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Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
Here in British Columbia we have to rely on our ferry system to travel to Vancouver Island. The system is usually quite remarkable... a hour and a half on huge boats that carry up to 400 automobiles plus all the passengers.

When we lived on the Island (18 years) it was an expensive but necessary journey we routinely did.

Now that we've lived on the mainland once again for the last few years the memories of riding that huge tub have faded quickly. I don't miss it one bit!

But we currently have a client and major project on Vancouver Island which will keep us on the boats pretty regular for the next 5 months or so.

Generally it's not a problem and the expense and travel time is bid into the job.

But this week the ferry workers decided to go on strike, leaving no way to get an auto to and from the Island. There were two days of total kaos, off again, on again ferry service, huge lines and very irate travellers - I put off my necessary trip to the Island as long as I dared and kept in touch with my client.

The workers were legislated back to work late yesterday making the ferry service operational once again. I phoned my client to set up the long awaited trip to consult on the rapidly progressing worksite. I would arrive tomorrow morning early to make the necessary decisions and layouts for the project.

But at noon today the workers decided they WERE NOT going to be FORCED back to work. So this time the ferry service is stopped entirely, and indefinitely.

My client is now panicking as there is expensive equipment idling on the site waiting for my arrival...

I believe the whole mess will be sorted out in the fairly near future, probably by Monday at the latest but I couldn't afford to keep my client on the hook any longer.

It was time to spend a whole bunch of time on the phone to make air travel arrangements over to the Island. Luckily I was able to secure some tickets for tomorrow at fairly convenient times and at a reasonable cost, considering that everyone else is in the same boat (or rather without the same boat)

Just to complicate matters, I decided to renew my drivers license today as we had moved and it expires on my birthday which comes up soon. They issue a temporary licence until the permanent one comes via the mail service. Problem is, until then I carry no photo ID. It never occurred to me until after I had made my plane reservations this evening. My passport is in the bank safety deposit box and is not available until long after I have to leave for the airport in the wee hours of the morning. It may be a fun time tomorrow as I try to board the plane. [Smile]

It just might be a very looooong day tomorrow!

Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
You've answered any questions I had about your island job and how you were getting there! I was wondering about you when I heard about all the strikes.

I hope the flight and weekend go well for you! Keep us posted!
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
If I had your money, I'd buy a boat [Smile]
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
A boat? Sounds like Joey is picking up our Canadian accent.
[Roll Eyes]
Posted by Tim (Member # 1699) on :
I feel your pain Dan! And as a resident of the sunshine coast, we have no other alternatives than being held ransom by the ferry workers and their union when it comes to these disputes. I'm quite tired of it, this is our highway!

Problem is, I don't think there are enough of us for it to matter to them and make a difference in getting this thing solved. Amazing how a union can hold us hostage from this vital link, as a business by not easily getting materials shipped here, or by personal means and being cut of from neccessary medical services and the like that can't be found here.

Yeah ok, you can tell I'm pro management, and dislike unions and their grip they hold on their employers, and the trickle-down that effects us from lack of these services. So maybe its time to get tough right back at them! You cut off our highway, we'll cut off yours.

Wouldn't it make quite the statement if several hundred of us got together in Horseshoe Bay and blocked the highway between Vancouver and Whistler! Lets see what mainland folks think about that having their only link disrupted. Should get a good reaction at this time of year with the ski season in full thrust!

But I doubt anybody would have the balls to do it!

Oh well, till then, I'm stuck here.....
Posted by Mark Sheflo (Member # 3608) on :
Not much help for this trip, but if that strike goes on for a bit you might want to consider coming south and then catching a boat to the island. Just a couple of hours south of Vancouver, turn right and catch the Washington State Ferries boat from Anacortes to Sidney. a nice ride, great views, but a smaller boat as well (arrive EARLY!). Hope your meeting goes well!

Posted by mike meyer (Member # 542) on :
a boat or a Bong?
Posted by Mark Yearwood (Member # 2723) on :
have you considered finding a local pilot with a small plane to fly you around to jobsites?
Make it known that the client pays for the plane or add it in to your bid.

I would think that would be the hassle-free way to go in your case.
Just line up the pilot, throw in your bag and go.

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