I have an idea. What about someone starting a "Supply of the Month" on the first of each month? Your chance within one post to tell us a special product you have spotlighted, why, how it works, our benefits using it, perhaps a special introductory price for that month, etc? I've always wanted to see something like this come to life here. I personally need reminders that you're hiding out there.
Another thought... "Supplier of the Month". Submit your info for the free blurp on the main or this bb, and at random someone gets drawn and posted by Steve?? It would help us get to know you on a more personal level. (sorry if bad idea Steve, just a thought)
Just some thoughts from someone too busy to weed through lots of posts and websites myself. There's gotta be others out there like me!
What do you think?
[ January 05, 2002: Message edited by: Donna in BC ]