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Posted by Jake Lyman (Member # 3280) on :
This guy dropped off a disk that had some clip art that he wanted on a sign. When I opened the disk to look at it I didn't know what he named the file. All the files were jpegs and had numbers, so I started looking at them to find the clip-art and found they were all of topless girls. I was wondering if this has ever happened before to anyone and what did you do?

Posted by Mark Smith (Member # 298) on :
That is going to be one VERY embarassed customer! I think I'd tell them they gave me the wrong disk and give it back to them. As long as the stuff on there isn't illegal I'd leave it at that.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
awww, come on... live a little... make him a nice sign (or at least a proof) with his wife's (?) graphic embellishments in place of any clip-art. Just keep your best niave & ignorant expression on your face & watch the fun [Smile]
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
I may cause trouble, but I recall our mayor here telling a similar, quite a humorous story.
I'll let him tell it if he wants [Wink]

Havin' fun,

Posted by Rick Chavez (Member # 2146) on :
Without seeing these jpegs I can't really answer your question [Wink]
Posted by Bill Diaz (Member # 2549) on :
Posted by Tony McDonald (Member # 1158) on :
Ya jus' gotta love the perks.

Just call him up and say something like....."I still need that disc with the artwork, the one you brought is just a bunch of neckid' chicks"

He'll probaly say something like "dern kids puttin that crap on my disc"
Posted by Steve Barba (Member # 431) on :
That has not happened to me before, but in my proffesional, (and highly regarded), opinion, I would copy the files.
Posted by Glenn S. Harris (Member # 2190) on :
You should hear the stories my little hacker computer tech guy tells me.

You think you've cleared everything off your harddrive?

Think again.
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Checkers, I was on the phone with another 'head today and he told me about this thread. My 1st thought was about the McDonalds story Steve tells. [Smile]

I've never had this happen to me, but then again, topless girls do nothing for me. [Razz]
Posted by Jake Lyman (Member # 3280) on :
The customer came and got the signs today. He made a couple comments about he ex-girlfriend. I had a tough time keeping a straight face. any way the contents are fore sale at www. well just kiddin i threw it in the trash and will leave it at that.
Posted by Mike Kelly (Member # 2037) on :
ahhhh..........Jake...ahhhh........I'll be over first thing in the morning.....ahhhh......I think I left one of my disks there the other day. [Embarrassed]
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
as long as they werent of your wife...or girlfreind......pass em round....hahahahahahahahaha
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
Hey, Jake...

I think OP is waiting for the ever popular "check your email" on this one. [Smile]

Make sure someone gets a video or least a couple of pics while you are "dumpster spelunking". HAHAHAHAHA [Big Grin]

Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
hey Spud those pictures where of you?

You little tramp you, you ought ot be ashamed! [Razz]
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Browser fart~

[ December 17, 2003, 07:38 AM: Message edited by: Bob Rochon ]
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Mouse stutter~

[ December 17, 2003, 07:41 AM: Message edited by: Bob Rochon ]
Posted by Joe Endicott (Member # 628) on :
We had this happen once. But is wasn't the wrong disk. The logo info was there along with, let's say....some interesting pet care techniques.
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
So were they photos or line art? Quit being stingy man, pass that stuff around. [Smile]

I've had customers send me adult artwork before but they weren't the wrong files, they were sending it because everybody else they asked was too stuffy or had a hang-up about doing the artwork.
Posted by Delzell (Member # 1965) on :
Give it to Mikey, he will do anything! [Big Grin]
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
OUCH! Deb! [Eek!]
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
When he came to pick up his signs, did you thank him for the early Christmas present?
Posted by Mike Kelly (Member # 2037) on :
Well now........I just got back from dumpster diving over at Lyman Signs..........I was looking for a disk that I forgot there.......and ahhhh....I found some other interesting "stuff".......Jake.....we need to sit down and have a talk, Dude, are one sick man.

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