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Author Topic: Disaster
Member # 266

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I'm glad people are getting their feelings out in this forum.. I think expression is a great way to relieve the pressure of a devastating tragedy.
I am pleased that Cam understood my point.
There is a reason many people of the arab countries hate the USA, and it's not because "we have everything they want"... It's far more heinous... The USA has meddled in the affairs of foreign countries ever since the second world war, and too often, we have had no regard for the people of those countries.
I in no way condone terrorism, I have always been a proponent of "the means BECOMES the ends." I may indeed be a bleeding heart liberal, but I too want to see whoever is responsible for this, the worst day in American History, brought to pay for their acts of brutality against humanity.
My other point was, that a huge military buildup, a missle defense shield, and other massive military machines would not prevent this type of aggression against the USA.. probably just the opposite. We need intelligence, and I'm sure you all realize, that you're going to get a lot more information from someone if they are inclined to feel more kindly toward you, than someone who hates your guts. THAT was my point... Spend the money where it will do some good.
Because of the US embargo against Iraq, children there died from simple childhood problems that are easily cured, except Iraq could not get the simple medications required. This is just one example of why the "ordinary people" of these countries hate the USA so much. I have to say... if I were in their shoes.. I would likely feel the same way.
Old Paint's points were not lost either... same story... killing, revenge, more killing to revenge the revenge, ad infinitum... let's try a new tack folks...
I'd like to keep religion out of this, but unfortunately, I think these horrible acts are a direct result of religion. If those suicide pilots didn't believe they were going directly to a supreme heaven, with 80 virgins to satisfy their every sexual pleasure... I doubt very much they could have been talked into doing what they did. As a rational atheist, who knows that when you die.. you're DEAD, and that's the end of it.. there's no way you'd talk a group of atheists into committing group suicide...
I know I'm rambling, but I too need to vent some of my agony for all those poor people who were killed for no good reason... no good reason...
Not all Muslims are terrorists. My guess is, that maybe 1% of 1% are... But many of the common people will support them, because of their experiences with the USA. That's why I think we should stop making their experiences with us so terrible that it makes them hate us so.
According to "A Bright Shining Lie".. this is exactly why we lost the war in Vietnam too. When will we ever learn?
This post is too long. Don't read it.


in RL known as Sara Straw
from southern Utah
5 National Parks within 3 hours drive
Red Rock Heaven

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Myra Grozinger
Member # 327

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Oh, go ahead, read Sara LE's post. Slowly, without prejudgment.
You will not find an olive branch extended, or a call for no punishment or for coddling the criminals.

All you find is a global and studied grasp of some of the causes for this horrible hatred.

We must take action. But I would like for us to go off fully cocked. Half cocked is easy.

We need to count and bury our dead. Console the grieving. Clean up. And that takes a little time and nailed intelligence about who did this, really, and with whom and how. Though it was an act of war against us, we don't need to be goaded into one.

I think we're all in shock. And that's justified.
Our true anger has not even really started.

Myra A. Grozinger
Signs Limited
Winston-Salem, NC


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Brad Funk
Member # 1351

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Words cant begin to say how i feel today.

God Bless America and the people who were murdered by these cowards.

This is a declaration of WAR
Not only against the U.S. government but all of us.

1000's of innocent Americans died today.
We must retaliate against countries who allow these groups to exist.

[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: AZBrad ]

Brad Funk
Artisan Signs
Phoenix, AZ

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Cam Bortz
Member # 55

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I don't often find myself agreeing with LE. But I do today.
This is no time for a political/military resonse based on the emotions of the moment. The big damn difference between this and Pearl Harbor is that we DON'T know - yet - who did this.

This is a wake-up call, and like most wake-up calls, it's not welcome. We have been sleepwalking through world events for too long, buying the media image of the world without question, letting foreign governments with powerful lobbyists dictate American foreign policy, and until today there have been no real consequences, to our citizens, on our soil.

We can demonize Arabs or Bin Laden or the Ayatollah-Yasser-Khadafi til we're blue in the face, but until we wake up and hold our political leaders accountable for selling foreign policy to the highest bidder, we are going to be hated and reviled in the Muslim world.

