I get so goddam sick of incompetent suppliers. What, praytell, can be so incredibly complex and incomprehensible about ordering white HP vinyl on Monday at 10am and specifically asking to have it shipped UPS so to arrive Tuesday? To a location all of 90 minutes away? Apparently it's entirely beyond the capabilities of the mouth-breathers at Garston - today at 2:30 pm, with UPS come and gone, I call Garston - only to be told that my order - placed at 10am on Monday - was "too late" to ship so to arrive Tuesday. Not that it should have mattered; until this order my truck deliveries from Garston were on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. So I get to wait two days for a shipment of the most common material in the f*cking signmaking universe to travel ninety minutes.
Garston's excuse for the past several weeks is that they've been "moving". The only place I'd like to see these shytbrains move is out of business. This gaggle of mongoloids could f*uck up a two car funeral in their sleep.
BTW, I canccelled the order. Companies that jerk me around and waste my time do not get to make money from me.
-------------------- "A wise man concerns himself with the truth, not with what people believe." - Aristotle
Cam Bortz Finest Kind Signs Pondside Iron works 256 S. Broad St. Pawcatuck, Ct. 06379 "Award winning Signs since 1988" Posts: 3051 | From: Pawcatuck,Connecticut USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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He's back!!! A void in Letterville has been (temporarily?) filled.
But a Cam rant about a supplier, well, that's almost like mouse hunting with a howitzer. We want to know what you think about other things as well, maybe bad designers(?).
-------------------- James Donahue Donahue Sign Arts 1851 E. Union Valley Rd. Seymour TN. (865) 577-3365
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for lunch, Benjamin Franklin Posts: 2057 | From: 1033 W. Union Valley Rd. | Registered: Feb 2003
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People need to make the decision you've just made to not do business with them. Then call or email the highest ranking 'mouth breather' & tell that person exactly why you will not be their customer anymore. Until people do this, this lack of service is going to continue or get worse.
I've heard many people complain about a supplier or store, yet they still go there. WHY??? Are they that mentally screwed up that they want the stress or are they just too lazy to find a new supplier who has at least 1 living brain cell?
I have a supplier somewhat near me that I will NOT buy from for the same reasons & that the 1 time I went to their location, my very presence in their building was a huge inconvenience to them. Guess they don't need my money, fine with me.
-------------------- Chris Welker Wildfire Signs Indiana, Pa Posts: 4254 | From: Indiana, PA | Registered: Mar 2001
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I have found when dealing with the above mentioned company (which I deal with a real lot) that I try my best to only talk to one salesmen and whatever he tells me is what really happens, others there have done things like the above story. The reason I went back was that they come here 2 times a week with a truck and always have what I want. If they did that to me I would feel the same way.
BTW I never buy vinyl from them, I have found them to expensive when I checked their price. The company I buy vinyl from is in MA and UPS stuff out usually any time befor 3:30 PM.
-------------------- Jake Lyman Lyman Signs 45 State Road Phillipston, MA 01331 Posts: 635 | From: Phillipston, MA | Registered: Sep 2002
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Ah Garston... (oh hi Cam). Garston saved me the trouble of firing them when they decided some time ago they couldn't be bothered with delivering to Cape Cod.
On a good note, Advantage Sign Supply (800-342-0620) has never failed to get me next day UPS ground delivery on vinyl, even when ordered pretty late in the afternoon. I think they're in northern Mass or New Hampshire. Maybe you're in the same delivery area.
SONGPAINTER Original Sign Music by Sign People NOW AVAILABLE on CD and the proceeds go to Letterville's favorite charity! Click Here for Sound Clips! Posts: 1974 | From: Orleans, MA, Cape Cod, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Welcome home Cam! Sorry to hear you are having delivery problems. We all screw up from time to time. No company can florish if they fail to communicate and bend over backwards for their customers. There's just too many choices today.
Speaking of choices. Letterville is always working to locate and feature a selection of superior Merchants that want our business. Give them a shot!
