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Posted by Philip Steffen (Member # 2235) on :
I have a vinyl siding guy who wants a "plastic" sign made, 2ft x3ft, made of PVC layers for depth; 1/2" thick background, foreground is 2" smaller all around is 1/4"thick and then 1/8" raised text on top of that. It is Sintra PVC. SO....the question is what to glue the PVC panels and letters together with? Do I just use regular PVC glue like on drain pipes? Do I need to prime the surface fisrt with PVC primer? Anyones first hand experience would be greatly appreciated. 2nd hand is okay to, but 3rd or 4th is right out. Thanks! Phil.
Posted by Nevman (Member # 332) on :
We have used both PVC glue as well as 100% Silicone. Both seem to work okay.

They now sell PVC glue in a tube. Much easier to use than the can with the ball thingy applicator.

Good Luck...
Posted by Paul Luszcz (Member # 4042) on :
PVC cement designed for sheets works great. The type designed for pipe doesn't.

Both types are available at local hardware or plumbing stores (ie: Home Depot).
Posted by Troy Haas (Member # 472) on :
I have used the regular PVC glue many times with sheet PVC.
Yes, you do need to use the primer, and make sure it is clean before hand. Also, if it is a larger piece I will scuff (lightly) both pieces just to give it more "tooth".

I layered a panel last year for Kathy Joiner that was made with PVC sheet. I"ll post a pic if I can figure out how, been too long.

Hope this helps
Posted by ScooterX (Member # 2023) on :
well, there you go...
1. yes, use the regular stuff with no primer.
2. yes, but use the primer first.
3. no, use a different glue.

which one is right?
Posted by Joe Endicott (Member # 628) on :
We have used Weld-on #16 Clear Thickened Cement for Acrylic Sheet on PVC for several years, and haven't had a problem. It's in a tube, so it's much easier to deal with than the ball on a stick.

We have used the regular can with the ball when we need to cover larger area at once.
Posted by Jean Shimp (Member # 198) on :
We use GE silicone adhesive. Scuff both sides to be mated with 40 grit sandpaper, clean and squeeze a generous bead of silicone all over one surface. Add some weight to the top of the pieces to hold them together and let cure for 24 hours.
Posted by Jeff Ogden (Member # 3184) on :
I have tried several methods, and keep going back to the silicone, It's just easier to work with and seems to store better. I have noticed, however, that when laminating 1/8" pvc to another flat piece, that the surface will show ridges where the silicone beads are, so I have been making it a point to spread it evenly with a squeegee to avoid that look. But beads work just fine on the thicker stuff.....

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