Been awhile since you've defragged (sp?) your system? Go through your backups and temporary files, delete them, then defrag tonite after work. See if it doesn't make a difference for speed tomorrow!
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Hey Donna!!!! I am going to do that to one computer right now and will do the other when I head to bed tonight. THANKS for the reminder!!!!!!!! Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
An hour and a half later, I have backed up all my work files to the removable HD.
Copied that backup to the laptop.
Defragged the laptop.
Burned a copy of the sign files to Cd's to go to the safety deposit box at the bank to replace the ones that I put there in the spring.
Later I'll defrag the desktop!!!
Whew!!!!! What a lot of REALLY HARD WORK!!
[ December 09, 2003, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: Dave Grundy ]
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
Found over 26,000 junk and temp files and that was just on my secondary computer. Taking up over 206mb of space.
I just defragged my new computer but I need to do my laptop. Thanks for the reminder.
Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
Smokes Dave, you took this goal to the hilt! Good for you! I like the idea of the safety deposit box.
Kimberly, that's alot of files sitting stagnant! Hope you have new speedy computers tomorrow!