After getting some pointers by some of the folks on how to prepare files for edge printing, this is what I ended up with. My friend Kenneth Scott did the printing for me. I am very pleased. Posted by Chuck Gallagher (Member # 69) on :
That's awesome John! You do great work!
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Cool John! You are one talented sign dude.
Posted by Eric Barker (Member # 2972) on :
Very nice John! I was wondering how "chrome" would look on an Edge print. It looks great. Photoshop and Eye Candy? Keep up the good work!
Posted by Brian Snyder (Member # 41) on :
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
A bang up job!
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Nicely done, John!
Did you run into any difficulties along the way?
Posted by pcbytes (Member # 1444) on :
Could You explain how the chrome was done?
Very nice sign by the way.
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
Thanks everyone! Nope, no problems Glenn. Saved the layout as a tiff file at 108 dpi and exact size, burned it on a cd and took it to Kenneth. The layout was done in illustrator, and then each piece was saved as an eps file, and placed seperately in photoshop. I applied the effects with eye candy 4000. When you are in photoshop, at least on my computer, the chrome is only available in rgb mode. When I wanted to apply the effects of chrome on the words, I changed over to rgb mode to do that, then converted back to cmyk for saving. Sometimes you have color changes when doing this, but on this particular one, it didnt happen. It printed out exactly as I saw it onscreen. Thanks go to Kenneth Scott for a great job of printing it for me. He's only had his edge II for about a month, but already he's pretty familiar with the workings of it. Thanks again everyone. Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Next time, don't waste changing from RGB to CMYK.
RGB has a larger color gamut and will produce a smaller file size. Changing to CMYK won't provide any additional benefit. Its one of the confusing wonders of digital printing.
Anyhow, you did a terrific job. Posted by Amy Brown (Member # 1963) on :
That is really nice. I wish I still had access to the Edge. But I am sure my parents are happier not working there any longer!
Nice design and I am sure your friend has done well with the Edge settings! Thanks for sharing!
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
Great Job John! Two thumbs Up! The Edge is really a lot of fun to work with isn't it.
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Hats off to you John! You got us drooling here in Fergus, Ontario.
Posted by Jon Aston (Member # 1725) on :
That is really awesome, John!
I don't find most of those "prism" letter styles very convincing but yours literally looks 3-D in that photo. Very, very impressive work! Thanks for sharing.
Posted by Jackson Smart (Member # 187) on :