Joe. We've heard good things about Advantage over the years. Any idea how we can sell them on Letterville?
-------------------- Steve Shortreed 144 Hill St., E. Fergus, Ontario Canada N1M 1G9 519-787-2673
They typically got my orders to me when I was in NH next day via UPS and are located in Waltham, MA. I stopped by Advantage a few weeks ago and the guys there are always friendly and helpful.
-------------------- Ray Rheaume Rapidfire Design 543 Brushwood Road North Haverhill, NH 03774 603-787-6803
I like my paint shaken, not stirred. Posts: 5648 | From: North Haverhill, New Hampshire | Registered: Apr 2003
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I'll have to put in a plug for Advantage also. They have never failed to do what they said they would. If I fax in an order and there is a problem, I get a phone call within just a hour or so...along with an explanation of how they are going to solve the problem - and they do.
Another supplier in our area sends a representative around from time to time to make sure everything is peachy keen. I tell him the stories of mess-ups, but it never gets back to the right sources evidently, because nothing changes.
One time a representative came by and asked what they could do to get my business back (after I had changed to someone else). My answer was, "Just do what you are supposed to do"...and listen to my complaints...which they didn't.
Edited to add: most suppliers would be better off if they let the accounting department run the shipping department. They are always efficient in getting the bill to you with no problems.
Wow, now I feel better.
[ November 02, 2005, 08:45 AM: Message edited by: Raymond Chapman ]
-------------------- Chapman Sign Studio Temple, Texas Posts: 6306 | From: Temple, Texas, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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OK, I'm going to lend my support to Gartson. Yes, they screwed up, but yes they were also in the middle of moving their entire operation to another location and had given numerous warnings of this and the problems that may arise. True, you may be able to get vinyl UPSed overnite, maybe even cheaper(but I haven't found that). But who's going to UPS you a sheet of aluminum or Signfoam? Or a sheet of corex or an extruded aluminum sign kit? Gartson provides delivery via their own trucks (here it's everyday). And when other sign supply houses keep only the easy stuff in stock Garston still has 1 Shot poster paint, brushes, gilding supplies etc. stuff that a lot of suppliers no longer carry. They are not my only supplier,(I also use Hart who dose a great job too) but overall I think they are one of the best in the area. I would hope that when I make a mistake my customers give me the benefit of the doubt.
Although we have shared rants over Garston over the years I still continue to use them just for the fact that they carry what I need at a fair price, and I get delivery 4 days a week. Even with a minimum order required, if I need a can of bright red one-shot they will either deliver it the next day or send it ups freight free.
Garston has been good to me over the years, When I took on a job that was way over my head, lost my shirt and owed them a bundle they worked real patiently with me till I paid it off. I wasn't treated any differently during that whole process than when I was current. Things like that go a long way when considering a new source.
I still get frustrated time to time, but I find ways to work around it And not to mention I have enough of of my own problems to fix to worry about fixing thiers. Oh and I can always call you Cam and rant
-------------------- Bob Rochon Creative Signworks Millbury, MA 508-865-7330
"Life is Like an Echo, what you put out, comes back to you." Posts: 5149 | From: Millbury, Mass. U.S. | Registered: Nov 1998
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Advantage Sign Supply is second to none in the Grand Rapids area as well. Of coarse, I am only 45 minutes from their world headquarters.
I have purchased all my equipment from them. And like the others here, I am very satisfied with their inventory and quick shipping, not to mention their awesome tech support.
