I was thinking there was one other panning method, but I may be thinking of another program
thanx for that ALT tip ... I never used that one ... duhhhhh....... I usually never get too lost on what I'm after, so it is rarely an issue, but I'll be playing with it now!!! (who needs instructions? hahahahha)
-------------------- Michael Gene Adkins The Fontry 1576 S Hwy 59 Watts OK 74964 Posts: 845 | From: Watts, OK USA | Registered: Jun 1999
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I use Apple Magic Mouse and I can pan without holding anything down, just slide the finger around.
On node selection, I have "highlight anchors with mouse over" and you can go into preferences and adjust your selection sensitivity. I have mine at 3 and works fine for me.
I prefer the way Illy handles vectors. But I can draw just as well in Corel.
For Illustrator:
--Multipage similar to In Design or Corel I can make multipages in Illustrator and I like it that way most of the time but sometimes like to use InDesign's or Corel. (this will never happen because that is what InDesign is for.
--A selectable radius/filet tool because there are times I only want to radius one portion.
--paste into a mask (A freehand thing)
--I make my offset paths from strokes, then expand them, it is easier to eyeball using strokes then giving an offset path and going back and forth till it looks right. It would be nice to have a slider/preview on offset paths or drag and pull so I can stop using strokes.
--Multiple offset paths.
--Interactive radius so when I change the size of a box with radius, the radi does not distort.
--The ability to keep a font modifiable with effects.
--Incorporate XTreme paths vector editing.
--The layers SUCK! Please make them more like Illy. (I hear, not gonna happen without a major overhaul)
-- I need the ability to work in multiple scales without my witness lines and measurements getting all thrown off.
--Add more dimension features similar to CadTools.
--In scale mode, had an "area" and "length" window so I can calculate how much neon or LEDs to stuff in a letter or getting square footage on the fly for pulling permits. (CadTools does this) Son have some version of CadTracker
--Incorporate XTreme paths vector editing.
--Incorporate an easier way to use templates with a symbols palette similar to Illy.
Flexi's vector effects would be nice.
[ August 22, 2011, 01:40 PM: Message edited by: Rick Chavez ]
-------------------- Rick Chavez Hemet, CA Posts: 1538 | From: Hemet,CA U.S.A. | Registered: Jun 2001
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that's interesting Joe- I never tried using the ALT key with the selection box- but I get so frustrated with Illy, I can't imagine ever wanting to make it do that- ha
-------------------- Michael Clanton Clanton Graphics/ Blackberry 19 Studio 1933 Blackberry Conway AR 72034 501-505-6794 clantongraphics@yahoo.com Posts: 1736 | From: Conway Arkansas | Registered: Oct 2001
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the same with scrolling around- it would really screw up my work routine. the first thing I do when i install the program is go in and customize a bunch of settings, the main one I disable is the auto scrolling (or panning) feature- can't figure out how to turn it off in Illy, though.
[ August 22, 2011, 04:42 PM: Message edited by: Michael Clanton ]
-------------------- Michael Clanton Clanton Graphics/ Blackberry 19 Studio 1933 Blackberry Conway AR 72034 501-505-6794 clantongraphics@yahoo.com Posts: 1736 | From: Conway Arkansas | Registered: Oct 2001
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quote:In scale mode, had an "area" and "length" window so I can calculate how much neon or LEDs to stuff in a letter or getting square footage on the fly for pulling permits.
I've got a macro for CD called "get area" that will do this. It was free. I use it for surface area square footage.
This is TRULY a fabulous post. Thanks Joe D for the tips on scrolling and 'touch' selecting in "Coreldraw".... priceless additions of knowledge for me.
I would also say that the layers tree sucks in CD verses Illy. Just an opinion... I have a hell of a time trying to figure out how layers in CD works...
-------------------- Todd Gill Outside The Lines Potterville, MI Posts: 7792 | From: Potterville, MI | Registered: Dec 2001
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Joe - how can you 'press and pan' using a Wacom pen though??
Plus I couldn't find the little scroll box in the corner of X5. I can click the pan hand, and then click back to the tool I was using, but would prefer something that 'let's go of the pan' and returns you to the previously used tool.
-------------------- Todd Gill Outside The Lines Potterville, MI Posts: 7792 | From: Potterville, MI | Registered: Dec 2001
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quote:In scale mode, had an "area" and "length" window so I can calculate how much neon or LEDs to stuff in a letter or getting square footage on the fly for pulling permits.
I've got a macro for CD called "get area" that will do this. It was free. I use it for surface area square footage.
Yeah, I have ISOcalc and it works on my Corel 12, very handy, but not on my X5. I just checked Operon and they have it for X5 now.
