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» The Letterville BullBoard » Letterhead/Pinstriper Talk » How to carve a Xmas tree

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Author Topic: How to carve a Xmas tree
Si Allen

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Si Allen #562
La Mirada, CA. USA

(714) 521-4810

si.allen on Skype


"SignPainters do It with Longer Strokes!"

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Brushasaurus on Chat

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That is amazing! I want one. [Applause]

Patricia A. Raap
Raap Signs
2615 Arthur
Coopersville, MI 49404

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Sam Staffan

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Sam Staffan
Mackinaw Art & Sign
721 S. Nokomis St. Mackinaw City, MI

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Dave Sherby

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Beautiful skill and imagination. Thanks for sharing.

Dave Sherby
SherWood Sign & Graphic Design
Crystal Falls, MI 49920

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Bob Rochon

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Bob Rochon
Creative Signworks
Millbury, MA

"Life is Like an Echo, what you put out, comes back to you."

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Ricardo Davila
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OUTSTANDING!!.....Thanks for sharing.


Ricardo Davila
Showroom Window Advertising
P.O. Box 1376
Edmond, Oklahoma 73083

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Shirley Carron
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THAT was fun!

Shirley Carron
Black Sheep Designs
184 John St. N.

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Mikes Mischeif
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I think you mean "Holiday Tree".
You see Xmas (meaning: to take Christ out of christmas, is no longer politically correct). So the Christians & those who don't believe in Christ wont be offended, please use the proper terms our current government has set up.
The supreme court could shut this very site down and fine the Shortreeds for such bigotry and religious persecution.
(This would all be done by non-christians of course who believe in freedom from government even though that same government wants to take away thier own beliefs and freedoms).

Thus ends today's cultural lesson.

And rememeber it's not columbus day this year, It's Indeginous Peoples day!
Yay, we're never going to offend anyone ever again. Aint it great!
Thank you Seattle.

Despite being a federal holiday, Columbus Day is a raw issue for indigenous peoples because of the violence he showed towards residents when exploring South America.

Tribal members and their supporters say the resolution recognizes the long and rich legacy of the people who have inhabited the region for millennia.

“This action will allow us to bring into current present day our valuable and rich history, and it’s there for future generations to learn,” Fawn Sharp, president of the Quinault Indian Nation on the Olympic Peninsula, said to the Guardian.

The Seattle School Board voted unanimously last week for schools to observe “Indigenous Peoples’ Day,” and “recognizes…that Seattle is built upon the homelands and villages of the Indigenous Peoples of this region, without who the building of the City would not have been possible,” a local Fox affiliate reported.

[ October 08, 2014, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: Mikes Mischeif ]

Mike Duncan
Lettercraft Signs

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Si Allen

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Mike .... go to your room!

Si Allen #562
La Mirada, CA. USA

(714) 521-4810

si.allen on Skype


"SignPainters do It with Longer Strokes!"

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Brushasaurus on Chat

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Shirley Carron
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Full Moon.

Shirley Carron
Black Sheep Designs
184 John St. N.

Posts: 503 | From: Arnprior, Ontario, Canada | Registered: Nov 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ricardo Davila
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Here are two more ways of creating X-MAS trees. Yes, that is.... CHRISTMAS!





Ricardo Davila
Showroom Window Advertising
P.O. Box 1376
Edmond, Oklahoma 73083

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Mikes Mischeif
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Has anyone seen my Christ-acto knife?

Mike Duncan
Lettercraft Signs

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Rusty Bradley

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The government doesn't want to take anyone's personal religious freedoms away...one can believe and promote their personal religious beliefs in the private sector all they want...I've had people come to my door...leave stuff on my windshield...approach me on the street...all in an effort to promote their personal religious views...even though I try to be nice some have been intrusive pushy fanatics...also there are numerous religious tv networks that promote their particular religious views 24 hours a day...the constitution guarantees these freedoms and it is basically unrestricted...but when it comes to the operation of the government a strict separation of "church and state" is in order...in order to be fair to all the government is to take a view of neutrality on all religions...in that way they show no preference of one religious view over another...and that makes perfect sense to me...but some of the other stuff that doesn't fall into the separation of church and state issue...such as "Holiday Tree" or "Christmas Tree" seems to me just plain silly.

[ October 10, 2014, 06:21 PM: Message edited by: Rusty Bradley ]

Rusty Bradley
Bradley Sign Studio
100 Creekview Road
Summertown, Tn. 38483

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Donald Miner
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Just think, some unsuspecting wood carver, started this diatribe! Beautiful work, none the less. I should have half this man's talent! Thanks, Si

Donald Miner
ABCO Wholesale Neon
1168 Red Hill Creek
Dobson, NC

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Mikes Mischeif
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Hi Rusty, I must disagree. If by private sector, you mean private (yours or my own) business, then yes, they must comply with governemt regulations that are opposite thier religious beliefs.

[ October 11, 2014, 04:26 PM: Message edited by: Mikes Mischeif ]

Mike Duncan
Lettercraft Signs

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Rusty Bradley

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Mike...I'm guessing your business reference pertains to the Affordable Care Act requiring employers to cover birth control?

Rusty Bradley
Bradley Sign Studio
100 Creekview Road
Summertown, Tn. 38483

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Ricardo Davila
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OK guys.......

Since you have brought the subject of religion into our sacred sign forum, I, for the sake of a good controversy, am going to provide you with more material, hoping that this will add more fuel to this spirited exchange of ideas, about religion.

Thus, keeping all of us,sign people, entertained for a little longer, while we watch you guys, going at it.