Glenn talks about the futility of finding a "managable solution" in the Middle East. Why is it futile? The vaunted "peace process" is a joke, a rigged game, because the deck is stacked in favor of one side. We offer unconditional support - monetary and military - to one side (Israel) and lip service to the other - then we boo-hoo when the violence breaks out, and resort to macho posturing when the fecal matter finds the propeller, like it did today. Again, with a policy so cynical and subjective, is it any wonder we are coming under attack?

I don't think we as a country should hesitate, or show any mercy, to the miserable scumbags who did this. But the time has come for American citizens to demand decency, objectivity, and fairness - the things we pride ourselves on - in our foreign policy. That's the only way we can ever truly set an example to the world, and achieve the peace - and the justice - that we (claim to) hold so dear.

"A wise man concerns himself with the truth, not with what people believe." - Aristotle

Cam Bortz
Finest Kind Signs
Pondside Iron works
256 S. Broad St.
Pawcatuck, Ct. 06379
"Award winning Signs since 1988"

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old paint
Member # 549

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cam iam with ya....glen...starting a fight and ending a fight..is still VIOLENCE BEGATS VIOLENCE..nothin new here. justice...just another word for revenge...in this case...call it what you want...the greatest day in my life...was the last time someone had provoked me to the point i wanted,"justice", "revenge", and just to hear and feel my fist conecting with their nose and feeling the bones crush under my fist, with the power to make them bleed and not be able to pick them selfs up off the ground and to stand over him...knowing that at that point i had the power of life or death over him....yea thats it....now whos boss?...well, this time i walked up to the man, put my finger in his face and told him...."you touch me and ill have you arrested, and you wont get out for a long long time"....got my stuff that was at his place and walked away with a smile on my face....knowing that i had finally beaten the demon that drove me for so many years ...and got me before more judges then i care to count....my point is ..all the violence in my life..only got me more of the same.....i can say ive been peaceable for the last 25 years ....and i like the way i feel....but i am angry....at this blaten attack on innocent civilians....and belive that someone needs to be accountable....but lets try to not behave as they did!

[ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: old paint ]

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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Member # 254

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Woke up this morning and turned on the radio, and after a few classic 70s songs, on comes the news. The neews that the world trade centre twin towers have been blown up, and the pentagon has been assulted also... And the first thing that sprung to mind was, "oh god... please no... this could mean war."

And you know what? It's damm scarey. That this could even happen in the first place, and now, that America may retaliate, and cause something that we will ALL regret later, even those hunting for a head to blame all this on..

My heart goes out to all of those families who were torn apart in this coldhearted murder. And that's what it was, not a disaster, it was cold blooded murder of so many innocent people. Well planned and meticulously calculated cold blooded murder. And I don't deny that someone has to pey the price for that. But not until it has been thought out. Then execute, and make sure that no WAR will come out of it...

What was done was wrong, and the people behind it should be hunted down for their crimes.. but not until after it has been well thought out.

From Kat Johnston (previously Katie Wright, for those who can remember that far back)

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Glenn Taylor
Member # 162

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There will never be peace in the Middle East. Never. It has nothing to do with the US or any other country. Its only an excuse to continue with what has been happening on that tiny piece of real estate for nearly 3000 years.

Yes, the US and Britain have supported Israel. At the same time, the USSR (and now Russia) have supported the Arab states. Its all been a game of a "balance of power."

I doubt many remember the surprise attack on Israel by Egypt back in 1973. Was it unfair for the US to not support Egypt? Or, the terrorist attack on the Israeli Olympic team the year before. Was it unfair for us not to support Arafat? I doubt anyone remembers a terrorist attack on a low level state department building in DC back in 1975. Anyone remember 1983 and Beruit? We had troops there to help maintain peace and order. Who were we being unfair to then?

The US involvement with supporting Israel has been an attempt at achieving fairness however it is defined. But I have to ask..."what defines what is fair?"I don't know what is considered fair. Is it fair that there are 13 (I think thats the right count) Arab countries and only one Israel. Is it unfair to defend an underdog, all the while trying to broker peace between the parties.

The Islamic militant leadership won't be satisfied until Israel is destroyed. Period. They even said so. The fact that we support Israel at all, makes us the enemy of the Arab states. We could give each country the exact amount of support and we would still be the bad guys. What about before 1948. Without an Israel at that time, those same Arab countries were constantly at war with each other.

