada proud $upporter of this site
Posts: 5630 | From: Yarrow, BC Canada | Registered: Nov 1998
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I still have a problem with "free" servers. Not only are you inundated with ad banners, but, if you dig around in the legal verbiage, most of these sites can claim anything you upload to their sites as their own. Geocities is one example that comes to mind. If you upload original works of art, there, then Geocities can claim those images.
For the past few years, I've been using ValueWeb ( For $19.95/month, they offer 100 Mb of web space, FrontPage support, lots of CGIs (guestbooks, search pages, hit counters, etc), protected page options, and more.
Granted, I use the space mainly to run web-based AD&D games. Wretched excess, eh?
As for using WordPad to make pages. Yes, it can be done. No, I never use it. My brain thinks in a WYSIWYG environment, and so I choose to use programs such as PageMill and GoLive, which offer a GUI, to construct my pages. I use FrontPage as well, but only to create and manage Discussion Groups.