""Good judgment comes from experience; and a lot of that comes from bad judgment" - Will Rogers Posts: 3485 | From: Beautiful Newaygo, Michigan | Registered: Mar 2003
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-------------------- "A wise man concerns himself with the truth, not with what people believe." - Aristotle
Cam Bortz Finest Kind Signs Pondside Iron works 256 S. Broad St. Pawcatuck, Ct. 06379 "Award winning Signs since 1988" Posts: 3051 | From: Pawcatuck,Connecticut USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Sorry, but I stand by my condemnation. Garston has a long-standing reputation for stupid errors, damaged materials, not following up on calls, and a long list of other grievances. Over the years I've "fired" them any number of times, and been convinced to come back, but the bullshyt never changes. Last week it was aluminum steet goods that had obviously been kicked - I could see the boot print in the dent! - and the driver said it's the "high school kids" that load the truck. Well, gee, you telling me they aren't supervised? Off the top of my head, I'd estimate that one out of every three orders has something wrong. That's pathetic in ANY business.
Excuses just don't cut it. Garston is a major 3M/Gerber vinyl distributor; somebody wants to tell me they don't have a roll of white vinyl in their warehouse? And if not, that the sales prevention person, with supposedly a computerized inventory in front of them, doesn't know? Bullshyt. The problem is management; a corporate culture of chronic incompetence and wh-gives-a-shyt can only exist because nobody in charge bothers to do anything about it.
Joe, thanks for the tip on Advantage. I'll keep that handy.
Okay, rant over. I'm going back to my cave. See you in another year or so.
-------------------- "A wise man concerns himself with the truth, not with what people believe." - Aristotle
Cam Bortz Finest Kind Signs Pondside Iron works 256 S. Broad St. Pawcatuck, Ct. 06379 "Award winning Signs since 1988" Posts: 3051 | From: Pawcatuck,Connecticut USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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See you in another year???? Is this all you have to offer? LOL
I fired one of my fav suppliers that I've had for years. EVERY order had a mistake and I got tired of keeping track, sending stuff back, on it went. My 'new' supplier does an outstanding job. I never have to guess what will go wrong and be shorted into moving deadlines because of other's errors. It is SO NICE!
Just to look on the bright side . . . in over 10 years of business with my vinyl supplier, they never once messed up an order or were late delivering it at their fault.
Every single time it ever happened, mabey 8 times in those 10+ years, it was my fault a few times, and directly the fault of UPS most the other times . . .
I have had good service from all my suppliers except for the seldom occuring little kink when Murphy's Law kicks in, which goes something kind'a like this:
'The urgent need of a shipment is directly related to the number of days it is spent lost in shipping . . .'
-------------------- Signs Sweet Home Alabama
oneshot on chat
"Look like a girl, act like a lady, think like a man, work like a dog" Posts: 5758 | From: "Sweet Home" Alabama | Registered: Mar 2003
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Cam, We use Garston and Hart for all supplies except vinyl. For Vinyl we use TGG sign Supply in Fairless Hill, PA. They have the best prices on Oracal and we usually get our shipments the next day if we call early enough.
I have my own Garston story. About 18 years ago when premask just came into use we used to buy 4' rolls of material and cut it ourselves. At the time they also carried a mask with a crinkled paper liner in 4 ft. roll, I can't remember the name of it now. We always paid C.O.D. and one day we got a delivery of a roll of the paper backed mask instead of our regular roll material but didn't find the error until the delivery truck left. Instead of shipping it back I told Garston I'd bring it to the C.S.A. meeting that night and I would just trade it with Steve for the right material. The difference in price was around $3.00 if I remember right and Steve Garston was there with his hand out for the three bucks before he would exchange the material. I saved his truck a trip to Danbury so you would think he would have called it even or he could have just added the $3.00 to our next invoice. No , he wanted the cash then.
I didn't buy from them for at least 10 years after that. I only went back because Chris Modine , who is one of the best salesmen in this business and has been a great friend over the last 25 years went back to Garston after a long stint at Hart Supply. But when we deal with Garston we only deal with Chris, nobody else and all has been smooth since.