I agree with LE that we need to keep a clear head. We need to help those in need. That's a given. But we had better find those responsible and obliterate them quickly. Anything less will only encourage more of what happened today. We have got to make the price of terrorism higher than they are willing or can afford to pay.

BlueDog Graphics
Wilson, NC


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Mike Pipes
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Should we really be so surprised this has happened?

Airport security is easy to get past, the baggage checks make less money than the concessions employees in the airport restaurants, not to mention there is no special training for them. Get a uniform and you can have free reign of the airport terminals and the tarmac.

Plus there's the years of playin "Big Brother" to other nations that may or may not have wanted our help.

Not to mention only 3 weeks ago, Bin Laden ANNOUNCED he was going to launch an attack on the US of catastrophic magnitude. If that's not a wake-up call I dont know what is.

LE's point about the intelligence is very valid.. In an interview with Sen. John McCaine today he described the intelligence methods used - Human Intelligence and Technical Intelligence. He stated the Human Intelligence has been scaled back because it's more expensive and puts the agents at more risk.. The drawback is the Technical Intelligence (Satellites, communications, etc.) cannot see into the mind like the Human Intelligence can so we can't even prepare for something like this.

Every interview on TV today contained the line "I never thought anything like this could ever happen here." Well, why is that so impossible and why are we so inclined to believe that when America itsself has participated in these very same acts on other countries?

I think the whole thing is horrid and the responsible party needs to be dealt with - but maybe we sneak in and get him instead of obliterating half a nation!

I'd like to send bombs and nukes over there too and just get it over with but that doesn't make US any better than THAT slimeball!

Maybe from now on we just stay outta their little squabbles.. let them eventually kill each other off so we dont have to deal with it anymore.

We (Americans) have just grown too used to battles taking place in foreign lands, it's at the point we think we're invincible and we can beat down anyone that tries to pull any crap, but this event is HARD PROOF that we are TOO lax about our security and are still very vulnerable.. Just look how much these 4 plane crashes have affected us.. we're essentially incapacitated.. Is this how a "World Leading" country should be run?

"If I share all my wisdom I won't have any left for myself."

Mike Pipes
Lake Havasu, AZ

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Jackson Smart
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Well said LE.

I too agree that it is a horrible thing to happen to the people of America. But losing ourselves in hatred does not serve us. We must deal with this with our wits about us, or we will let lose a monster that no one can control.....we have just begun to see the beginning of some very scary
times....so we must keep love in our hearts.

Jackson Smart
Jackson's Signs
Port Angeles, WA
...."The Straits of Juan De Fuca in my front yard and Olympic National Park in my backyard...

"Living on Earth is expensive...but it does include a free trip around the Sun"

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Linda Silver Eagle
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Dearest Katydid,

I am with you on this. I really do not want to see everyone react out of fear, as opposed to respond with reason. I do not want to see more war, and more war, either.

Maybe, just maybe, this can somehow be resolved, before we are all (if we're lucky to survive) survivors of war torn countries. I'm not happy in a violent setting, and pushing and shoving to get basic needs met would cramp my style.

I am absolutely shocked by all I've witnessed today, and find it hard to believe that we've lost so many innocent people to this horrific catastrophe. I pray, with every fiber of my being that it does not turn into a global boom.

Keep your chin up Katydid, maybe you can have children of your own one day and not have to have this kind of thing over your head...a girl can dream, eh?

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

I can understand the feelings of anger that that most here are embracing, yet, anger is what got us here in the first place. In other words...should we continue to drink from a poisoned well?

Linda Welborn
Aigle D'Argent



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Barry Branscum
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YOu are right. We do need to have clear head before we atomize the offending heathen.

There is a right way to go about this, and I am confident that we will do the right thing in dealing with this treachery.

That all said, I would like to suggest that the offending parties be dipped in pig fat before being sent to meet their warped perspective of God.

The pig essence will defile them before ALLAH, and there goes the forty virgins at their whim....

I know, I know...that is grim humour at a time like this, but i have to tell you that I can personally say that I have myself been fundamentally changed today.

I spent the entire "work" day on the verge of hysterical, maniacal laughter--and at the same time, tears.