-------------------- Rick Chavez Hemet, CA Posts: 1538 | From: Hemet,CA U.S.A. | Registered: Jun 2001
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As OP/Joe Pribish said earlier, He did show me how to cut directly from CD!!! And I was and am eternally grateful for the help he gave me.
I just happened to be the one who wrote up a step-by-step. (Which needs updating these days with newer cutters and newer versions of CorelDraw). Anyone up to the job???
Gail Beattie, Australia's "Queen of CorelDraw" also gave me many, many helpful tips when she and her hubby were at Steve and Barb's place many years ago.
Bob Stevens from Zyherhills FL, also gave me some GREAT advice on marketing, design and taught me some CorelDraw tricks.
Some of the tips and tricks being presented in this thread are great!!! Thanks for all the info.
It is a thread like this that helps everyone evolve and learn and "make more money"!!!
-------------------- Dave Grundy retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada 1-519-262-3651 Canada 011-52-1-999-102-2923 Mexico cell 1-226-785-8957 Canada/Mexico home
In Illy, holding the alt key and scrolling will zoom in and out. Holding the command key and scrolling will pan left and right and of course just scrolling will pan up and down....so essentially two keys and the scroll wheel and you can zoom or pan anywhere pretty quickly.
Also, holding the shift key while scrolling will pan left and right in large chunks.
[ August 22, 2011, 09:36 PM: Message edited by: Joe Sciury ]
I have used the layers in CD and they are kinda clunky compared to Illy (or any other Adobe product)
I knew OP did alot with CD and cutting directly, so no disrespect intended- I was referring to a specfic issue with a driver that Grundy helped me with- of course I'm still waiting for the PRINT ARTIST FOR ONLY $49 endorsement on this vector topic-haha-( just joking with ya OP, still glad to have you around, BTW)
-------------------- Michael Clanton Clanton Graphics/ Blackberry 19 Studio 1933 Blackberry Conway AR 72034 501-505-6794 clantongraphics@yahoo.com Posts: 1736 | From: Conway Arkansas | Registered: Oct 2001
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PRINT ARTIST has went downhill!!!!! back in versions 6-8, you could COPY one of their graphics, paste into corel....and it was a VECTOR. not now. the one thing PA still does, which is good for vinyl is what they call in the print mode COLORING BOOK. what ever graphic you pull up in PA, you can print it with just lines. now scan that.....and wala, you got a cutable graphic.
[ August 23, 2011, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: old paint ]
-------------------- joe pribish-A SIGN MINT 2811 longleaf Dr. pensacola, fl 32526 850-637-1519 BEWARE THE TRUTH.....YOU MAY NOT LIKE WHAT YOU FIND Posts: 11582 | From: pensacola, fl. usa | Registered: Nov 1998
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Flexi, is hard to beat for dependability and speed...
-------------------- Jack Wills Studio Design Works 1465 E.Hidalgo Circle Nye Beach / Newport, OR Posts: 2914 | From: Rocklin, CA. USA | Registered: Dec 1998
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-------------------- Bill Modzel Mod-Zel screen Printing Traverse city, MI modzel@sbcglobal.net Posts: 1357 | From: Traverse City, MI | Registered: Nov 1998
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I wish Corel would keep and save only the colours that are in your illustration on the colour docker. This way you always have it in place when you go back in at a later date ... you can more easily look up what pms colours you used on someone's logo, without checking down a list of colours that aren't even involved.
I've actually elimated any extra colours before saving and closing up the program, only to open later and have other colours appear back on the list.
I can probably think of other features I'd like, but they don't come to mind right now. Will add as I think of them.
Other than that, I know there is a lot of improvements that can be made with the operator. haha But that's not Corel's problem.
-------------------- "When Love and Skill Work Together ... Expect a Masterpiece"
Janette you can do just that! Go to tools>options>cutomazation>commands and scroll down to create pallette form document and/or create pallette from selection drag them out on to you work space. then close the tools/option and place them into one of the side panels of your work space. save you workspace and you will always have them!
-------------------- Brian Vinyl Signs Pittsburgh, PA. Posts: 159 | From: Pgh., PA | Registered: Mar 2009
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I use Illy and CDx3 One thing I wish CD would have is a choice between inside and outside outlines - eliminating one or the other after converting is a pain.
Janette, I've gotten into the habit (after too many catastrophes) of saving the job color palette right in the folder.
I also finish each project by using the "prepare for service bureau" function which saves a copy of the file, the fonts, and a pdf right in the folder.
-------------------- Steve Purcell Purcell Woodcarving & Signmaking Cape Cod, MA
************************** Intelligent Design Is No Accident Posts: 900 | From: Cape Cod, MA | Registered: Oct 1999
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