Huumm... my supplier doesn't have my color in bulletin paint, only in lettering enamel... (One Shot). I need to paint MDO. They 'think' it will work just fine, but they aren't sure. Has anyone used lettering enamel to paint a 2' x 7' piece of MDO? How did it work? Thanks! Posted by Raymond Chapman (Member # 361) on :
It will work just fine. The main difference between bulletin enamel and lettering enamel is the amount and quality of pigment. You should get a finish that will not chalk or fade as quickly as bulletin enamel, plus it will probably be a little slicker.
Don't you just love suppliers that have no idea what they are selling?
Posted by ScooterX (Member # 2023) on :
yes, Bulletin Enamel is just an "economy grade" of lettering enamel. its designed to save you some money when painting really large things. anything that Bulletin paints can do, lettering enamels will do better. (that's why you pay the premium price for lettering enamels). also, bulletin enamels come in quarts and gallons, whereas lettering paints come in 1/4 pt, 1/2 pint, pint and quarts. (yes, they make it in gallons too, but i don't know anybody who stocks the quarts -- seems to be a special order item).
Posted by Pat Foley (Member # 2683) on :
Thank you kind gentlemen for sharing your knowledge. Not only do I love the suppliers that haven't clue what they're selling, I love it when I get to them how much they're selling it for! Seems the data entry person fell asleep or something as double faced substrates were selling for the same price as single faced!