I kept wanting to just WAKE UP and think of how unreal that DREAM was....

We have to realize that we cannot be PC in how we deal with this. We MUST retaliate with VISCIOUS vehemence.

Not for revenge, but for a RECKONING. and FOR JUSTICE.

Sometimes the solution is an open hand.

But sometimes it is a CLOSED FIST.


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Mikes Mischeif
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I never expected to see this in my own back yard.

From my position I see Thousands of military personnel making a mass exodus across the pentagon lawn,each one thinking thier next step would be followed by a nuclear Bomb. This is the Nations Capital.

These were my peers.

Where do our future fears lie?

As a child of the sixties, I remember the nuclear drills cowering under my 2nd grade desk.

I never saw an act of war except on television thousands of miles away. I grew up feeling secure in this land despite a duck and cover drill. Vast blue Oceans on each side. Protected by the best hardware tax money could buy and americans could build.

I no longer feel secure. My 7 year old neice will go to bed tonite knowing a turbine powered inferno could hit her neighborhood or school any minute. Death will be instant and steal lives without detection. She will not hear a siren. Her military will not be at the door to defend. Her security has been lost.

Her fears are here now and forever.
Tonite she repeats "The Lords Prayer" with a quiver in her voice, and bitter tears on her cheeks.

This alone breaks my heart.

[ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: Mikes Mischeif ]

Mike Duncan
Lettercraft Signs

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Stephen Broughton
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Here in the UK it seems to be a case of OH ****! what are the americans going to do now.
Stay calm help each other get life back to back to normal find out who did this then kill them don't stand off lobbing cruise missiles get in their and DO THEM, in 1982 Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands a British protectorate and we sailed 6000 miles and kicked them out!
Now some of you maybe shocked by my attitude "The Civilized British" how wrong you are.
As I have said in a previous post here we have suffered terrorist acts for the past 40 years from terror units from all over the world trying to kill & maim.
I have read a lot on this BB about retaliation and looking at pictures of New York on TV people are making comparisons with Pearl Harbour. During the second world war the WHOLE of europe looked like this and millions died.
Now I am 39 years old so have no experience of this but I have lost lots of friends to terror many school friends joined the army and have been killed by irish terrorism, arab terrorism in the gulf & european terrorism in the balkan states, only last week a british soldier was killed in albania while helping to disarm terrorists.
They are all the same to use an english expression "they all **** in the same pot" and they all train in the same place, the mountains of Afghanistan, and all of their support comes from the same kind of people, sympathisers, so next time your out in an Irish bar on St Patricks day and the tin comes round collecting for the "Irish Families Association" turn your back because if you support one terrosist you support all!

Steve Broughton
Alpha Grafix Signs
Lowfields Road
Benington, Boston
Lincolnshire, England

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Cam Bortz
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I didn't want to get into a squabble with anyone over American foreign policy, which was why I initially kept my opinion to myself. But the events of yesterday are a direct result of that policy. There may or may not ever be peace in the Middle East, but there definitely will not, as long as the US taxpayer subsidizes a garrison state that occupies lands outside its borders and denies equal rights and due process to citizens who are not of the ruling ethnic/religious majority. We can argue about the history and the atrocities committed in this bloody corner of the world all we want, but if what is happening there now, were happening anywhere else on earth, it would be called what it is: APARTHEID.

Glenn, you know I respect you. But to bring in the history of the "power politics" of the Cold War is a specious argument, and you know it. The Arab states no longer have a major patron supplying arms and money for the purpose of making mischief for the US. We have had an opportunity to be a real force for change in the region, but cannot do so as long as US foreign policy ignores the genuine aspirations of BOTH sides. Yes, Isreal has a right to exist. What I question is it's "right" to an unending stream of US tax dollars to prop up a socialistic regime that engages in a permanent war against the population of an occupied country. I have a lot more to say about it, and if anyone wants to debate me on it, there's my e-mail - I won't do it here. I'm not a foreign-policy analyst, I'm a sign painter. But I have eyes and a mind to see what's obvious. And now I'm numb with shock, unable to deal with the grief and anger of yesterdays events - but knowing that the causes are not as simple and world is not the good-guy/bad-guy images we see on our TV. If we are ever going to stop this, we need to wake the F*** up and deal with reality.

