I know the spacing in LIGHT INDUSTRIAL is a little tight and I will fix that, but I think the customer will be happy with the sign when I'm through.
[ July 30, 2002, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: Nevman ]
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
Nicely done layout and coloring Pat. Its great to take a sign like this (real estate) and add flair and creativity to it. Good job.
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
I like it!
Posted by Robb Lowe (Member # 2121) on :
Looks good, I like it (and I usually never like serif fonts!). What program are you exporting from to get that gif? You might try exporting as a jpg next time. Gif's are traditionally better looking for solid colors, but some programs just dont export them well. I usually use jpg out of corel myself, as the results are usually clearer (IMHO).
Nice choice of layout and colors. I just went through the same hell of trying to come up with something unique for a mundane 'FOR SALE' sign. Good'un!
Posted by Carl Wood (Member # 1223) on :
Nice job. specially like how the phone #'s show up good at the bottom - you gonna do it all in vinyl? Maybe try "Vibrant Green" Avery for the green parts? Carl W.
Posted by Nevman (Member # 332) on :
Thanks for the nice comments.
Robb, I'm exporting from Signlab 4.95 as an AI, impoting that to Corel 9, then exporting the file as a GIF. I was under the impression that text-type file should be exported as GIF's and photographic type files should go out as JPG's. I very well may be wrong and I know that there are a lot of people out there who know a heck of a lot more than I do about this stuff!
Carl, I don't have any green in the sign ??!! This is for an upscale site and the client wanted it "professional looking". It's actually supposed to be imitation gold. I would paint the whole panel gold, then paint the warm red panel, reverse cut the black panel out of vinyl so the gold shows through and the rest would be vinyl.
I'm doing a little test here so bear with me...
This is the GIF...
This is the same file exported as a JPG...
BTW - the customer wanted to lose the red panel, add a phone number and down-play the FOR SALE.
Here's the final - unfortunately...
[ August 01, 2002, 08:59 AM: Message edited by: Nevman ]
Posted by Robb Lowe (Member # 2121) on :
Nev & all,
I'll share my secret for clear web-friendly pictures, regardless of your creation program.
Once you've got your design, zoom to full screen, or as large as possible. Then just hit the "Print Screen" key on your keyboard.
Open up a blank document in Corel Draw or Photoshop (or Vueprint, my most used program - www.hamrick.com), choose paste or do a CTRL+V, and there you have a perfect 96dpi (windows is 96dpi,off-brand computers are 72dpi) shot of your work. Now crop it down (powerclips work well in Corel) and export or save as a jpg - voila!
Again I say, this is for a quick-n-dirty solution, or, for a program that doesnt export to jpg/gif very well.