-------------------- Lou Pascuzzi Fine Hand Lettering since 1973 Danbury, Ct 203-748-4580 "IOAFS" Posts: 341 | From: Danbury, Ct | Registered: Feb 2000
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In 2002 Rochon and I had the job lettering on the infield at Fenway Park in Boston. The whole deal was a last-minute circus - by the time they faxed a contract it was Thursday at 3pm and the job had to be finished for the home opener on Sunday. The job required about almost a thousand dollars in paint, hardener, primer, and assorted materials; I had called Garston in advance, explained what would be required, made sure they had everything, so that when the contract came through I could place my order immediately.
So the contract arrives, and I call Garston back to place the order. The person I had spoken to earlier - who had assured me that everything would be ready to go - was now unavailable; the mongoloid I got on the phone absolutely refused to schedule a delivery to Fenway Park the next morning - even though they had a truck already scheduled for Boston delivery! No amount of arguing would persuade him; the logic - or whatever you could call that thought process - was that because no one had ever asked for a delivery to Fenway before, it wasn't possible to add that stop to the route. The last straw was "It's too late in the afternoon (it was 3:30 pm) to do all this, why don't you call tomorrow morning?" At that point I called him something unnatural and hung up. I called New England Sign Supply in Woburn, and they were more than happy to bring me $960 worth of paint and supplies to Fenway by 10:00 the next morning.
Afterwards, I sent a letter to Steve Garston, asking him if his sales staff made it a general practice to blow off thousand-dollar orders because it was inconvenient. I never got a response. That tells me a helluva lot right there.
-------------------- "A wise man concerns himself with the truth, not with what people believe." - Aristotle
Cam Bortz Finest Kind Signs Pondside Iron works 256 S. Broad St. Pawcatuck, Ct. 06379 "Award winning Signs since 1988" Posts: 3051 | From: Pawcatuck,Connecticut USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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DrCAS Custom Lettering and Design Saint Cloud, Minnesota
"Things work out best for the people who make the best of the way things work out." - Art Linkletter Posts: 6451 | From: Saint Cloud, Minnesota | Registered: Jun 1999
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I sent this thread to my rep at Advantage with my own pitch for them to become merchants here.
They are a fantastic supplier, & I don't live an hour from their world headquarters... but deal with Michigan almost every week these days because thay are so far superior to the other suppliers I've used. The company I used to get all my supplies from is still the place I like to get my Arlon vinyl from, & a few other items, but they screw up every order somehow & just yesterday I tried to call in an order for 2 rolls of vinyl, I talked to 4 different people, one who made me hold 5 minutes, then 30 seconds into starting to talk to me, he asks me to hold while he answers another line. I said NO... I just held 5 minutes, but he said he HAD to answer the phone, so I said fine, call me back & gave him my number. An hour later I decide to call again, because before I know it, it's barely afternoon here, but the rest of the country is closed, so I hate losing a day on things I tried to handle first thing in the morning... anyway, calling back didn't work... still got handed off 2 or 3 times untill I got the most clueless thug who would grunt "I don't know" to everything I asked about basic products I've ordered from them for 9 years. They put ne on hold enough times that between hitting the speaker phone button on & off... I guess I disconnected them. I took it as a sign & left them disconnected. (they left it at that too it seems)
Obviously, I forgot that stupidity is incurable. Next time I'll just read an OP post to refresh my memory.
Bruce, I take it you've met Steve....
-------------------- "A wise man concerns himself with the truth, not with what people believe." - Aristotle
Cam Bortz Finest Kind Signs Pondside Iron works 256 S. Broad St. Pawcatuck, Ct. 06379 "Award winning Signs since 1988" Posts: 3051 | From: Pawcatuck,Connecticut USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Just thought I would add another Advantage story before leaving for the weekend.
Yesterday, I placed an order for six rolls of vinyl about 5:15. There was no rush so I just faxed the order, thinking they would fill it today and I would have it Monday morning.
Evidently, they have a late UPS pickup there because the brown truck pulled up in front of the studio about 11:30 this morning with my six rolls of vinyl - all the exact color I needed.
Now, to me, that's service.
-------------------- Chapman Sign Studio Temple, Texas Posts: 6306 | From: Temple, Texas, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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