"A wise man concerns himself with the truth, not with what people believe." - Aristotle

Cam Bortz
Finest Kind Signs
Pondside Iron works
256 S. Broad St.
Pawcatuck, Ct. 06379
"Award winning Signs since 1988"

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Myra Grozinger
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This morning I cry. I was in a fog of denial yesterday.
I did what people do if they still can and called my mother. She was twenty at the end of World War II, and said the footage of Manhattan took her back to it with great pain, and she reminded me that my world looked like that when I was a baby.

My mother, resident of Germany and a frequent visitor of the US, knows how much I love this country, and that my becoming a citizen of it at age 26 was a serious commitment and that I was proud to be accepted.
No matter what the rest of the civilized West says, my personal freedom here is unequalled in the world, and I remember with all my heart tears rolling down my face when I was sworn in as a citizen. The reason I cried then, I said, was that I knew America will not allow her citizens to be mauled and will come to their rescue no matter what or where. I felt safer as an American.
I still do.
Terrorism, which comes from hatred and creates hatred, was bound to strike here as it has all over the world. We will overcome.

I am fascinated by what Cam discovered about the “anniversary” – I keep listening for someone else to make this ( in all probability ) obvious connection.

I think Old Paint’s last post proves he’s a poet, whether he knows it or not.

Myra A. Grozinger
Signs Limited
Winston-Salem, NC


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Randy W. Robarge
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4 cross-country flights (full tanks of gas)

All 4 flights were the first flights of the day for all of the planes (cleaning crew involved?)

NO GUNS were snuck past security. Apparently, the terrorists used "knife-like" objects and mace! Razor blades were also mentioned.

The terrorists were trained to fly these gigantic planes (no American pilot would fly their plane into the Twin Towers).

These are not HUMANS we are talking about. These are ROBOTS. These fools are going through training and planning KNOWING they are preparing for their suicide mission! Come on! Reason with them? Talk with them? Let our pathetic justice system deal with them?

BULL*&^%! I strongly believe their plan doesn't stop where it did. We need to do something to stop it NOW!

They have correspondence from Bin Laden's people stating that "some" of the targets were hit. SOME! It's obvious this isn't over.


Just my feelings on the issue.
Randy (a New Yorker close to Albany - one of the next targets)

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Glenn Taylor
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Suffice it to say, I'm ****ed. The only reason why we were attacked is because we are Israel's major supporter. Foreign policy, any policy, is useless unless both sides want to make it work. We have done nothing but try to bring a "managable solution" (as LE puts it) to fruition. Yesterday, the Palistinians were passing out candy, celebrating these evil acts of cowardice.

I'm sorry, but I think its time for a new foreign policy.....attack us and we will remove you from the face of this earth permenantly. Anyone protecting these murderers will be held to the same standard and face the same fate.

BlueDog Graphics
Wilson, NC


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Jim Upchurch
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This attack is not due to our support of Israel.
Israel could disapear tomorrow and we would still have the same problem. Let's not forget our funding to other middleeastern countries as well. Egypt, yes the place where then citizens danced in the street with glee at the news, got 2 billion from us last year. This goes for other countries as well, not just Israel, but for some reason many think it is.

This is all about the presence and dominance of western vs. Islamic ideals. We let our women dress like whores (in their minds), we have drugs, crime and immorality in abundance. They see this as an abomination to Allah. If you do not understand this you do not understand their culture and their reason for living or dying.

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Wayne Webb

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Some statements

Believe them or not, it's your God Given right:

Palestine is Israel's rightful home.
After the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, the Jews were scattered over the face of the earth. The Nazis, later tried to exterminate them. They could not succeed, nor will anyone. They have been persecuted throughout antiquity by many nations. Our Nation was kind to them, helped them to be reestablished in their homeland. The Arabs will ALWAYS hate Israel. As long as we support Israel, they will hate us. Even if we turn our backs on Israel, the Jews will never be wiped out and Palestine will ALWAYS be their home, and heritage. Correct me if I'm wrong but, wasn't every annexation of more land and subsequent occupation by Israel, a direct result of attack from their surrounding enemies? It would be to our great advantage to continue to support Israel. But, if we don't, our Nation will cease to be the most blessed, most powerful on earth. God might even allow us to be invaded.