Here you go:


Enjoy !! [Applause] [Applause] [Applause]


[ October 11, 2014, 09:47 PM: Message edited by: Ricardo Davila ]

Ricardo Davila
Showroom Window Advertising
P.O. Box 1376
Edmond, Oklahoma 73083

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Rusty Bradley

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Ricardo...I read the statement...sounded very reasonable.

Rusty Bradley
Bradley Sign Studio
100 Creekview Road
Summertown, Tn. 38483

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Mikes Mischeif
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Yes, The Affordable healthcare plan.
All you need to know about that is here:


Mike Duncan
Lettercraft Signs

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Rusty Bradley

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Mike...12 years ago I found myself in the hospital with a complication from a heart condition...after that medical emergency my private insurance company decided that the condition of my heart was too big a risk for their profit so they they kicked me off...such nice guys...but thanks to the Affordable Care Act...commonly called ObamaCare...that practice common among insurance providers was made illegal...what a relief I feel now that I have insurance for the first time in 12 years...say and think what you like...and there's plenty of info out there to twist and contort to fit most any point of view...both pro and con...but I for one am a real person with a real story of how the ACA personally helped me.

[ October 14, 2014, 11:32 PM: Message edited by: Rusty Bradley ]

Rusty Bradley
Bradley Sign Studio
100 Creekview Road
Summertown, Tn. 38483

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Ricardo Davila
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Way to go !

[Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause]


Ricardo Davila
Showroom Window Advertising
P.O. Box 1376
Edmond, Oklahoma 73083

Posts: 1180 | From: Edmond, Oklahoma | Registered: May 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Mikes Mischeif
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Rusty, I'm glad you had the help you needed. I really am.

Here is my story:
My monthly premiums went up $600 with higher payments on the way.

I have two young children, but we no longer take them to the doctor for some of the minor illness symptoms because of our high deductible forced upon us by the Affordable Care Act.

My wife runs HR for her company. She had to find plans with less coverage for all of the company employees and thier children. They will pay more and get less coverage next year when the employer mandate kicks in. These families will lose thier doctors and pay high deductibles as a result.

More people were hurt than helped by this program.
Many do not even understand it.

There had to be a better way to get the treatment you needed.

Why did the Current administration have to lie to the american people to get a health law passed?

Why did it cost us more when we were told we would save $2500

Why did we have to change doctors when we were told we would not have to.

Are you familiar with the future parts of the program that will kick in after the election?

Why is the Government withholding all of the numbers pertaining to cost and enrollment until after the elections? This program will increase the nations debt at an astounding pace.

Why does a man from Africa with a deadly virus get on a plane and come to america for care?
Because he knew he could get $500,000 dollars in healthcare free of charge.

How many more will come and overwhelm our hospitals, doctors and nurses?

If you can answer any of these questions, then I might agree that this is a great program.

I know this started out as a carving thread, turned into a culture discussion and then to healthcare.

I think it is what everyone is talking about now that we have to deal with it.

Mike Duncan
Lettercraft Signs

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Rusty Bradley

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Mike...back in 2009 we had a marathon thread in Letterville on what now has become called Obamacare...one I don't intend to repeat so I'll say no more on the topic after this post...I mean no disrespect for not engaging you on the topic but that debate took alot of my time and energy and in the end opinions did not change...so I wonder...was it worth it?...if you're interested you might find it in the Letterville search engine...I wanted to link it for you but I was unable to find it.

I know that the Affordable Care Act...aka Obamacare...is not perfect by a long shot...but I do think it is a step in the right direction ...Social Security and Medicare both met with opposition when they were first passed into law...but through a growing process they both have become the 2 most popular social programs in the country...I think we will see healthcare follow the same path.

If we could have started from scratch my personal preference would have been to eliminate the middle man (private health insurers) all together and expand Medicare to cover all people...cost would have gone down considerably when you consider that private health insurance takes 1/3 of every dollar spent on healthcare for their overhead and profit...yet they cant even write a prescription for an aspirin...they are an unneccessary and costly element in the healthcare equation...I personally know someone who works in the insurance industry...her job is deciding which treatments and operations will be approved for their policy holders...she has pressure put on her to limit these as much as possible...so for me it begs the question...who would you rather have making those types of decisions for you...a "for profit" company or a "nonprofit" service...of course I have other reasons to support a single payer system that I will not get into...but in my opinion "Medicare for all" would be the best system in cost and services for the people...I personally think and hope that Obamacare is the first step in that direction.

[ October 20, 2014, 01:06 AM: Message edited by: Rusty Bradley ]

Rusty Bradley
Bradley Sign Studio
100 Creekview Road
Summertown, Tn. 38483

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Ricardo Davila
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[Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause]


Ricardo Davila
Showroom Window Advertising
P.O. Box 1376
Edmond, Oklahoma 73083

Posts: 1180 | From: Edmond, Oklahoma | Registered: May 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Deri Russell

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we have govt healthcare. have had forever. I am waiting to see an ear nose and throat specialist since I had pneumonia in February and lost my sense of smell and taste, its great to lose 2 of your 5 senses and cant do anything about it.

my appt is next feb 10th. I am on the waiting list for when people cancel. The receptionist says that's unheard of.

But what I came on this thread for was to see the wonderful wood turning. They must have very strong hands. I cant do it. But their work is marvellous. Wish I could.

[ October 21, 2014, 10:49 AM: Message edited by: Deri Russell ]

Deri Russell
Wildwood Signs
Hanover, Ontario

You're just jealous 'cause the little voices only talk to me.

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