Around 11:16am PST, there was a pretty substantial earthquake about halfway between LA and San Francisco near San Simeon, the home of Hearst Castle. They are saying it was 6.5 on the richter scale.
According to the news, it was felt in downtown LA. We are far enough east that we didn't feel it at all.
Everybody okay over there?
Posted by Delzell (Member # 1965) on :
Thanks for letting us know. I have an aunt and a cousin in California.
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Good, I hope it all falls into the freakin ocean along with the Fag Five from that Queer Eye for a Straight Guy show
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
Hey Joey...Tell us how you REALLY feel! LOL
Posted by Delzell (Member # 1965) on :
He just wants to be loved.....and he is reverting to his childhood? Be bad and get a hug?
Posted by Rick Chavez (Member # 2146) on :
I felt here at work in Pasadena, I'm on the 2nd floor of an old brick building that was built around 1905, so it was a little hairy..........
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
The latest reports are that 3 people have died.
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
I keep telling Lyn that if we wait long enough the west side of our property will eventually become beach front. Patience...... patience.........
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
I'm waiting for the day my 40 acre parcel becomes oceanfront property too.. it's tripled in value the past 4 years, I'd love to see what it would do when Cali finally snaps off and floats away.
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
I'm in LA visiting and sorry to say that I didn't feel a thing. I heard that around San Louis Obispo there were counters rolling in a mall.
I have a birthday party to attend tonight and tomorrow get to head home, otherwise, I'd love to rent "LA Story" to watch tonight.
Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
Yeah I was in my puter room when it started to rumble, at first I thought it was my washing machine skaking up the place but it had already stopped, then I knew it what it was. I just stood still and waited for the aftershocks, another little rumble but nothin tofreak out about, not that it couldn't be like the 1906 quake in Frisco, but if it's your time it's your time, nothin you can do about it. Far as it falling into the ocean, nah I doubt it very seriously any of us living right now will get to see that. So if you want beach front property you're going to have to go to the beach Other than that I haven't heard of any serious damage around my area. I did hear about San Simeon having some damage
Posted by Alicia B. Jennings (Member # 1272) on :
I really like earthquakes when I am outside in a safe place. They feel like a roller coaster ride, but your just standing up! All the buildings and tall stuctures to for a ride too. Pretty cool to see.
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
No disrepect to those who have died, been hurt or lost their home in one but I kind of like them! Keep you feeling alive and alert out here.
Only one has really bothered me and that was right after we moved down here. It was around midnight so it woke me out of a dead sleep and I looked up and all I could see was the huge glass window right over our bed. I jumped up and moved to the end of the bed and grabbed my husband. He's trying to pry my hands off saying, I have to go check on Sam (she was 4 at the time). All was well that night but it was a while before I went back to sleep.
Posted by mike meyer (Member # 542) on :
When I was in San Francisco in October, I was hoping for an Earthquake....the closest I came was a tourist trap make to look like an earthquake had hit....some funky t-shirt place by pier 39. I think being in one would be awesome (of course coming out of it ALIVE would be fun too!)
The closest we get to an earthquake here in Minnesota is on Saturday afternoon's when the Euchre Tournaments are going on in the bars alot of people slam their hand down when they "Go Alone" or on Sunday's when the Polka Bands play the earth kinda moves alot with the dancing yah, ya know.