Ge:12:3: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

IF those Muslim extremists, fundamentalists, fanatics, whatever you want to call them (IF this is who is responsible) believed that they would open their eyes in a paradise filled with ecstasy and pleasure, they were abruptly surprised. They have been deceived. They are in Hell at this moment and rightfully so.

We don't need to turn our backs on Israel now. We need to pray for them, the Middle East as a whole, the families of our dead, and maimed. If we humble ourselves and pray, we WILL come through this.


"for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction" Isaac Newton

"what goes around, comes around"

Ga:6:7: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Proverb:11:21: Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.

Proverb:24:17: Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth:

Proverb:17:5: Whoso mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker: and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished.

Ro:12:19: Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

2Ch:7:14: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

[ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: Wayne Webb ]

Wayne Webb
Webb Signworks
Chipley, FL

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Doug Allan

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Mike you follow this quote from the news... "I never thought anything like this could ever happen here." with this remark..."Well, why is that so impossible and why are we so inclined to believe that when America itsself has participated in these very same acts on other countries?"

I am willing to recognize many atrocities committed by the USA, and I'm no historian but somehow I don't think they are even close to "these very same acts"

[ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: Doug Allan ]

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Glenn Taylor
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The US has been very fortunate up until now for the most part. But I think its fair to say that this is probably the biggest act of terrorism ever anywhere in the world.

And for anyone interested, there is an AP report out now that the Taleban has put Bin Laden under house arrest.

BlueDog Graphics
Wilson, NC


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Doug Allan

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Right Glenn,
...to compare any aggressive act by America to this unsurpassed evil deed is way out of line.

Airwise.com reports...
There are reports Afghanistan is prepared to discuss the extradition of Osama bin Laden.
According to the AFP newswire, the Taliban authorities have said they will consider requests for the extradition based on any evidence supplied.

Doug Allan

"you get what you settle for"

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Jim Upchurch
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That's what they said about the Lockerby plane crash. We're still waiting for them to turn him over. Obviously they have no intention to and if you believe he is under any sort of arrst I have some waterfront property I will sell you cheap.

This kind of US flag waving doesn't go on long before someone is the recipient of a made in the USA bomb or two. If you had plans to visit Afghanistan anytime in the near future I would put them on hold.

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Mike Pipes
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Doug, here's the point of my comments:

1. "I never thought it could happen here." - What, just because we're Americans that means we're better than everyone else and cannot be attacked from abroad? That's a pretty Thick-Headed attitude and it's the VERY perception many people in other countries have of the US people.

Then you quote me, and add your own response: ..."Well, why is that so impossible and why are we so inclined to believe that when America itsself has participated in these very same acts on other countries?"
I am willing to recognize many atrocities committed by the USA, and I'm no historian but somehow I don't think they are even close to "these very same acts"

This is a matter of perception. Sure, the US has never launched a terrorist attack on another nation, but the US participates in other acts that those people view as much worse than terrorism. These acts may not even be related to Military, it's as simple as them watching American TV that gets broadcast into space and watching our women walk around like whores (that's THEIR perception of our lifestyle!) Not to mention the US meddling in their affairs all the time, which to them is a disgrace to their people, essentially telling them they don't know how to handle their own problems.

Bin Laden once asked the Russians for help in a battle.
Once that battle was taken care of, Bin Laden turned his troops against the Russians to kick them out.

He just wants a fight.. I think he got one.

"If I share all my wisdom I won't have any left for myself."

Mike Pipes
Lake Havasu, AZ

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Doug Allan

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Mike, if your saying
...they perceive America itsself has participated in these very same acts on other countries?" that does help clarify who's twisted perception is at issue.

Doug Allan

"you get what you settle for"

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Adrienne Pereira
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Afganistan is only playing a game.....I agree, no intention of giving him up, in fact I seriously doubt they DO have him.....just buying time,
'The check's in the mail'

[ September 13, 2001: Message edited by: AdrienneMorgan ]

Adrienne Pereira
Splash Signs

Port Angeles, WA
"Sure, it's colder in the Northwest, but...it's a damp cold!"


