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Posted by Rick Stemmler (Member # 3302) on :
Here is a logo I just completed for a Disc Jockey that rents & sells audio equipment. His main business is called Audio Works, but he DJ's events under the name Spin CiDy - Get it "Spin CD" but it's Spin City. Oh you just have to love clever ideas that clients come up with. Before he had plain helvetica bold condensed. Tell me what you think.

The logo will be used for business cards, phone directory adds, Wall Sign, & Banner/Table Runner

Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
I like it Rick!

I'd just tighten the kerning between the S and P and I.

Great job!
Posted by Suelynn Sedor (Member # 442) on :
Cool! I like it Rick.

Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
It Werks Rick.

nice concept and design.
Posted by Scot Reedy (Member # 3297) on :
Are they using this in all of thier advertising.

Because the cd could get costly printing it in full color (cmyk) and producing the rest in spot. If you removed the rainbow parts of the or replaced the color with your spots it would make it a little easier on the customers pocket when it comes print time.

Unless you plan on producing the whole logo in (cmyk) but then your red and blue may lose thier punch.

The design looks awsome!
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
Very nice work.
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Nice ~clean ~easy to read and fun! [Cool]
Posted by Jon Aston (Member # 1725) on :
Beauty, eh!

Vey nice work, indeed.

The questions raised by Scot Reedy are very valid concerns for your customer and worth discussing with them.
Posted by Rick Stemmler (Member # 3302) on :
The logo had not been presented to customer when I posted it. I adjusted the kerning on "SPIN" and coverted the cd to greyscale for easier print production. I will keep the colors in the cd for their signage & banners.

The client loved it.

Thanks for all the feedback and helpful tips
Posted by Scot Reedy (Member # 3297) on :
Glad we could help. It was a very good design I am sure the customer loved it.

Did you charge by the hour for the design or a set rate?
Posted by Rick Stemmler (Member # 3302) on :
I told the client what was involved in cost and time creating a logo. I told him that it will cost $300. I required a non-refundable $150 downpayment for the logo design. The other $150 will be included as an itemized charge on his sign package.

The client knew all of this upfront before he signed a contract and wrote a check.

He is happy with the results.
Posted by Tim Wilcox (Member # 3321) on :
The logo looks great....i like the website also....i recognized alot of the signs in the gallery. Keep up the good work. By the way.. what bar is it you have pictured in the gallery.. maybe we could meet for a beer....this is of course if you're

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