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Michelle Ray
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I was actually relieved that it wasn't 20-year-old white male americans behind the attacks. I guess we can all hate someone besides each other now. Since these terrorists don't mind dying, let's help send them to Alah! And any other "people" that smile upon this insanity.
I'm very sad, I'm very ****ed off, but I'm NOT scared!

Michelle Ray

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Steve Shortreed
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I'm going to leave this reborn post open out of respect for those who lost their lives that day. Is there any of us that don't remember exactly where we were that day?

The future of this post is in your hands. Can we comment in a way that doesn't result in another political/religious brawl?

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



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Tim Barrow

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Thanks Steve,....Alot of us feel very strongly this morning,...some even still have family in the service,dealing with the aftermath of that day four years ago,....nuff said,...

fly low...timi/NC is,
Tim Barrow
Barrow Art Signs

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John Arnott

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Thanks Steve

John Arnott
El Cajon CA
619 596-9989

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David Wright
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More sad is we lost Edna in the process.

Wright Signs
Wyandotte, Michigan

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Dave Sherby

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One half hour before I saw this resurected post I was just wondering what ever happened to LE?

Dave Sherby
SherWood Sign & Graphic Design
Crystal Falls, MI 49920

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Dave Grundy

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Dave...Sara lost her husband suddenly (I believe it was shortly after 9/11) and decided to quit the sign business. There were both financial and personal reasons behind her decision.

I miss her contributions too.

Dave Grundy
retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada
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Sheila Ferrell

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Ditto's Timi, and Steve.

Silent reflection here for the past.

Mental awareness of the future.

Heart ready for anything.

Sweet Home Alabama

oneshot on chat

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Steve Shortreed
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We had a chat reunion a few years back. I called LE myself and invited her. To everyone's delight, she showed up and stayed for hours. You cannot ever really leave Letterville. Even the handful of banned users still have lots of pals here. That includes me in most cases.

Who's got a phone number or e-mail for Edna. Let's surprise a few of those MIA with a note or phone call.

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



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Dan Sawatzky

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I too saw the post by LE and my day lit up... I miss Sarah here! WHile we differed in our politics we had much more in common.

I had agreat deal of fun with her in Banff while we did our little demonstration. LE has heart and passion. I respect that!

On the subject of 911. That day changed the world in a few hours. My heart goes to those most affected.

-grampa dan

Dan Sawatzky
Imagination Corporation
Yarrow, British Columbia

Being a grampa is one of the the most wonderful things in the world!!!

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jack wills

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Does anyone remember what the Korean police
action was about....?
Right on Cam.
Them Jews get blamed for everything.


Jack Wills
Studio Design Works
1465 E.Hidalgo Circle
Nye Beach / Newport, OR

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Adrienne Pereira
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I miss Sarah too...met her in Boise (just so happens I'm wearing my Boise meet shirt today) even though we are totally on opposite ends politically, we hit it off and chatted till 3am...she's quite a remarkable lady.....I hope she's well and happy.


Adrienne Pereira
Splash Signs

Port Angeles, WA
"Sure, it's colder in the Northwest, but...it's a damp cold!"


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Deb Fowler

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I about jumped out of my seat when I saw Sarah's post. Then, I realized it was four years old. She is an interesting lady, and a cat lover, I believe, it was her that sent me a pic of all her fabulous loving kitties. She has children and spends a lot of time with them also.
She is an amazing person and is deep seated in her beliefs. I miss her and other letterheads. Maybe you could find her through the local humane society in her town. [Smile]

Deb Fowler

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible - Walt Disney (1901-1966)

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Doug Allan

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Originally posted by Steve Shortreed:
...Who's got a phone number or e-mail for Edna. Let's surprise a few of those MIA with a note or phone call.

I saw Steve's post the other day & remembered a guy who hasn't been around since almost as long as this post. He & I banged heads on a few threads & I felt bad about being as inflamatory in expressing my views as I have been known to be when he decided he'd had enough here.

Inspired by Steve's comments, I went & found a few clues searching here... & a few more through google & was able to get an email address for him & send him a link to this thread along with an apology.

He was very surprised but accepted my apology, said I made his day.. & returned an apology my way. I wasn't sure how my olive branch would go over, but when I got his reply... well it made my day too (which I let him know along with accepting his apology)

Anyway, I thought that was worth mentioning.

Doug Allan

"you get what you settle for"

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